4 research outputs found

    Mechanisms underlying early interferon‐γ production in human Plasmodium falciparum malaria

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    [Extract] To the Editor - Our longitudinal field study investigated associations of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) with risk of malaria disease [1], not the mechanisms by which this effector cytokine is regulated. However, Dr. Torre [2] has raised an interesting discussion with regard to the upstream pathways leading to the production of IFN-γ

    The Natural Killer Complex Regulates Severe Malarial Pathogenesis and Influences Acquired Immune Responses to Plasmodium berghei ANKA

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    The natural killer complex (NKC) is a genetic region of highly linked genes encoding several receptors involved in the control of NK cell function. The NKC is highly polymorphic, and allelic variability of various NKC loci has been demonstrated in inbred mice. Making use of BALB.B6-Cmv1(r) congenic mice, in which the NKC from disease-susceptible C57BL/6 mice has been introduced into the disease-resistant BALB/c background, we show here that during murine malaria infection, the NKC regulates a range of pathophysiological syndromes such as cerebral malaria, pulmonary edema, and severe anemia, which contribute to morbidity and mortality in human malaria. Parasitemia levels were not affected by the NKC genotype, indicating that control of malarial fatalities by the NKC cells does not operate through effects on parasite growth rate. Parasite-specific antibody responses and the proinflammatory gene transcription profile, as well as the TH1/TH2 balance, also appeared to be influenced by NKC genotype, providing evidence that this region, known to control innate immune responses via NK and/or NK T-cell activation, can also significantly regulate acquired immunity to infection. To date, NKC-encoded innate system receptors have been shown mainly to regulate viral infections. Our data provide evidence for critical NKC involvement in the broad immunological responses to a protozoan parasite

    Cellular tumor necrosis factor, gamma interferon, and interleukin-6 responses as correlates of immunity and risk of clinical Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children from Papua New Guinea

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    The role of early to intermediate Plasmodium falciparum-induced cellular responses in the development of clinical immunity to malaria is not well understood, and such responses have been proposed to contribute to both immunity and risk of clinical malaria episodes. To investigate whether P. falciparum-induced cellular responses are able to function as predictive correlates of parasitological and clinical outcomes, we conducted a prospective cohort study of children (5 to 14 years of age) residing in a region of Papua New Guinea where malaria is endemic Live, intact P. falciparum-infected red blood cells were applied to isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained at baseline. Cellular cytokine production, including production of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (formerly tumor necrosis factor alpha), and gamma interferon (IFN-γ), was measured, and the cellular source of key cytokines was investigated. Multicytokine models revealed that increasing P. falciparum-induced IL-6 production was associated with an increased incidence of P. falciparum clinical episodes (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 1.75; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20 to 2.53), while increasing P. falciparum-induced TNF and IFN-γ production was associated with a reduced incidence of clinical episodes (IRR for TNF, 0.55 [95% CI, 0.38 to 0.80]; IRR for IFN-γ, 0.71 [95% CI, 0.55 to 0.90]). Furthermore, we found that monocytes/macrophages and γδ-T cells are important for the P. falciparum-induced production of IL-6 and TNF. Early to intermediate cellular cytokine responses to P. falciparum may therefore be important correlates of immunity and risk of symptomatic malaria episodes and thus warrant detailed investigation in relation to the development and implementation of effective vaccines

    Haemopedia: An Expression Atlas of Murine Hematopoietic Cells

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    Hematopoiesis is a multistage process involving the differentiation of stem and progenitor cells into distinct mature cell lineages. Here we present Haemopedia, an atlas of murine gene-expression data containing 54 hematopoietic cell types, covering all the mature lineages in hematopoiesis. We include rare cell populations such as eosinophils, mast cells, basophils, and megakaryocytes, and a broad collection of progenitor and stem cells. We show that lineage branching and maturation during hematopoiesis can be reconstructed using the expression patterns of small sets of genes. We also have identified genes with enriched expression in each of the mature blood cell lineages, many of which show conserved lineage-enriched expression in human hematopoiesis. We have created an online web portal called Haemosphere to make analyses of Haemopedia and other blood cell transcriptional datasets easier. This resource provides simple tools to interrogate gene-expression-based relationships between hematopoietic cell types and genes of interest