909 research outputs found

    Resonances from meson-meson scattering in U(3) CHPT

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    In this work, the complete one loop calculation of meson-meson scattering amplitudes within U(3)\otimes U(3) chiral perturbation theory with explicit resonance states is carried out for the first time. Partial waves are unitarized from the perturbative calculation employing a non-perturbative approach based on the N/D method. Once experimental data are reproduced in a satisfactory way we then study the resonance properties, such as the pole positions, corresponding residues and their N_C behaviors. The resulting N_C dependence is the first one in the literature that takes into account the fact that the \eta_1 becomes the ninth Goldstone boson in the chiral limit for large N_C. Within this scheme the vector resonances studied, \rho(770), K^*(892) and \phi(1020), follow an N_C trajectory in agreement with their standard \bar{q}q interpretation. The scalars f_0(1370), a_0(1450) and K^*(1430) also have for large N_C a \bar{q}q pole position trajectory and all of them tend to a bare octet of scalar resonances around 1.4 GeV. The f_0(980) tends asymptotically to the bare pole position of a singlet scalar resonance around 1 GeV. The \sigma, \kappa and a_0(980) scalar resonances have a very different N_C behavior. The case of the \sigma resonance is analyzed with special detail.Comment: 50 pages, 15 figures, 1 table. Enlarged version with more detail comparisons with previous results in the literature. To match with accepted version for publicatio

    Dispersion Relation Bounds for pi pi Scattering

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    Axiomatic principles such as analyticity, unitarity and crossing symmetry constrain the second derivative of the pi pi scattering amplitudes in some channels to be positive in a region of the Mandelstam plane. Since this region lies in the domain of validity of chiral perturbation theory, we can use these positivity conditions to bound linear combinations of \bar{l}_1 and \bar{l}_2. We compare our predictions with those derived previously in the literature using similar methods. We compute the one-loop pi pi scattering amplitude in the linear sigma model (LSM) using the MS-bar scheme, a result hitherto absent in the literature. The LSM values for \bar{l}_1 and \bar{l}_2 violate the bounds for small values of m_sigma/m_pi. We show how this can occur, while still being consistent with the axiomatic principles.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Two references added, a few minor changes. Published versio

    Visualizing genotype × phenotype relationships in the GAW15 simulated data

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    We have developed a graphical display tool called SIMLAPLOT for visualizing different ways in which continuous covariates may influence the genotype-specific risk for complex human diseases. The purpose of our study was to examine continuous covariates in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 simulated data set using our novel graphical display tool, with knowledge of the answers. The generated plots provide information about genetic models for the simulated continuous covariates and may help identify the single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the underlying quantitative trait loci

    Extension of multifactor dimensionality reduction for identifying multilocus effects in the GAW14 simulated data

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    The multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) is a model-free approach that can identify gene × gene or gene × environment effects in a case-control study. Here we explore several modifications of the MDR method. We extended MDR to provide model selection without crossvalidation, and use a chi-square statistic as an alternative to prediction error (PE). We also modified the permutation test to provide different levels of stringency. The extended MDR (EMDR) includes three permutation tests (fixed, non-fixed, and omnibus) to obtain p-values of multilocus models. The goal of this study was to compare the different approaches implemented in the EMDR method and evaluate the ability to identify genetic effects in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated data. We used three replicates from the simulated family data, generating matched pairs from family triads. The results showed: 1) chi-square and PE statistics give nearly consistent results; 2) results of EMDR without cross-validation matched that of EMDR with 10-fold cross-validation; 3) the fixed permutation test reports false-positive results in data from loci unrelated to the disease, but the non-fixed and omnibus permutation tests perform well in preventing false positives, with the omnibus test being the most conservative. We conclude that the non-cross-validation test can provide accurate results with the advantage of high efficiency compared to 10-cross-validation, and the non-fixed permutation test provides a good compromise between power and false-positive rate

    Two-stage study designs for analyzing disease-associated covariates: linkage thresholds and case-selection strategies

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    The incorporation of disease-associated covariates into studies aiming to identify susceptibility genes for complex human traits is a challenging problem. Accounting for such covariates in genetic linkage and association analyses may help reduce the genetic heterogeneity inherent in these complex phenotypes. For Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 (GAW15) Problem 3 simulated data, our goal was to compare the power of several two-stage study designs to identify rheumatoid arthritis-related genes on chromosome 9 (disease severity), 11 (IgM), and 18 (anti-cyclic citrinullated protein), with knowledge of the answers. Five study designs incorporating an initial linkage step, followed by a case-selection scheme and case-control association analysis by logistic regression, were considered. The linkage step was either qualitative-trait linkage analysis as implemented in MERLIN-nonparametric linkage (NPL), or quantitative-trait locus analysis as implemented in MERLIN-REGRESS. A set of cases representing either one case from each available family, one case per linked family (NPL ≥ 0), or one case from each family identified by ordered-subset analysis was chosen for comparison with the full set of 2000 simulated controls. As expected, the performance of these study designs depended on the disease model used to generate the data, especially the simulated allele frequency difference between cases and controls. The quantitative trait loci analysis performed well in identifying these loci, and the power to identify disease-associated alleles was increased by using ordered-subset analysis as a case selection tool

    Application of a rank-based genetic association test to age-at-onset data from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism study

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    Association studies of quantitative traits have often relied on methods in which a normal distribution of the trait is assumed. However, quantitative phenotypes from complex human diseases are often censored, highly skewed, or contaminated with outlying values. We recently developed a rank-based association method that takes into account censoring and makes no distributional assumptions about the trait. In this study, we applied our new method to age-at-onset data on ALDX1 and ALDX2. Both traits are highly skewed (skewness > 1.9) and often censored. We performed a whole genome association study of age at onset of the ALDX1 trait using Illumina single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Only slightly more than 5% of markers were significant. However, we identified two regions on chromosomes 14 and 15, which each have at least four significant markers clustering together. These two regions may harbor genes that regulate age at onset of ALDX1 and ALDX2. Future fine mapping of these two regions with densely spaced markers is warranted

    Toward a unified description of hadro- and photoproduction: S-wave pi- and eta-photoproduction amplitudes

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    The Chew-Mandelstam parameterization, which has been used extensively in the two-body hadronic sector, is generalized in this exploratory study to the electromagnetic sector by simultaneous fits to the pion- and eta-photoproduction S-wave multipole amplitudes for center-of-mass energies from the pion threshold through 1.61 GeV. We review the Chew-Mandelstam parameterization in detail to clarify the theoretical content of the SAID hadronic amplitude analysis and to place the proposed, generalized SAID electromagnetic amplitudes in the context of earlier employed parameterized forms. The parameterization is unitary at the two-body level, employing four hadronic channels and the gamma-N electromagnetic channel. We compare the resulting fit to the MAID parameterization and find qualitative agreement though, numerically, the solution is somewhat different. Applications of the extended parameterization to global fits of the photoproduction data and to global fits of the combined hadronic and photoproduction data are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; added figures and tex


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    Stories About Stories: Fantasy and the Remaking of Myth. Brian Attebery. Reviewed by David Bratman. The Body in Tolkien\u27s Legendarium: Essays on Middle-earth Corporeality. Edited by Christopher Vaccaro. Reviewed by Janet Brennan Croft. Critical Essays on Lord Dunsany. S.T. Joshi, ed. Lanham MD. Reviewed by Tiffany Brooke Martin. History, Guilt, and Habit. Owen Barfield. Reviewed by Bradford Lee Eden. In the Nameless Wood: Explorations in the Philological Hinterland of Tolkien\u27s Literary Creations. J.S. Ryan. Edited by Peter Buchs. Reviewed by Andrew Higgins. The Letters of Ruth Pitter: Silent Music. Edited by Don W. King. Reviewed by Joe R. Christopher

    Inviscid limit of the active interface equations

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    We present a detailed solution of the active interface equations in the inviscid limit. The active interface equations were previously introduced as a toy model of membrane-protein systems: they describe a stochastic interface where growth is stimulated by inclusions which themselves move on the interface. In the inviscid limit, the equations reduce to a pair of coupled conservation laws. After discussing how the inviscid limit is obtained, we turn to the corresponding Riemann problem: the solution of the set of conservation laws with discontinuous initial condition. In particular, by considering two physically meaningful initial conditions, a giant trough and a giant peak in the interface, we elucidate the generation of shock waves and rarefaction fans in the system. Then, by combining several Riemann problems, we construct an oscillating solution of the active interface with periodic boundaries conditions. The existence of this oscillating state reflects the reciprocal coupling between the two conserved quantities in our system.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    A Rare Novel Deletion of the Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene in Parkinson Disease

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    Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) enzyme is a rate limiting enzyme in dopamine biosynthesis. Missense mutation in both alleles of the TH gene is known to cause dopamine-related phenotypes, including dystonia and infantile Parkinsonism. However, it is not clear if single allele mutation in TH modifies the susceptibility to the adult form of Parkinson disease (PD). We reported a novel deletion of entire TH gene in an adult with PD. The deletion was first identified by copy number variation (CNV) analysis in a genome-wide association study using Illumina Infinium BeadChips. After screening 635 cases and 642 controls, the deletion was found in one PD case but not in any control. The deletion was confirmed by multiple quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays. There is no additional exonic single nucleotide variant in the one copy of TH gene of the patient. The patient has an age-at-onset of 54 years, no evidence for dystonia, and was responsive to L-DOPA. This case supports the importance of the TH gene in PD pathogenesis and raises more attention to rare variants in candidate genes being a risk factor for Parkinson disease. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc
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