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15 research outputs found
Entraide administrative dans le secteur financier
Favre A.-C.
Lombardini C.
Martenet V.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Serveur académique lausannois
Uvea: Vorderkammer, Iris, Corpus ciliare, Chorioidea und Papille
A Franceschetti
A Huber
+14 more
A Huber
A Siegrist
A Wessing
A-C Martenet
A-C Martenet
F Rintelen
HF Spalter
JDM Gass
N Ashton
R Witmer
R Witmer
RB Welch
S Hayreh
TF Schlaegel
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Pratiques de dépistage du VIH avant et après la révision des recommandations nationales dans un hôpital universitaire suisse
Berney A.
Bodenmann P.
+8 more
Cavassini M.
Cellerai C.
Du Pasquier R.
Hugli O.
Kea. D.
Mamin R.
Martenet S.
Peters S.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Serveur académique lausannois
Uveitis in 2008: A Festschrift for G. Richard O'Connor, MD
Holland G.N. Belfort Jr., R. Dernouchamps, J.-P. Franklin, R. Martenet, A.-C. Nozik, R.A. Nussenblatt, R.B. Ohno, S. Palimeris, G. Saari, K.M. Schwab, I.R. Secchi, A.G. Smith, R.E. Tabbara, K.F. Tessler, H.H.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Pergamos : Unified Institutional Repository / Digital Library Platform of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
AIDS-associated intraocular lymphoma causing primary retinal vasculitis
Augsburger J J
Barr C C
+38 more
Blumenkranz M S
Brown S M
Caya J G
Chess J
Davis J L
De Girolami U
De Smet M D
Fujikawa L S
Gass J DM
Gass J DM
Givner I
Graham E
Greene W R
Hochberg F H
Hofman P
James E. Puklin
Kennerdell J S
Klingele T G
L. David Ormerod
Levine A M
Lewis R A
Martenet A C
Matzkin D C
Michelson J B
Minckler D S
Neault R W
Nevins R C
Ohishi Y
Qualman S J
Rao T K
Rockwood E J
Schanzer M C
Scroggs M W
Spencer W H
Stanton C A
Trudeau M
Vogel M H
Yen M Y
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Pilot Study of Safety and Effect of Combined Intravitreal Bevacizumab and Methotrexate for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Adamis A.P.
Barbazetto I.
+34 more
Bashshur Z.F.
Congdon N.
Cronstein B.N.
de Lathouder S.
Donoso L.A.
Egan L.J.
Fiehn C.
Frenkel S.
Friedman D.S.
Gerards A.H.
Gragoudas E.S.
Green W.R.
Hageman G.S.
Hardwig P.W.
Haskó G.
Haskó G.
Holekamp N.M.
Hsu P.C.
Huang C.C.
Johnston A.
Klaver C.C.
Kraan M.C.
Kusabe T.
Lux A.
Martenet A.C.
Otani A.
Rosenfeld P.J.
Samson C.M.
Solomon S.
Taylor S.R.
Winter-Vann A.M.
Witmer A.N.
Wong V.G.
Zhu Q.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Intermediate Uveitis
Abrams G W
Althaus C
+95 more
Anderson W
Arocker-Mettinger E
Augsburger J J
Bamford C R
Belfort R
Berg P
Boke W
Boskovich S A
Breeveld J
Breeveld J
Cantrill H L
Chan C-C
Char D H
Chester G H
Cousins S W
Culbertson W W
Davis J L
Davis J L
Davis J L
Davis J L
de Toledo M
DeBoer J H
Dinning W J
Doft B H
Duke-Elder S
Duke-Elder S S
Eckardt C
Engel H M
Forster D J
Forster D J
Foster C S
Franklin R M
Fraser D J
Gartner J
Girard L J
Gorman B D
Graham E M
Graham E M
Graham E M
Green W R
Hansen S O
Henderly D E
Hogan M J
Hultsch E
Jennings T
Kanski J J
Kaplan H J
Kaplan H J
Karaman-Kraljevic K
Karma A
Kashyap B. Kansupada
Kaufman A H
Kenyon K R
Khodadoust A A
Koch A E
Krick J A
Leirisalo-Repo M
Leznoff A
Lutjen-Drecoll E
Mahlberg P A
Malinowski S M
Malinowski S M
Manthey K F
Martenet A C
Martenet A-C
Meiler W F
Mieler W F
Mizokami T
Mochizuki M
Muller C
Murray P I
Nolle B
Nussenblatt R B
Nussenblatt R B
Phillips W B
Rickman L S
Riordan-Eva P
Roberge F G
Schlaegel T F
Schmidt F
Scott M. Whitcup
Sherman M D
Slezak H
Smith R E
Stanojevic-Paovic A
Tejada P
Tessler H H
Ukae S
Walker J
Welch R B
Wetzig R P
Witmer R
Yoser S L
Zierhut M
Zimmerman L E
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
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Detection of varicella-zoster virus DNA in ocular samples from patients with uveitis but no cutaneous eruption
A-C Martenet
DA Jabs
+34 more
DJ Forster
E Aurelius
G Naumann
GM Fox
HB Qavi
HS Dua
J D Fox
J Darlington
JS Tiedman
JVM Ross
LW Womack
M Karbassi
M Nishi
M Usui
M W Hope-Ross
P I Murray
P Stavrou
PGJ Corridan
PI Murray
R Mahalingham
RJ Marsh
RJ Marsh
S Kwok
S Lightman
S M Mitchell
SL Yoser
SM Mitchell
SM Mitchell
SM Mitchell
TP Margolis
TR Hedges
V Rummelt
WR Freeman
WW Culbertson
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Detection of varicella-zoster virus DNA in ocular samples from patients with uveitis but no cutaneous eruption
A-C Martenet
DA Jabs
+34 more
DJ Forster
E Aurelius
G Naumann
GM Fox
HB Qavi
HS Dua
J D Fox
J Darlington
JS Tiedman
JVM Ross
LW Womack
M Karbassi
M Nishi
M Usui
M W Hope-Ross
P I Murray
P Stavrou
PGJ Corridan
PI Murray
R Mahalingham
RJ Marsh
RJ Marsh
S Kwok
S Lightman
S M Mitchell
SL Yoser
SM Mitchell
SM Mitchell
SM Mitchell
TP Margolis
TR Hedges
V Rummelt
WR Freeman
WW Culbertson
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
University of Birmingham Research Portal