882 research outputs found

    Perfective auxiliaries, aspect and grammaticalisation in Spanish

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    Sparse Superpixel Unmixing for Hyperspectral Image Analysis

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    Software was developed that automatically detects minerals that are present in each pixel of a hyperspectral image. An algorithm based on sparse spectral unmixing with Bayesian Positive Source Separation is used to produce mineral abundance maps from hyperspectral images. A superpixel segmentation strategy enables efficient unmixing in an interactive session. The algorithm computes statistically likely combinations of constituents based on a set of possible constituent minerals whose abundances are uncertain. A library of source spectra from laboratory experiments or previous remote observations is used. A superpixel segmentation strategy improves analysis time by orders of magnitude, permitting incorporation into an interactive user session (see figure). Mineralogical search strategies can be categorized as supervised or unsupervised. Supervised methods use a detection function, developed on previous data by hand or statistical techniques, to identify one or more specific target signals. Purely unsupervised results are not always physically meaningful, and may ignore subtle or localized mineralogy since they aim to minimize reconstruction error over the entire image. This algorithm offers advantages of both methods, providing meaningful physical interpretations and sensitivity to subtle or unexpected minerals

    Metric Learning to Enhance Hyperspectral Image Segmentation

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    Unsupervised hyperspectral image segmentation can reveal spatial trends that show the physical structure of the scene to an analyst. They highlight borders and reveal areas of homogeneity and change. Segmentations are independently helpful for object recognition, and assist with automated production of symbolic maps. Additionally, a good segmentation can dramatically reduce the number of effective spectra in an image, enabling analyses that would otherwise be computationally prohibitive. Specifically, using an over-segmentation of the image instead of individual pixels can reduce noise and potentially improve the results of statistical post-analysis. In this innovation, a metric learning approach is presented to improve the performance of unsupervised hyperspectral image segmentation. The prototype demonstrations attempt a superpixel segmentation in which the image is conservatively over-segmented; that is, the single surface features may be split into multiple segments, but each individual segment, or superpixel, is ensured to have homogenous mineralogy

    Sedimentary Processes on Venus

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    The sedimentary cycle, including the processes of erosion, transport, and lithification, is a key part of how planets evolve over time. Early images of Venus’s vast volcanic plains, numerous volcanoes, and rugged tectonic regions led to the interpretation that Venus is a volcanic planet with little sediment cover and perhaps few processes for generating sedimentary rocks. However, in the years since the Magellan mission in the 1990s we have developed a better understanding of sedimentary process on Venus. Impact craters are the largest present-day source of sediments, with estimates from the current crater population suggesting an average sediment layer 8–63 cm in thickness if distributed globally. There is clear evidence of fine-grained material in volcanic summit regions that is likely produced through volcanism, and dune fields and yardangs indicate transport of sediments and erosion of rocks through wind. Landslides and fine-grained materials in highland tessera regions demonstrate erosive processes that move sediment downhill. It is clear that sediments are an important part of Venus’s geology, and it is especially important to realize that they mantle features that may be of interest to future landed or low-altitude imaging missions. The sinks of sediments are less well known, as it has been difficult to identify sedimentary rocks with current data. Layering observed in Venera images and in Magellan images of some tessera regions, as well as calculated rock densities, suggest that sedimentary rocks are present on Venus. New data is needed to fully understand and quantify the present-day sedimentary cycle and establish with certainty whether sedimentary rock packages do, in fact, exist on Venus. These data sets will need to include higher-resolution optical and radar imaging, experimental and geochemical measurements to determine how chemical weathering and lithification can occur, and topography to better model mesospheric winds. Sediments and sedimentary rocks are critical to understanding how Venus works today, but are also extremely important for determining how Venus’s climate has changed through time and whether it was once a habitable planet

    SAEVe (Seismic and Atmospheric Exploration of Venus): A Long-Lived Lander Concept for Venus

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    Many crucial geophysical and atmospheric science investigations at Venus require operations on the surface for an entire solar day. Until recently this was not achievable, but new developments in high temperature electronics have now made months long operations on the Venus surface possible even with smallsat class missions. Here we describe a study of a long-lived Venus lander called SAEVe, for Seismic and Atmospheric Exploration of Venus: this was one of the concepts selected in 2017 under NASA's Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies (PSDS3) call

    Mineralogy of the Venus Surface

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    Surface mineralogy records the primary composition, climate history and the geochemical cycling between the surface and atmosphere. We have not yet directly measured mineralogy on the Venus surface in situ, but a variety of independent investigations yield a basic understanding of surface composition and weathering reactions in the present era where rocks react under a supercritical atmosphere dominated by CO2, N2 and SO2 at ∌460 °C and 92 bars. The primary composition of the volcanic plains that cover ∌80% of the surface is inferred to be basaltic, as measured by the 7 Venera and Vega landers and consistent with morphology. These landers also recorded elevated SO3 values, low rock densities and spectral signatures of hematite consistent with chemical weathering under an oxidizing environment. Thermodynamic modeling and laboratory experiments under present day atmospheric conditions predict and demonstrate reactions where Fe, Ca, Na in rocks react primarily with S species to form sulfates, sulfides and oxides. Variations in surface emissivity at ∌1 ÎŒm detected by the VIRTIS instrument on the Venus Express orbiter are spatially correlated to geologic terrains. Laboratory measurements of the near-infrared (NIR) emissivity of geologic materials at Venus surface temperatures confirms theoretical predictions that 1 ÎŒm emissivity is directly related to Fe2+ content in minerals. These data reveal regions of high emissivity that may indicate unweathered and recently erupted basalts and low emissivity associated with tessera terrain that may indicate felsic materials formed during a more clement era. Magellan radar emissivity also constrain mineralogy as this parameter is inversely related to the type and volume of high dielectric minerals, likely to have formed due to surface/atmosphere reactions. The observation of both viscous and low viscosity volcanic flows in Magellan images may also be related to composition. The global NIR emissivity and high-resolution radar and topography collected by the VERITAS, EnVision and DAVINCI missions will provide a revolutionary advancement of these methods and our understanding of Venus mineralogy. Critically, these datasets must be supported with both laboratory experiments to constrain the style and rate weathering reactions and laboratory measurements of their NIR emissivity and radar characteristics at Venus conditions

    Volcanic and Tectonic Constraints on the Evolution of Venus

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    Surface geologic features form a detailed record of Venus’ evolution. Venus displays a profusion of volcanic and tectonics features, including both familiar and exotic forms. One challenge to assessing the role of these features in Venus’ evolution is that there are too few impact craters to permit age dates for specific features or regions. Similarly, without surface water, erosion is limited and cannot be used to evaluate age. These same observations indicate Venus has, on average, a very young surface (150–1000 Ma), with the most recent surface deformation and volcanism largely preserved on the surface except where covered by limited impact ejecta. In contrast, most geologic activity on Mars, the Moon, and Mercury occurred in the 1st billion years. Earth’s geologic processes are almost all a result of plate tectonics. Venus’ lacks such a network of connected, large scale plates, leaving the nature of Venus’ dominant geodynamic process up for debate. In this review article, we describe Venus’ key volcanic and tectonic features, models for their origin, and possible links to evolution. We also present current knowledge of the composition and thickness of the crust, lithospheric thickness, and heat flow given their critical role in shaping surface geology and interior evolution. Given Venus’ hot lithosphere, abundant activity and potential analogues of continents, roll-back subduction, and microplates, it may provide insights into early Earth, prior to the onset of true plate tectonics. We explore similarities and differences between Venus and the Proterozoic or Archean Earth. Finally, we describe the future measurements needed to advance our understanding of volcanism, tectonism, and the evolution of Venus
