66 research outputs found

    Updated Red List of bryophytes of Slovenia

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    Based on floristic data and applied taxonomy there are currently 813 species and subspecies in Slovenia – 638 mosses, 173 liverworts and 2 hornworts. Based on the IUCN 3.1 criteria, which we applied to bryophytes following Hallingbäck et al. (1998), there are 164 species (20.17%) listed under threatened categories, of which 121 (18.97%) are mosses and 43 (24.57%) are liverworts; 7 of them (0.86%) are in the CR category, 83 (10.21%) in the EN category and 74 (9.10%)are listed under the VU category. There are 23 species (2.83%) in the near threatened (NT) category, while 163 species (20.05%) are data deficient (DD). The Least Concern (LC) category currently comprises 463 (56.95%) species


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    The authors discuss the vegetational status of the Carex rostrata species in Slovenia, which presents a certain amount of problems also in other parts of Middle Europe. Based on the floristic inventory, the relevés with species Carex rostrata were classified into four different classes. The most frequent are the relevés made on rich minerotrophic fens in the montane zone. Belonging to the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae they were classified into the association Caricetum rostratae Osvald 1923 em. Dierssen 1982. Relevés of the second group were made on high bogs in the montane zone. Carex rostrata thrives in ombrotrophic conditions, on acidic peat ground, with some Sphagnum species and other ombrotrophic species. These relevés undoubtedly belong to the class Oxycocco-Sphagnetea and are classified into association Carici rostratae-Sphagnetum. In the lower altitudes of Slovenia, on marshy eutrophic grounds in relevés, there prevail character species of the class Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea. This group of relevés was classified into the association Galio palustris-Caricetum rostratae ass. nov. Species Carex rostrata also thrives on mesotrophic wet meadows with prevailing character species from the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, order Molinietalia, but due to low coverage Carex rostrata is not a dominant species there.Avtorja obravnavata vegetacijsko problematiko vrste Carex rostrata v Sloveniji, ki povzroča, tako kot v drugih predelih srednje Evrope, precejšnje težave. Na podlagi floristične sestave lahko uvrstimo popise v štiri vegetacijske razrede. Najpogostejši so popisi iz montanskega pasu, napravljeni v mineralno bogatih nizkih barjih. Uvrstili smo jih v razred Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae in v združbo Caricetum rostratae Osvald 1923 em. Dierssen 1982. Druga skupina popisov je bila napravljena na nekaterih visokih barjih v montanskem pasu. Vrsta Carex rostrata uspeva v ombrotrofnih razmerah, na močno zakisani šotni podlagi, skupaj z različnimi vrstami iz rodu Sphagnum in pretežno ombrotrofnimi vrstami. Ti popisi nedvomno spadajo v razred Oxycocco-Sphagnetea, opredelili pa smo jih kot samostojno združbo Carici rostratae-Sphagnetum. V nižinskih predelih, v evtrofnih močvirjih, prevladujejo v popisih vrste razreda Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea. Te popise uvrščamo v asociacijo Galio palustris-Caricetum rostratae ass. nova. Vrsta Carex rostrata pa uspeva tudi na mezotrofnih mokrotnih travnikih, ki po floristični sestavi spadajo v razred Molinio-Arrhenatheretea oziroma v red Molinietalia, vendar je njena pokrovnost nizka in ni dominantna vrsta

    Plant communities of moist rock crevices with endemic Primula carniolica in the (sub)montane belt of western Slovenia

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    Based on our analysis of a large number of relevés of communities of moist rock crevices in western Slovenia (southern Julian Alps, northern part of the Trnovski Gozd Plateau) we described several new syntaxa with the endemic Primula carniolica. The most unique in terms of ecology is a hygrophilous chasmophytic community classified into the association Astrantio carniolicae-Primuletum carniolicae, which served, together with similar hygrophilous associations Astrantio carniolicae-Pinguiculetum alpinae and Campanulo cespitosae-Saxifragetum aizoidis, associations Phyteumato columnae-Primuletum carniolicae and Primulo carniolicae-Potentilletum clusianae, and the subassociation Primuletum carniolicae violetosum biflorae, as the basis for the description of the new suballiance Astrantio carniolicae-Paederotenion luteae within the alliance Physoplexido comosae-Saxifragion petraeae. The elevational range of chasmophytic communities with the Natura 2000 species Primula carniolica is 200 to 1460 m a.s.l. Chasmophytic species that most commonly accompany Primula carniolica include Orthothecium rufescens, Paederota lutea, Phyteuma schuechzeri subsp. columnae, Sesleria caerulea and Aster bellidiastrum

    Pestrost mahovnih vrst v gozdnih ekosistemih Slovenije (program intenzivnega spremljanje stanja gozdnih ekosistemov)

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    As part of the Intensive Monitoring Programme (IM) of Forest Ecosystems in Slovenia, the bryophyte flora and vegetation have been studied on 11 IM plots and 64 vegetation sub-plots (10*10 m). On the IM plots, high species diversityof bryophytes has been assessed. The total number of bryophytes was 109among them 82 species belonging to the mosses (Bryophyta) and 27 species to the liverworts (Marchantiophyta). The mean number per plot was 27 species, ranging from 13 species on the Brdo plot to 36 species on the Borovec and Draga plots. The most common moss species are Hypnum cupressiforme, Ctenidium molluscum, Tortella tortuosa, Brachythecium velutinum, Isothecium alopecuroides, Dicranum scoparium, Polytrichum formosum, Fissidens taxifolius,F. dubius (Bryophyta)and liverworts are Radula complanata, Chiloscyphus profundus, Plagiochila porelloides and Metzgeria furcata (Marchantiophyta). Regarding the substrate preference, the opportunistic species that inhabit very different substrates are prevalentand the second main group are bryophytes inhabiting wood material (epiphyte, epixylic species). Using multivariate techniques (cluster analysis, DCA), the bryophytes have proved to be valuable indicator of site conditions (bedrock, surface rockiness, soil type, micro- and regional climate, vegetation) and forest stand conditions (dominant tree species, dead wood).V okviru Programa za intenzivno spremljanje gozdnih ekosistemov oz. Intenzivnimonitoring (IM) v Sloveniji smo na 11 IM ploskvah in 64 pod-ploskvah(10*10 m) preučevali tudi mahovno floro in vegetacijo. Na IM ploskvah smo ugotovili veliko pestrost mahovnih vrst. Skupaj smo popisali 109 vrst, od katerih je bilo 82 listnatih mahov (Bryophyta) in 27 vrst jetrenjakov(Marchantiophyta). V povprečju smo našli 27 vrst na ploskev, v razponu med 13 vrstami na ploskvi Brdo in 36 vrstami na ploskvah Borovec in Draga. Med najpogosteje popisanimi listnatimi mahovi so Hypnum cupressiforme, Ctenidium molluscum, Tortella tortuosa, Brachythecium velutinum, Isothecium alopecuroides, Dicranum scoparium, Polytrichum formosum, Fissidens taxifolius,F. dubius, med jetrenjaki pa Radula complanata, Chiloscyphus profundus, Plagiochila porelloides in Metzgeria furcata. V pogledu vezanosti na določeno rastno podlago prevladujejo oportunistične vrste, ki rastejo na zelo različnih podlagah. Drugo večjo skupino sestavljajo mahovi, ki naseljujejo lesnate podlage (epifitne in epiksilne vrste). S pomočjo uporabe multivariatnih tehnik (klastrska analiza, DCA) smo dokazali, da so tudi mahovidober indikator rastiščnih razmer (geološka matična podlaga, površinska skalnatost, talni tip, mikro- in regionalna klima, vegetacija) in sestojnih razmer (prevladujoča drevesna vrsta, odmrli les)

    Plant communities with Carex frigida in the Julian Alps (northwestern Slovenia)

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    In already known localities in the Julian Alps (Mangart, Malo Polje, Zeleno Jezero, Blehe under Šoštar) and in several new ones (Loška Koritnica, Bavh, Spodnji Lepoč, Mlinarica, Konjska planina, Mali Babanski Skedenj) we inventoried the stands along the subalpine-alpine springs and spring areas where Carex frigida frequently occurs as the predominant vascular plant. We classified them into the following associations: Saxifrago aizoidis-Caricetum ferrugineae, Caricetum davallianae s. lat., Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae, Carici frigidae-Petasitetum albi (alliance Adenostylion alliariae) and Festuco nitidae-Caricetum frigidae (alliance Cratoneurion). The latter two were described as new. Based on comparisons with similar communities along mountain springs we deliberated on the most appropriate classification of the latter into higher syntaxonomic units

    Mahovna flora Smrekovškega pogorja (Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, Slovenija)

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    The study gives results on new bryophyte records of Smrekovško pogorje Mts. as well as the previous reports from the literature. In total 229 species are reported from the investigated region, 173 mosses and 56 liverworts. Among them 3 are reported for the first time for Slovenia (Sciuro-hypnum oedipodium, Calypogeia integristipula, Lophozia sudetica), 20 species are reported for the first time for the Kamniško-Savinjske Alps (Alpine phytogeographical region of Slovenia). 26 species are included in the national Red List and 4 species in the Red Data Book of European Bryophytes (ECCB 1995), in the rare (R) category: Scapania verrucosa, Brachythecium geheebii, Fissidens asplenioides and Paraleucobryum sauteri.V članku avtor podaja rezultate lastnih florističnih raziskovanj mahovne flore Smrekovškega pogorja, vključuje pa tudi podatke iz literature. Mahovna flora obsega 229 vrst, od tega 173 vrst listnatih mahov (Bryophyta) in 56 vrst jetrenjakov (Marchantiophyta). Med njimi so 3 vrste nove za Slovenijo (Sciuro-hypnum oedipodium, Calypogeia integristipula, Lophozia sudetica), 20 vrst pa je v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah (alpsko fitogeografsko območje) omenjeno prvič. Podana je tudi fitogeografska analiza. V Rdeči seznam ogrožene mahovne flore Slovenije je vključeno 26 vrst: 13 v kategoriji »redke«, 12 v kategoriji »ranljive« in 1 v kategoriji »ogrožene« – Sphagnum compactum. Na evropskem Rdečem seznamu (ECCB 1995) so 4 vrste: Scapania verrucosa, Brachythecium geheebii, Fissidens asplenioides in Paraleucobryum sauteri


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    In this paper author gives the results of his own bryological investigations of the phytogeographical subregion Karavanke (part of the Alpine phytogeographical region) as well as the previous reports from literature and unpublished data from LJU. In total 453 species are reported from the investigated subregion, 97 liverworts and 356 mosses. Among them 12 are reported for the first time for Slovenia (Cephalozia ambigua, Lophozia ascendens, Didymodon asperifolius, Dicranella crispa, Brachytheciastrum olympicum, Schistidium crassipilum, S. dupretii, S. elegantulum subsp. elegantulum, S. lancifolium, S. papillosum, S. robustum, S. trichodon var. trichodon), 94 species are reported for the first time for the Karavanke. 40 species are included in national Red List and 11 species in the Red Data Book of European Bryophytes (ECCB 1995).V članku avtor podaja rezultate lastnih florističnih raziskav mahovne flore fitogeografskega podobmočja Karavanke (del alpskega fitogeografskega območja), vključuje pa tudi podatke iz literature in neobjavljene podatke iz herbarija LJU. Mahovna flora obsega 453 vrst, od tega 97 vrst jetrenjakov (Marchantiopyta) in 356 vrst listnatih mahov (Bryophyta). Med njimi je 12 vrst novih za Slovenijo (Cephalozia ambigua, Lophozia ascendens, Didymodon asperifolius, Dicranella crispa, Brachytheciastrum olympicum, Schistidium crassipilum, S. dupretii, S. elegantulum subsp. elegantulum, S. lancifolium, S. papillosum, S. robustum, S. trichodon var. trichodon), 94 vrst pa je za fitogeografsko podobmočje omenjeno prvič. V Rdeči seznam ogrožene mahovne flore Slovenije je vključeno 40 vrst. Na evropskem Rdečem seznamu (ECCB 1995) je 11 vrst

    Snow-bed communities with dominant Salix herbacea in the Julian Alps

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    In the alpine belt of the Julian Alps (glacial cirque Na Jezerih under Mt. Veliki Rokav, Jarečica, the Mangart Saddle and Prodi under Mt. Mangart as well as Mt. Plešivec in the rock wall of Loška Stena) we studied the phytosociology and ecology of snow-bed vegetation with dominating flowering plants Salix herbaceae, Luzula alpinopilosa, Omalotheca supina, Soldanella pusilla and Salix retusa, and numerous moss species. Based on the comparison with similar snow-bed communities in the Central, Eastern and Southern Alps we described a new association Salicetum retuso-herbaceae and classified it into the alliance Salicion herbaceae and class Salicietea herbaceae. We determined several successional stages of snow-bed vegetation on mixed calcareous-silicate bedrock that we treat as variants, in two relevés also the initial association Polytrichetum sexangularis

    Bryophyte species diversity of forest ecosystems in Slovenia (intensive monitoring programe)

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    As part of the Intensive Monitoring Programme (IM) of Forest Ecosystems in Slovenia, the bryophyte flora and vegetation have been studied on 11 IM plots and 64 vegetation sub-plots (10*10 m). On the IM plots, high species diversityof bryophytes has been assessed. The total number of bryophytes was 109; among them 82 species belonging to the mosses (Bryophyta) and 27 species to the liverworts (Marchantiophyta). The mean number per plot was 27 species, ranging from 13 species on the Brdo plot to 36 species on the Borovec and Draga plots. The most common moss species are Hypnum cupressiforme, Ctenidium molluscum, Tortella tortuosa, Brachythecium velutinum, Isothecium alopecuroides, Dicranum scoparium, Polytrichum formosum, Fissidens taxifolius,F. dubius (Bryophyta); and liverworts are Radula complanata, Chiloscyphus profundus, Plagiochila porelloides and Metzgeria furcata (Marchantiophyta). Regarding the substrate preference, the opportunistic species that inhabit very different substrates are prevalent; and the second main group are bryophytes inhabiting wood material (epiphyte, epixylic species). Using multivariate techniques (cluster analysis, DCA), the bryophytes have proved to be valuable indicator of site conditions (bedrock, surface rockiness, soil type, micro- and regional climate, vegetation) and forest stand conditions (dominant tree species, dead wood)