3 research outputs found

    Influenece of novel 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives on rats memories procesies

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    MÅ«sdienu intensÄ«vais dzÄ«ves ritms un ikdienas stress nelabvēlÄ«gi ietekmē organismu. Cilvēki piekopj neveselÄ«gu dzÄ«vesveidu. Arvien jaunākiem cilvēkiem konstatē hroniskas saslimÅ”anas, kuru ārstÄ“Å”anā ilgstoÅ”i ir jālieto zāles. Zāļu lietoÅ”ana un stress bojā atmiņu. Bojāta atmiņa traucē cilvēkam pilnvērtÄ«gi pildÄ«t savas funkcijas. Tāpēc tiek meklēti jauni lÄ«dzekļi kognitÄ«vo funkciju uzlaboÅ”anai, kas bÅ«tu vēl efektÄ«vāki, ar mazāku toksiskumu un blaknēm. IepriekŔējos pētÄ«jumos 1,4-dihidropiridÄ«ni (DHP) ir uzrādÄ«juÅ”i neiroprotektÄ«vas Ä«paŔības. Å ajā darbā pētÄ«jām jaunus Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institÅ«tā sintezētus 1,4-dihidropiridÄ«nu savienojumus, kas satur N-propargilgrupu (D3-69, D3-72, D3-72-2) vai adamantilgrupu (AV-6-93). Bez tam D3-72-2 satur arÄ« dodecilpiridÄ«nija grupu. Kā atsauces vielas izmantojām amantadÄ«nu, rasagilÄ«nu (propargilgrupu saturoÅ”u antidepresantu),kontrolei fizioloÄ£isko Ŕķīdumu.FarmakoloÄ£iskos testos noskaidrojām to ietekmi uz atmiņu procesu veidoÅ”anos žurkām.Nowadays intense rhythm of life and eveyday stress affects the organism. People are pursuing an unhealthy lifestyle. More young people have got chronic diseases and had to take medicine for long term. Medicines and stress damage memory. Damaged memory interferes with a person to perform his or her functions perfectly. Therefore new resources to improve cognitive function are being searched for years. They should be more effective, with less toxicity and side effects. Previous studies of 1,4-dihydropyridine (DHP) derivatives have shown their neuroprotective properties. The present study was devoted to the pharmacological investigation of novel DPH coumpounds containing N-propargylgroup (D3-69, D3-72, D3-72-2) and adamantylgroup (AV-6-93) synthesised at Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. D3-72-2 also contains the dodecylpyridiniumgroup. Compounds were administered intraperitoneally to rats for 7, 14 days. Control groups received saline and/or reference drugs amantadine, rasagiline