10,053 research outputs found

    Simulations of the relativistic parsec-scale jet in 3C273

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    We present a hydrodynamical 3D simulation of the relativistic jet in 3C273, in comparison to previous linear perturbation analysis of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability developing in the jet. Our aim is to assess advantages and limitations of both analytical and numerical approaches and to identify spatial and temporal scales on which the linear regime of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability can be applied in studies of morphology and kinematics of parsec-scale jets.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Proceedings of the workshop "Multiband Approach to AGN", held on Sep.30-Oct.2 in Bonn. Publication: Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v. 26, No.1 (2005). Reduced figure resolution! Version with original figures is availavble at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/bonn04/proceedings/perucho.pd

    Front dynamics in turbulent media

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    A study of a stable front propagating in a turbulent medium is presented. The front is generated through a reaction-diffusion equation, and the turbulent medium is statistically modeled using a Langevin equation. Numerical simulations indicate the presence of two different dynamical regimes. These regimes appear when the turbulent flow either wrinkles a still rather sharp propagating interfase or broadens it. Specific dependences of the propagating velocities on stirring intensities appropriate to each case are found and fitted when possible according to theoretically predicted laws. Different turbulent spectra are considered.Comment: 8 pages, REVTEX, 6 postscript figures included. To appear in Phys. Fluids (1997

    Jet precession in the active nucleus of M81. Ongoing VLBI monitoring

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    In a recent publication, we reported results of a multi-frequency VLBI campaign of observations of the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in galaxy M\,81, phase-referenced to the supernova SN\,1993J. We were able to extract precise information on the relative astrometry of the AGN radio emission at different epochs and frequencies. We found strong evidence of precession in the AGN jet (i.e., a systematic evolution in the jet inclination at each frequency) coupled to changes in the overall flux density at the different frequencies. In these proceedings, we summarise the main contents of our previous publication and we report on (preliminary) new results from our follow-up VLBI observations, now phase-referenced to the young supernova SN2008iz. We also briefly discuss how these results match the picture of our previously-reported precession model.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of EVN meeting 201

    Langevin approach to generate synthetic turbulence

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    We present an analytical scheme, easily implemented numerically, to generate synthetic Gaussian turbulent flows by using a linear Langevin equation, where the noise term acts as a stochastic stirring force. The characteristic parameters of the velocity field are well introduced, in particular the kinematic viscosity and the spectrum of energy. As an application, the diffusion of a passive scalar is studied for two different energy spectra. Numerical results are compared favorably with analytical calculations.Comment: 7 pages, REVTEX, 6 figures. To appear in Physics of Fluids (April 1997

    RAM: A Relativistic Adaptive Mesh Refinement Hydrodynamics Code

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    We have developed a new computer code, RAM, to solve the conservative equations of special relativistic hydrodynamics (SRHD) using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) on parallel computers. We have implemented a characteristic-wise, finite difference, weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme using the full characteristic decomposition of the SRHD equations to achieve fifth-order accuracy in space. For time integration we use the method of lines with a third-order total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta scheme. We have also implemented fourth and fifth order Runge-Kutta time integration schemes for comparison. The implementation of AMR and parallelization is based on the FLASH code. RAM is modular and includes the capability to easily swap hydrodynamics solvers, reconstruction methods and physics modules. In addition to WENO we have implemented a finite volume module with the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) for reconstruction and the modified Marquina approximate Riemann solver to work with TVD Runge-Kutta time integration. We examine the difficulty of accurately simulating shear flows in numerical relativistic hydrodynamics codes. We show that under-resolved simulations of simple test problems with transverse velocity components produce incorrect results and demonstrate the ability of RAM to correctly solve these problems. RAM has been tested in one, two and three dimensions and in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. We have demonstrated fifth-order accuracy for WENO in one and two dimensions and performed detailed comparison with other schemes for which we show significantly lower convergence rates. Extensive testing is presented demonstrating the ability of RAM to address challenging open questions in relativistic astrophysics.Comment: ApJS in press, 21 pages including 18 figures (6 color figures

    Solving the polarization problem in ALMA-VLBI observations

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    The Atacama Large mm-submm Array (ALMA) is, by far, the most sensitive mm/submm telescope in the World. The ALMA Phasing Project (APP) will allow us to phase-up all the ALMA antennas and use them as one single VLBI station. This will be a key component of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a Global VLBI array at millimeter wavelengths. A problem in the APP is the calibration and conversion of the polarization channels. Most VLBI stations record their signals in a circular basis, but the ALMA receivers record in a linear basis. The strategy that will be followed in the phased-ALMA VLBI observations will be to correlate in "mixed" basis (i.e., linear versus circular) and convert the visibilities to a pure circular basis after the correlation. We have developed an algorithm to perform such a polarization conversion of the VLBI visibilities. In these proceedings, we present the basics of the PolConvert algorithm and discuss on the polarization conversion in the general case were single dishes (besides phased arrays) record with linear receivers in VLBI observations. We show some results of PolConvert applied to realistic simulations, as well as a test with real VLBI observations at 86\,GHz between the Onsala radiotelescope (recording in linear basis) and the Effelsberg radiotelescope (recording in circular basis).Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 12th European VLBI Network Symposium (7-10 Oct 2014, Cagliary, Italy
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