121 research outputs found

    EPG simulated curve for T2 = 50ms, T1 = 3000ms, ESP = 20, ETL = 24, and FA = 120Β°.

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    <p>Fig <b>2</b>A illustrates the difference (blue solid line) between the curve simulated at 120Β° (black dashed line) an optimal 180Β° pulse (red solid line). Fig <b>2</b>B illustrates the envelope (black lines) calculated from the odd and even echoes of the signal (blue line).</p

    Determined offset values for different FAs for method 2 (top row) and method 4 (bottom row).

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    <p>Distributions remain relatively similar with decreasing values as FA tends to 180Β°. Note the decreasing offset with increasing FA.</p

    Bilateral fMRI activation of the auditory cortex including posterior duplications.

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    <p>Group BOLD activations of WS subjects in response to auditory stimulation are projected onto one individual WS brain in (<b>a</b>) sagittal, (<b>b</b>) coronal and (<b>c</b>) transverse planes. The cross line depicts the position of left HG. (<b>d</b>) Group BOLD-activations and MEG dipoles are projected onto an individual AC surface mesh. (Aβ€Š=β€Š anterior, Pβ€Š=β€Š posterior, Rβ€Š=β€Š right, Lβ€Š=β€Š left).</p

    Relative S<sub>0</sub> deviation, dS<sub>0</sub> (in %), for methods 1–4 corresponding to rows 1–4 respectively.

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    <p>Closer approximations with little difference are seen for both equations with the first point excluded from the fit. Please note that the scales of dS<sub>0</sub> are not uniform and therefore provide maximum dynamic range for the different ETL and ESP.</p

    Illustration of a EPG derived curve with an FA of 120Β° (x) and correct 180Β° FA (line) for a T2 = 100ms, T1 = 3000ms, ESP = 20ms and ETL of 24.

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    <p>It can be seen that due to the incorrect FA the first echo point is lower than that of the second and the signal seems to oscillate between odd and even echoes.</p

    Increased gyrification of the auditory cortex in WS.

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    <p>Individual segmentation reveals distinct morphology of right (red) and left (blue) auditory cortex (AC) of WS subjects. In comparison, representative AC examples of one holistic listener (C<sub>H</sub>) and one spectral listener (C<sub>SP</sub>) of the control group are depicted. Lateral pitch sensitive regions of the HG are highlighted and complete posterior duplications are marked (D), if present. The position of the anterior commissure is indicated as a black line. Sulcus intermedius (*); medial duplication (+).</p

    Relative T2 deviation, dT2 (in %), for method 1 (first row), method 2 (second row), method 3 (third row) and method 4 (forth row).

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    <p>These results are presented for 3 different FA. It is seen that T2 becomes longer as the FA decreases. Closer approximation to the actual T2 are seen when <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0145255#pone.0145255.e002" target="_blank">Eq 2</a> is used and the first point is excluded. Please note that the scales of dT2 are not uniform provide maximum dynamic range for the different ETL and ESP.</p

    Increased gray matter volume of the auditory cortex and higher incidence of posterior duplications in WS subjects.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Averaged individual AC landmarks and MEG dipoles (filled circles) (<b>b</b>) Probability maps of HG including local duplications anterior to the first complete Heschl's sulcus. The number of overlapping voxels is color coded, <i>i.e.</i> red means that >80% of the brains overlapped in this voxel. (<b>a,b</b>) Plots in xy-Talairach (TAL) stereotaxic coordinates. (<b>c</b>) Morphometry of whole brain (B, light grey), grey matter (GM, medium grey), left HG (blue) and right HG (red) before and after normalization. ACPCβ€Š=β€Š plane of anterior and posterior commissure; aβ€Š=β€Š anterior; pβ€Š=β€Š posterior; rβ€Š=β€Š right; lβ€Š=β€Š left; aSTGβ€Š=β€Š anterior supratemporal gyrus; HGβ€Š=β€Š Heschl's Gyrus; Dβ€Š=β€Š complete posterior HG duplication; PTβ€Š=β€Š planum temporale; Bβ€Š=β€Š total brain volume; GMβ€Š=β€Š gray matter.</p

    Example of the signal decay curves of the phantom measurements for a defined pixel (shown by the cross section of the lines): Curves are shown for the single spin echo sequence (top right) and the MSE sequences for different FAs (bottom row).

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    <p>The X-axis represents TE and y-axis the signal (x 10<sup>6</sup> a.u). It can be noticed that as the FA reduces the first point, in particular, deviates from the expected exponential decay curve. The variation of the refocusing FA was performed by variation of the FA in the sequence protocol. The actual FA at the respective position might even differ from this value due to B1 inhomogeneities and imperfect slice profiles.</p

    Demographic and psychoacoustic data.

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    <p>Sound perception: Index Ξ΄β€Š=β€Š (<i>SP</i> - <i>H</i>)/(<i>SP</i>+<i>H</i>) according to the number of perceived holistic (<i>H</i>) and spectral (<i>SP</i>) items of the sound perception test <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0012326#pone.0012326-Schneider1" target="_blank">[1]</a>. Age (years), musical expertise (hours of training per day) and sound perception index (Ξ΄) are presented as mean Β± standard error (s.e.m.). ANOVA: <i>p-</i>value of WS vs. control group of spectral listeners (C<i><sub>SP</sub></i>) and WS vs. control group of holistic listeners (C<i><sub>H</sub></i>).</p
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