6 research outputs found

    MOESM4 of Reproducible proteomics sample preparation for single FFPE tissue slices using acid-labile surfactant and direct trypsinization

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    Additional file 4. Proteome overlaps and Pearson correlation coefficients between all DTR and FASP replicates. (A) Percent of shared proteins between all replicates. (B) Pearson correlation coefficients of LFQ intensities between all replicates

    MOESM2 of Proteomic distinction of renal oncocytomas and chromophobe renal cell carcinomas

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    Additional file 2: Table S2. Overview of the > 2400 proteins were identified (false-discovery rate < 1%) and quantified in at least four RO and four chRCC samples

    MOESM5 of Reproducible proteomics sample preparation for single FFPE tissue slices using acid-labile surfactant and direct trypsinization

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    Additional file 5. Distribution of LFQ intensities for the differently stained tissues processed with the DTR protocol. Distribution of log2 transformed LFQ intensities for all replicates stained with H&E (purple), hematoxylin (blue), hemalaun (pink) or unstained (white)

    MOESM1 of Reproducible proteomics sample preparation for single FFPE tissue slices using acid-labile surfactant and direct trypsinization

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    Additional file 1. Shared proteins between the replicates and peptide numbers per protein. (A) Overlap between identified proteins. (B) Frequency of shared proteins between the replicates. (C) Average peptide numbers for each protocol and proteins depending on their appearance in multiple replicates

    MOESM3 of Reproducible proteomics sample preparation for single FFPE tissue slices using acid-labile surfactant and direct trypsinization

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    Additional file 3. Distribution of LFQ intensities for the DTR and FASP protocols. Log2 transformed LFQ intensity distribution depicted for all replicates with DTR in black, FASP 10 k in dark grey and FASP 30 k in light grey