3 research outputs found


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    The paper presents an overview of the role of the Križevci College of Agriculture within the professionally-oriented higher education and its contribution to sustainable and organic agriculture education. It gives a brief description of the past and present-day College focusing on its current agriculture study courses, i.e. the three-year professional courses (bachelor level), two-year specialist graduate professional course titled Sustainable and Organic Agriculture (master level) and specialist seminars as part of lifelong learning.Rad daje pregled uloge koju ima Visoko gospodarsko učilište u Križevcima u području stručnih studija za poljoprivredu u Hrvatskoj i doprinos visokoškolskom obrazovanju za održivu i ekološku poljoprivredu. U radu se također donosi kratki opis povijesnoga razvoja križevačkoga Učilišta i opis suvremenih studijskih programa na razini stručnog i specijalističkog diplomskog studija te specijalističkih seminara u sklopu cjeloživotnoga učenja

    Importance of knowledge of language for special purposes regarding mobility and employability of Križevci college of agriculture graduates

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    U ovom se radu sustavno istražuju stavovi studenata Visokoga gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima vezani uz važnost stranog jezika struke za mobilnost i zapošljivost. Prvi dio rada daje teoretsku podlogu istraživanju i definira strani jezik struke u kontekstu mobilnosti i zapošljivosti. U središnjem dijelu rada opisuje se istraživanje i analiza rezultata istraživanja provedenog metodom upitnika na populaciji ispitanika od 132 redovita studenta prve i druge godine Stručnog studija poljoprivrede. Većina studenata smatra kako je strani jezik kao kolegij potreban na Učilištu, te da će moduli iz stranog jezika koji su ponuđeni biti korisni u njihovom budućem zanimanju. Isto tako, većina njih smatra kako je znanje stranog jezika uvelike dobilo na značenju ulaskom Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, te da će njihovim budućim poslodavcima znanje stranog jezika biti važno prilikom njihovog zapošljavanja. Učenje stranih jezika trebalo bi biti sastavni dio obrazovanja na svim njegovim razinama, uključujući i visoko obrazovanje. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju ulazimo u krug jezične i kulturne raznolikosti, te će znanje stranog jezika biti izuzetno važno.This paper elaborates on attitudes of the students of Križevci College of Agriculture regarding the importance of language for special purposes for mobility and employability. The first part of the paper provides theoretical background for research and defines language for specific purposes in the context of mobility and employability. Central part of the paper describes research methods and analysis of research carried out on 132 full time students of Professional study programme of agriculture. Most students are of the opinion that foreign language is an important course subject and that such knowledge and skills will be useful in their future occupation. They also believe that foreign language knowledge became increasingly important with Croatian membership in the EU and that their future employers will favour those job candidates with better foreign language skills. Foreign languages should be an integral part of education at all levels, including the level of higher education. EU membership puts us in the circle of linguistic and cultural diversity and knowledge of foreign languages will become increasingly important