3 research outputs found

    Additional file 6: Figure S6. of A role for endothelial nitric oxide synthase in intestinal stem cell proliferation and mesenchymal colorectal cancer

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    Kaplan–Meier plots from an analysis of the correlation between eNOS (a) or iNOS (b) mRNA expression level and patient survival using the best separation. eNOS upregulation and low iNOS expression significantly decrease the 5-year survival in colorectal cancer, colon adenocarcinoma and rectum adenocarcinoma patients. Patients were divided into low or high groups based on the level of expression of the NOS isoform. Data were taken from The Human Protein Atlas database. (TIF 76270 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of A role for endothelial nitric oxide synthase in intestinal stem cell proliferation and mesenchymal colorectal cancer

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    Qualitative supervised classification of human CRC tumors into different CRC subtypes. Data analysis was performed using nSolver software from NanoString Technologies. Raw expression data were normalized and an overall average was established for each classifier gene, as described by Sadanandam et al. [10] and De Sousa et al. [6]. Positive expression indicates a value of expression above the average and it is shown as a green square, whereas negative expression is a value below the overall mean and it is shown as a red square. (TIF 64176 kb