582 research outputs found

    Nucleolar dominance and DNA methylation directed by small interfering RNA

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    In the December 5th issue of Molecular Cell, Preuss et al. (2008) demonstrated a link between small interfering RNA (siRNA)-directed de novo DNA methylation and rDNA silencing in nucleolar dominance

    Darwin's "Abominable Mystery": the role of RNA interference in the evolution of flowering plants

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    Darwin was famously concerned that the sudden appearance and rapid diversification of flowering plants in the mid-Cretaceous could not have occurred by gradual change. Here, we review our attempts to resolve the relationships among the major seed plant groups, i.e., cycads, ginkgo, conifers, gnetophytes, and flowering plants, and to provide a pipeline in which these relationships can be used as a platform for identifying genes of functional importance in plant diversification. Using complete gene sets and unigenes from 16 plant species, genes with positive partitioned Bremer support at major nodes were used to identify overrepresented gene ontology (GO) terms. Posttranscriptional silencing via RNA interference (RNAi) was overrepresented at several major nodes, including between monocots and dicots during early angiosperm divergence. One of these genes, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6, is required for the biogenesis of trans-acting small interfering RNA (tasiRNA), confers heteroblasty and organ polarity, and restricts maternal specification of the germline. Processing of small RNA and transfer between neighboring cells underlies these roles and may have contributed to distinct mutant phenotypes in plants, and in particular in the early split of the monocots and eudicots

    Pod corn is caused by rearrangement at the Tunicate1 locus

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    Pod corn (Zea mays var tunicata) was once regarded as ancestral to cultivated maize, and was prized by pre-Columbian cultures for its magical properties. Tunicate1 (Tu1) is a dominant pod corn mutation in which kernels are completely enclosed in leaflike glumes. Here we show that Tu1 encodes a MADS box transcription factor expressed in leaves whose 5' regulatory region is fused by a 1.8-Mb chromosomal inversion to the 3' region of a gene expressed in the inflorescence. Both genes are further duplicated, accounting for classical derivative alleles isolated by recombination, and Tu1 transgenes interact with these derivative alleles in a dose-dependent manner. In young ear primordia, TU1 proteins are nuclearly localized in specific cells at the base of spikelet pair meristems. Tu1 branch determination defects resemble those in ramosa mutants, which encode regulatory proteins expressed in these same cells, accounting for synergism in double mutants discovered almost 100 years ago. The Tu1 rearrangement is not found in ancestral teosinte and arose after domestication of maize

    ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 reveals knox gene redundancy in Arabidopsis

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    The shoot apical meristem comprises undifferentiated stem cells and their derivatives, which include founder cells for lateral organs such as leaves. Meristem maintenance and lateral organ specification are regulated in part by negative interactions between the myb domain transcription factor ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, which is expressed in lateral organ primordia, and homeobox transcription factors which are expressed in the shoot apical meristem (knox genes). The knox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STAT) negatively regulates ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) which, in turn, negatively, regulates other knox genes including KNAT1 and KNAT2, and positively regulates the novel gene LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (LOB). Genetic interactions with a second gene, ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2), indicate it acts at the same position in this hierarchy as AS1. We have used a second-site suppressor screen to isolate mutations in KNAT1 and we show that KNAT1 is partially redundant with STM in regulating stem cell function. Mutations in KNAT2 show no such interaction. We discuss the regulation and evolution of redundancy among knox genes

    SCHIZORIZA controls an asymmetric cell division and restricts epidermal identity in the Arabidopsis root

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    The primary root of Arabidopsis has a simple cellular organisation. The fixed radial cell pattern results from stereotypical cell divisions that occur in the meristem. Here we describe the characterisation of schizoriza (scz), a mutant with defective radial patterning. In scz mutants, the subepidermal layer (ground tissue) develops root hairs. Root hairs normally only form on epidermal cells of wildtype plants. Moreover, extra periclinal divisions (new wall parallel to surface of the root) occur in the scz root resulting in the formation of supernumerary layers in the ground tissue. Both scarecrow (scr) and short root (shr) suppress the extra periclinal divisions characteristic of scz mutant roots. This results in the formation of a single layered ground tissue in the double mutants. Cells of this layer develop root hairs, indicating that mis-specification of the ground tissue in scz mutants is uncoupled to the cell division defect. This suggests that during the development of the ground tissue SCZ has two distinct roles: (1) it acts as a suppressor of epidermal fate in the ground tissue, and (2) it is required to repress periclinal divisions in the meristem. It may act in the same pathway as SCR and SHR

    Noncoding RNAs and gene silencing

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    Noncoding RNA has long been proposed to control gene expression via sequence-specific interactions with regulatory regions. Here, we review the role of noncoding RNA in heterochromatic silencing and in the silencing of transposable elements (TEs), unpaired DNA in meiosis, and developmentally excised DNA. The role of cotranscriptional processing by RNA interference and by other mechanisms is discussed, as well as parallels with RNA silencing in imprinting, paramutation, polycomb silencing, and X inactivation. Interactions with regulatory sequences may well occur, but at the RNA rather than at the DNA level

    Redundant regulation of meristem identity and plant architecture by FRUITFULL, APETALA1 and CAULIFLOWER

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    The transition from vegetative to reproductive phases during Arabidopsis development is the result of a complex interaction of environmental and endogenous factors. One of the key regulators of this transition is LEAFY (LFY), whose threshold levels of activity are proposed to mediate the initiation of flowers. The closely related APETALA1 (AP1) and CAULIFLOWER (CAL) meristem identity genes are also important for flower initiation, in part because of their roles in upregulating LFY expression. We have found that mutations in the FRUITFULL (FUL) MADS-box gene, when combined with mutations in AP1 and GAL, lead to a dramatic non-flowering phenotype in which plants continuously elaborate leafy shoots in place of flowers. We demonstrate that this phenotype is caused both by the lack of LFY upregulation and by the ectopic expression of the TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1) gene. Our results suggest that the FUL, AP1 and CAL genes act redundantly to control inflorescence architecture by affecting the domains of LFY and TFL1 expression as well as the relative levels of their activities

    The FRUITFULL MADS-box gene mediates cell differentiation during Arabidopsis fruit development

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    Fruit morphogenesis is a process unique to flowering plants, and yet little is known about its developmental control, Following fertilization, fruits typically undergo a dramatic enlargement that is accompanied by differentiation of numerous distinct cell types. We have identified a mutation in Arabidopsis called fruitfull (ful-1), which abolishes elongation of the silique after fertilization. The ful-1 mutation is caused by the insertion of a DsE transposable enhancer trap element into the 5' untranslated leader of the AGL8 MADS-box gene. beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene expression in the enhancer trap line is observed specifically in all cell layers of the valve tissue, but not in the replum, the septum or the seeds, and faithfully mimics RNA in situ hybridization data reported previously, The lack of coordinated growth of the fruit tissues leads to crowded seeds, a failure of dehiscence and, frequently, the premature rupture of the carpel valves, The primary defect of ful-1 fruits is within the valves, whose cells fail to elongate and differentiate. Stomata, which are frequent along the epidermis of wild-type valves, are completely eliminated in the ful mutant valves. In addition to the effect on fruit development, ful cauline leaves are broader than those of wild type and show a reduction in the number of internal cell layers. These data suggest that AGL8/FUL regulates the transcription of genes required for cellular differentiation during fruit and leaf development

    Sequencing the maize genome

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    Sequencing of complex genomes can be accomplished by enriching shotgun libraries for genes. In maize, gene-enrichment by copy-number normalization (high C(0)t) and methylation filtration (MF) have been used to generate up to two-fold coverage of the gene-space with less than 1 million sequencing reads. Simulations using sequenced bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones predict that 5x coverage of gene-rich regions, accompanied by less than 1x coverage of subclones from BAC contigs, will generate high-quality mapped sequence that meets the needs of geneticists while accommodating unusually high levels of structural polymorphism. By sequencing several inbred strains, we propose a strategy for capturing this polymorphism to investigate hybrid vigor or heterosis
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