109 research outputs found

    Assessing the three attentional networks and vigilance in the adolescence stages

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    Attention involves three functionally and neuroanatomically distinct neural networks: alerting, orienting, and executive control. This study aimed to assess the attentional networks and vigilance in adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years using the attentional network test for interaction and vigilance (ANTI-V). One hundred and eighty-two adolescents divided into three groups (early adolescents, middle adolescents, late adolescents) participated in the study. The results indicate that after age 15, adolescents adopt a more conservative response strategy and increase the monitoring of self-errors. All the attentional networks seem to continue to develop during the age range considered in this study (10–19 y). Performance improved from early adolescence to middle adolescence and began to stabilize in late adolescence. Moreover, a low level of vigilance seems to harm alerting and orienting abilities

    Executive functioning during verbal fluency tasks in bilinguals: A systematic review

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    Background: Bilingualism is widespread and being bilingual is more common than being monolingual. The lifelong practice bilinguals receive from managing two languages seems to lead to a cognitive benefit. Conversely, bilingualism seems to affect language ability negatively due to less use of each known language. Aims: This systematic review aims to summarize the results of the studies on the effect of bilingualism on executive functioning assessed by verbal fluency tasks. The verbal fluency task is a neuropsychological measure of lexical retrieval efficiency and executive functioning. Methods: The review was conducted according to the PRISMA statement through searches in the scientific databases PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MEDLINE, PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Studies included in this review had at least one bilingual and monolingual group, participants over 18 years and one verbal fluency task. Studies that considered bimodal bilingual, second language learners, trilingual or multilingual people, and clinical populations were excluded. A total of 38 studies were included in the systematic review. Main contribution: Quantitative analysis of performance did not show significant differences between monolinguals and bilinguals. Qualitative results are mixed, and no definitive conclusions can be drawn about a bilingual advantage or disadvantage in the verbal fluency tasks Conclusions: Normative data based on the monolingual population are not appropriate to test a bilingual population. It is necessary to take precautions in using this task, especially in clinical practice. What this paper adds: What is already known on the subject Bilingualism seems to lead to a cognitive benefit due to constantly monitoring the known languages to select the most suitable one for each interactional context and to affect language ability negatively due to less use of each known language but also to language ability negatively. What this paper adds to the existing knowledge This systematic review summarizes the results of the studies on the effect of bilingualism on executive functioning assessed by verbal fluency tasks, a neuropsychological measure of lexical retrieval efficiency and executive functioning. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? Normative data based on the monolingual population are not appropriate to test a bilingual population. It is necessary to take precautions in using this task, especially in clinical practice

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A pilot study for symptom assessment and diagnosis in children in Chile

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    Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders among school-age children and is characterized by varying degrees of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Diagnosis, which currently relies on the DSM-V criteria, is complex. This research proposes an integrated procedure for ADHD diagnosis in children, improving the diagnostic process and scientific research on etiopathology. Materials and methods: We conducted a clinical report on ADHD diagnosis in children (n = 92) between the ages of 8 and 13, based on the results of the application of different scales to parents of school-age children in Chile. The children were divided into two groups, those with an ADHD diagnosis (n = 44) and those without (n = 48) (24% females). Results: The results revealed statistically significant differences between groups for scales EDAH y SDQ-Cas, Conners Comprehensive Behavior Scale, Conners Parent Scale and the criteria according to the DSM-V and its dimensions, with the exception of inattention. Conclusion: The findings indicate the importance of appropriate criteria and procedures to establish a diagnosis and implement effective interventions in ADHD

    Development in attention functions and social processing: Evidence from the Attention Network Test

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    According to the attention network approach, attention is best understood in terms of three functionally and neuroanatomically distinct networks – alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Recent findings showed that social information influences the efficiency of these networks in adults. Using some social and non-social variants of the Attentional Network Test (ANT), this study was aimed to evaluate the development of the three attention networks in childhood, also assessing the development of the ability to manage social or non-social conflicting information. Sixty-six children (three groups of 6, 8, and 10 years of age) performed three variants of the original ANT, using fish, schematic, or real faces looking to the left or right as target and flanker stimuli. Results showed an improvement from 6 to 8 and 10 years of age in reaction time (RT) and accuracy, together with an improvement of executive control and a decrement in alerting. These developmental changes were not unique to social stimuli, and no differences were observed between social and no-social variants of the ANT. However, independently from the age of the children, a real face positively affected the executive control (as indexed by RTs) as compared to both a schematic face and a fish. Findings of this study suggest that attentional networks are still developing from 6 to 10 years of age and underline the importance of face information in modulating the efficiency of executive control

    Funciones cognitivas y salud mental en personas mayores durante la pandemia por COVID-19, factores de riesgo y factores protectores: una revisión sistemática cualitativa

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    Risk and protective factors for cognitive impairment and mental health in older people are widely identified. However, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cognitive functioning and neuropsychiatric symptoms in older people is not well known. Therefore, we carried out a systematic review on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cognitive functioning and mental health of older people, identifying risk and protective factors. We used the criteria and flowchart established in PRISMA statement, considering studies from PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases between the years 2019 and 2021. The search fetched 55 final articles, where the analysis was carried out. The evidence suggests that the Covid 19 Pandemic had a direct and indirect impact on the cognitive function, mental and physical health of older people and variables such as resilience and personality characteristics moderated the consequences of this crisis

    Arousal and Executive Alterations in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral disorder in childhood and can significantly affect a child’s personal and social development and academic achievement. Taking into account the model of attentional networks proposed by Posner et al., the aim of the present study was to review the literature regarding two main explicative models of ADHD, i.e., the inhibition model and the cognitive-energetic model, by discussing behavioral and neurological evidence of both models and the limitations of each model. The review highlights evidence that favors the energetic model and points to an unstable arousal as a potential pathogenetic factor in ADHD

    Inhibition of return: A “depth-blind” mechanism?

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    When attention is oriented to a peripheral visual event, observers respond faster to stimuli presented at a cued location than at an uncued location. Following initial reaction time facilitation responses are slower to stimuli subsequently displayed at the cued location, an effect known as inhibition of return (IOR). Both facilitatory and inhibitory effects have been extensively investigated in two-dimensional space. Facilitation has also been documented in three-dimensional space, however the presence of IOR in 3D space is unclear, possibly because IOR has not been evaluated in an empty 3D space. Determining if IOR is sensitive to the depth plane of stimuli or if only their bi-dimensional location is inhibited may clarify the nature of the IOR. To address this issue, we used an attentional cueing paradigm in three-dimensional (3D) space. Results were obtained from fourteen participants showed IOR components in 3D space when binocular disparity was used to induce depth. We conclude that attentional orienting in depth operates as efficiently as in the bi-dimensional space.This research was supported by the grant PRIN2007—prot.20078X33AF—MIUR

    Fatalismo, atribuciones causales y rendimiento académico en estudiantes chilenos mapuches y no mapuches

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    This study investigated the role of fatalism as a cultural value orientation and causal attributions for past failure in the academic performance of high school students in the Araucania Region of Chile. Three thousand three hundred and fourty eight Mapuche and Non-Mapuche students participated in the study. Consistent with the Culture and Behavior model that guided the research, the test of causal models based on the analysis of structural equations show that academic performance is in part a function of variations in the level of fatalism, directly as well as indirectly through its influence in the attribution processes and failure-related emotions. In general, the model representing the proposed structure of relations among fatalism, attributions, and emotions as determinants of academic performance fit the data for both Mapuche and non-Mapuche students. However, results show that some of the relations in the model are different for students from these two ethnic groups. Finally, according to the results from the analysis of causal models, family SES appear to be the most important determinant of fatalism.Este estudio investiga el rol del fatalismo como orientación valórica cultural y las atribuciones causales sobre el fracaso en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes secundarios en la región de La Araucanía, Chile. Tres mil trescientos cuarenta y ocho estudiantes Mapuche y no-Mapuche participaron en el estudio. De manera consistente con el modelo sobre cultura y comportamiento que guía la investigación, los resultados del análisis de modelos causales basado en ecuaciones estructurales muestra que el rendimiento académico es en parte una función de variaciones en el nivel de fatalismo, tanto directamente como por medio de los procesos de atribución causal y las emociones relacionadas al fracaso. En términos generales, el modelo propuesto respecto a la estructura de las relaciones entre las variables fatalismo, atribuciones, y emociones relacionadas con el fracaso como determinantes del rendimiento académico explican los datos tanto para estudiantes Mapuche como No-Mapuche. Sin embargo, los resultados muestran que la naturaleza de las relaciones entre algunas de las variables del modelo es distinta para estudiantes de estos dos grupos étnicos. Finalmente, de acuerdo al análisis de modelos causales, el nivel socioeconómico de la familia aparece como el determinante más importante del fatalismo

    Integrating curriculum-based dynamic assessment in computerized adaptive testing: Development and predictive validity of the EDPL-BAI battery on reading competence

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    In recent decades, there have been significant changes in the conceptualization of reading as well as in the perception of how this activity should be assessed. Interest in the analysis of reading processes has led to the emergence of new explanatory models based primarily on the contributions of cognitive psychology. In parallel, there have been notable advances in measurement procedures, especially in models based on Item Response Theory (IRT), as well as in the capacity and performance of specific software programs that allow data to be managed and analyzed. These changes have contributed significantly to the rise of testing procedures such as computerized adaptive tests (CATs), whose fundamental characteristic is that the sequence of items presented in the tests is adapted to the level of competence that the subject manifests. Likewise, the incorporation of elements of dynamic assessment (DA) as the prompts are gradually offered allows for obtaining information about the type and degree of support required to optimize the subject’s performance. In this sense, the confluence of contributions from DA and CATs offers a new possibility for approaching the assessment of learning processes. In this article, we present a longitudinal research developed in two phases, through which a computerized dynamic adaptive assessment battery of reading processes (EDPL-BAI) was configured. The research frame involved 1,831 students (46% girls) from 13 public schools in three regions of Chile. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differential contribution on reading competence of dynamic scores obtained in a subsample composed of 324 (47% girls) students from third to sixth grade after the implementation of a set of adaptive dynamic tests of morpho-syntactic processes. The results achieved in the structural equation modeling indicate a good global fit. Individual relationships show a significant contribution of calibrated score that reflects estimated knowledge level on reading competence, as well as dynamic scores based on the assigned value of graduated prompts required by the students. These results showed significant predictive values on reading competence and incremental validity in relation to predictions made by static criterion tests

    Neuropsychological profiles and neural correlates in typical and atypical variants of Alzheimer disease: A systematic qualitative review

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    Introduction: Neuropsychological symptoms and cortical atrophy patterns show similarities between typical Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and its variants. Thus, correct diagnosis is difficult, leading to errors in the therapeutic process. Indeed, the challenge in cognitive neuroscience focuses on identifying key features of cognitive-linguistic profiles and improving the knowledge of neural correlates for accurate differential diagnosis between the heterogeneous profiles of typical and atypical AD. Aim: This systematic review aims to describe different AD profiles, considering their neuropsychological symptoms and neural correlates. Methods: The present study followed the PRISMA guidelines and included studies from the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, published between 2011 and 2021. Results: Thirty-one articles were included in this systematic review for critical analysis. Results suggest significant declines in episodic and working memory and executive function. Likewise, in all groups, verbal fluency and visuospatial/visuoconstructive skills declined. However, these symptoms overlap between typical AD, logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia, posterior cortical atrophy, behavioural/dysexecutive or frontal variant AD, and corticobasal syndrome. On the other hand, the neural correlate showed a pattern of atrophy in frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital areas, even compromising the cuneus and precuneus. Conclusion: Spontaneous language and semantic and phonological verbal fluency could be an important biomarker for differential diagnosis between typical AD and its atypical variants. Likewise, clinical assessment should consider using advanced neuroimaging techniques to establish early associations between brain dysfunction and neuropsychological performance, with particular attention to brain areas such as the cuneus and precuneus