199 research outputs found

    Massive Oe/Be stars at low metallicity: Candidate progenitors of long GRBs?

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    At low metallicity the B-type stars rotate faster than at higher metallicity, typically in the SMC. As a consequence, it was expected a larger number of fast rotators in the SMC than in the Galaxy, in particular more Be/Oe stars. With the ESO-WFI in its slitless mode, the SMC open clusters were examined and an occurence of Be stars 3 to 5 times larger than in the Galaxy was found. The evolution of the angular rotational velocity seems to be the main key on the understanding of the specific behaviour and of the stellar evolution of such stars at different metallicities. With the results of this WFI study and using observational clues on the SMC WR stars and massive stars, as well as the theoretical indications of long gamma-ray burst progenitors, we identify the low metallicity massive Be and Oe stars as potential LGRB progenitors. Therefore the expected rates and numbers of LGRB are calculated and compared to the observed ones, leading to a good probability that low metallicity Be/Oe stars are actually LGRB progenitors.Comment: poster at IAUS27

    A slitless spectroscopic survey for Halpha emission-line objects in SMC clusters

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    This paper checks on the roles of metallicity and evolutionary age in the appearance of the so-called Be phenomenon. Slitless CCD spectra were obtained covering the bulk of the Small Magellanic Cloud. For Halpha line emission twice as strong as the ambient continuum, the survey is complete to spectral type B2/B3 on the main sequence. About 8120 spectra of 4437 stars were searched for emission lines in 84 open clusters. 370 emission-line stars were found, among them at least 231 near the main sequence. For 176 of them, photometry could be found in the OGLE database. For comparison with a higher-metallicity environment, the Galactic sample of the photometric Halpha survey by McSwain & Gies (2005) was used. Among early spectral sub-types, Be stars are more frequent by a factor 3-5 in the SMC than in the Galaxy. The distribution with spectral type is similar in both galaxies, i.e. not strongly dependent on metallicity. The fraction of Be stars does not seem to vary with local star density. The Be phenomenon mainly sets in towards the end of the main-sequence evolution (this trend may be more pronounced in the SMC); but some Be stars already form with Be-star characteristics. In all probability, the fractional critical angular rotation rate, \omc, is one of the main parameters governing the occurrence of the Be phenomenon. If the Be character is only acquired during the course of evolution, the key circumstance is the evolution of \omc, which not only is dependent on metallicity but differently so for different mass ranges.Comment: Accepted by A&A, language correction not yet done. Short version of the abstrac

    ZAMS rotational velocities of Be/Oe stars and LGRBs progenitors in the Magellanic Clouds

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    The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are priviledged environments to perform tests of theoretical predictions at low metallicity on rotational velocities and stellar evolution. According to theoretical predictions, the rotational velocities of B-type stars are expected to be higher in low metallicity (LMC/SMC) than in high metallicity (MW) environments. To verify the models, we observed with the VLT-FLAMES 523 B and Be stars, which form, at the moment, the largest observed sample of these kind of objects in the MCs. We first determined the stellar fundamental parameters and we found that B and Be stars rotate faster in the MCs than in the MW. We also determined the first distribution of the average ZAMS rotational velocities versus the mass of Be stars. These results indicate that the appearance of Be stars is mass-, metallicity-, stellar evolution-, and star-formation regions-dependant. Moreover, the recent models of Long Gamma Ray Bursts progenitors foresee possible LGRBs progenitors at the SMC's metallicity. We confront these models with the observed (ZAMS rotational velocities, masses) distributions of the fastest rotators (Be and Oe stars) in our sample. Furthermore, we compare the corresponding predicted rates from our study with observed rates of LGRBs.Comment: poster IAUS25

    The WFI Halpha spectroscopic survey of the Magellanic Clouds: Be stars in SMC open clusters

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    At low metallicity, B-type stars show lower loss of mass and, therefore, angular momentum so that it is expected that there are more Be stars in the Magellanic Clouds than in the Milky Way. However, till now, searches for Be stars were only performed in a very small number of open clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Using the ESO/WFI in its slitless spectroscopic mode, we performed a Halpha survey of the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud. Eight million low-resolution spectra centered on Halpha were obtained. For their automatic analysis, we developed the ALBUM code. Here, we present the observations, the method to exploit the data and first results for 84 open clusters in the SMC. In particular, cross-correlating our catalogs with OGLE positional and photometric data, we classified more than 4000 stars and were able to find the B and Be stars in them. We show the evolution of the rates of Be stars as functions of area density, metallicity, spectral type, and age.Comment: talk at IAUS25

    Can massive Be/Oe stars be progenitors of long gamma ray bursts?

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    Context: The identification of long-gamma-ray-bursts (LGRBs) is still uncertain, although the collapsar engine of fast-rotating massive stars is gaining a strong consensus. Aims: We propose that low-metallicity Be and Oe stars, which are massive fast rotators, as potential LGRBs progenitors. Methods: We checked this hypothesis by 1) testing the global specific angular momentum of Oe/Be stars in the ZAMS with the SMC metallicity, 2) comparing the ZAMS (Ω/Ωc,M/M\Omega/\Omega_{\rm c},M/M_{\odot}) parameters of these stars with the area predicted theoretically for progenitors with metallicity Z=0.002Z=0.002, and 3) calculating the expected rate of LGRBs/year/galaxy and comparing them with the observed ones. To this end, we determined the ZAMS linear and angular rotational velocities for SMC Be and Oe stars using the observed vsini parameters, corrected from the underestimation induced by the gravitational darkening effect. Results: The angular velocities of SMC Oe/Be stars are on average =0.95=0.95 in the ZAMS. These velocities are in the area theoretically predicted for the LGRBs progenitors. We estimated the yearly rate per galaxy of LGRBs and the number of LGRBs produced in the local Universe up to z=0.2. We have considered that the mass range of LGRB progenitors corresponds to stars hotter than spectral types B0-B1 and used individual beaming angles from 5 to 15\degr. We thus obtain RLGRBpred107R^{\rm pred}_{\rm LGRB}\sim10^{-7} to 106\sim10^{-6} LGRBs/year/galaxy, which represents on average 2 to 14 LGRB predicted events in the local Universe during the past 11 years. The predicted rates could widely surpass the observed ones [(0.2-3)×107\times10^{-7} LGRBs/year/galaxy; 8 LGRBs observed in the local Universe during the last 11 years] if the stellar counts were made from the spectral type B1-B2, in accordance with the expected apparent spectral types of the appropriate massive fast rotators. Conclusion: We conclude that the massive Be/Oe stars with SMC metallicity could be LGRBs progenitors. Nevertheless, other SMC O/B stars without emission lines, which have high enough specific angular momentum, can enhance the predicted RLGRBR_{\rm LGRB} rate

    The spectrum of the B[e] star BAL224

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    We present optical spectroscopy of the emission line star BAL 224 (V=17.3, B-V=0.46). This star also named KWBBE 485, [MA93]906 is located at the periphery of the young SMC cluster NGC 330; it is known as a photometric variable with a possible period around 1 day (Balona 1992). Furthermore it was reported as the optical counterpart of the prominent mid-infrared source (MIR1) by Kucinskas et al. (2000), indicating the presence of a dust shell. The star was included in a sample of B-type stars observed using the ESO VLT-FLAMES facilities. The presence of emission lines such as Fe II,[Fe II], [S II] make this object like a B[e] star. The Halpha alpha, Hgamma gamma and Hdelta delta lines show an asymmetrical double-peaked emission profile suggesting the presence of an accretion disk. Moreover the MACHO and OGLE light curves were analyzed; in addition to a long-term variability (simeq simeq 2300d), a short period very close to 1 day has been detected using different methods, confirming the variability previously reported by Balona (1992). Finally the nature of this object is reconsidered.Comment: 4 page

    Review about populations of Be stars: stellar evolution of extreme stars

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    Among the emission-line stars, the classical Be stars known for their extreme properties are remarkable. The Be stars are B-type main sequence stars that have displayed at least once in their life emission lines in their spectrum. Beyond this phenomenological approach some progresses were made on the understanding of this class of stars. With high-technology techniques (interferometry, adaptive optics, multi-objects spectroscopy, spectropolarimetry, high-resolution photometry, etc) from different instruments and space mission such as the VLTI, CHARA, FLAMES, ESPADONS-NARVAL, COROT, MOST, SPITZER, etc, some discoveries were performed allowing to constrain the modelling of the Be stars stellar evolution but also their circumstellar decretion disks. In particular, the confrontation between theory and observations about the effects of the stellar formation and evolution on the main sequence, the metallicity, the magnetic fields, the stellar pulsations, the rotational velocity, and the binarity (including the X-rays binaries) on the Be phenomenon appearance is discussed. The disks observations and the efforts made on their modelling is mentioned. As the life of a star does not finish at the end of the main sequence, we also mention their stellar evolution post main sequence including the gamma-ray bursts. Finally, the different new results and remaining questions about the main physical properties of the Be stars are summarized and possible ways of investigations proposed. The recent and future facilities (XSHOOTER, ALMA, E-ELT, TMT, GMT, JWST, GAIA, etc) and their instruments that may help to improve the knowledge of Be stars are also briefly introduced.Comment: Review about Be stars populations at the IAUS27

    The WFI Halpha spectroscopic survey

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    This document presents the results from our spectroscopic survey of Halpha emitters in galactic and SMC open clusters with the ESO Wide Field Imager in its slitless spectroscopic mode. First of all, for the galactic open cluster NGC6611, in which, the number and the nature of emission line stars is still the object of debates, we show that the number of true circumstellar emission line stars is small. Second, at low metallicity, typically in the Small Magellanic Cloud, B-type stars rotate faster than in the Milky Way and thus it is expected a larger number of Be stars. However, till now, search for Be stars was only performed in a very small number of open clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Using the ESO/WFI in its slitless spectroscopic mode, we performed a Halpha survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. 3 million low-resolution spectra centered on Halpha were obtained in the whole SMC. Here, we present the method to exploit the data and first results for 84 open clusters in the SMC about the ratios of Be stars to B stars.Comment: proceedings SF2A2008, PNPS sessio

    ALBUM: a tool for the analysis of slitless spectra and its application to ESO WFI data

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    ALBUM is a general-purpose tool to visualize and screen large amounts of slitless spectra. It was developed for a search for emission-line stars in SMC and LMC clusters. The observations were obtained with ESO's Wide Field Imager (WFI) and comprise ~8 million low-resolution spectra. The tool as well as the results of its application to the SMC part of the database are presented. The inferred frequency of Be stars is compared to the one in the higher-metallicity environment of the Milky Way.Comment: The 2007 ESO instrument calibration workshop, Garching bei Muenchen : Allemagne (2007); 4 page

    Be stars in open clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We report on the study of the population of B and Be stars in SMC young clusters, performed with the Wide Field Imager in slitless spectroscopic mode at ESO/T2.2m with a filter centered at Halpha. First, we explain the reduction methods we used and our selection of different types of objects. Second, we present results on the proportion of Be stars in SMC clusters, and we compare this proportion to the one observed in the Milky Way. Finally, we also present results on a statistical study of variability of Be stars with OGLE.Comment: sf2a 200