11 research outputs found

    Analiza peptida iz hrane

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    The aim of this review is to discuss the definition of food peptidomics and highlight the role of this approach in food and nutrition sciences. Similar to living organisms, food peptidome may be defined as the whole peptide pool present in a food product or raw material. This definition also covers peptides obtained during technological processes and/or storage. The area of interest of food peptidomics covers research concerning the origin of peptidome, its dynamic changes during processing and/or storage, the influence of its presence, the composition and changes in the pool of peptides on the properties of food products or raw materials as well as the methods applied in research into this group of compounds. The area of interests of food peptidomics would include biological activity, functional properties, allergenicity, sensory properties and information on the product or resource authenticity and origin as well as its history and relationships. Research methods applied in food peptidomics, with special emphasis on computational methods, are also summarized.Ovaj revijalni prikaz razmatra definiciju pojma „food peptidomics“, tj. istraživanje peptida iz hrane i njihovu ulogu u prehrambenoj tehnologiji i nutricionizmu. Slično živim organizmima, „peptidome“ hrane obuhvaća sve peptide u prehrambenom proizvodu ili sirovini, a i one proizvedene tijekom prerade i/ili njihova skladištenja. Ova grana znanosti obuhvaća istraživanje podrijetla peptida, dinamičnosti njihove promjene pri preradi i/ili skladištenju, utjecaja peptida, njihova sastava i promjene sastava na svojstva prehrambenih proizvoda i sirovina, te metode istraživanja. To uključuje ispitivanje njihove biološke aktivnosti, funkcionalnih, alergenskih i senzorskih svojstava, informacije o autentičnosti i porijeklu proizvoda ili izvora, te povijesni razvoj i odnose. U radu su opisane metode istraživanja peptida, s posebnim naglaskom na računske metode

    Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome

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    Zespół przetrwałego pobudzenia seksualnego (PSAS) opisany po raz pierwszy w 2001 roku i zakwalifikowany do grupy zaburzeń pożądania jest czynnikiem zakłócającym funkcjonowanie kobiety i znacznie wpływającym na jakość jej życia. W niniejszej pracy na podstawie dostępnego piśmiennictwa omówiono stan wiedzy na temat etiologii, patofizjologii, rozpoznawania oraz obecne zalecenia dotyczące leczenia PSAS.Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) - described for the first time in 2001 and qualified as a desire disorder, an important factor interfering woman's functioning and significantly impairing her quality of life. In this review the authors present current state of knowledge on etiology, patophysiology, diagnosis and current therapy guidelines of PSAS

    Kabozantynib w pierwszej linii leczenia pacjenta z przerzutowym rakiem nerkowokomórkowym

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    Populacja pacjentów z przerzutowym rakiem nerkowokomórkowym jest niejednorodna, dlatego opracowano skale, które pomagają ocenić rokowanie chorych. Według obowiązujących standardów pacjenci z grupy pośredniego i niekorzystnego rokowania (na postawie skali IMDC) w pierwszej linii powinni otrzymać leczenie z zastosowaniem dwulekowej immunoterapii, skojarzenia leku immunokompetentnego z TKI lub kabozantynib w monoterapii. Czynnikami wpływającymi na wybór danej terapii są m.in. typ histologiczny nowotworu, choroby współistniejące, aktualna wydolność narządowa czy spodziewany czas do uzyskania odpowiedzi (TTR, time to response). W artykule przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjenta, który w pierwszej linii otrzymał kabozantynib oraz omówiono czynniki, które wpłynęły na wybór tego leku

    Proposal of the Annotation of Phosphorylated Amino Acids and Peptides Using Biological and Chemical Codes

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    Phosphorylation represents one of the most important modifications of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. By modifying the latter, it is useful in improving the functional properties of foods. Although all these substances are broadly annotated in internet databases, there is no unified code for their annotation. The present publication aims to describe a simple code for the annotation of phosphopeptide sequences. The proposed code describes the location of phosphate residues in amino acid side chains (including new rules of atom numbering in amino acids) and the diversity of phosphate residues (e.g., di- and triphosphate residues and phosphate amidation). This article also includes translating the proposed biological code into SMILES, being the most commonly used chemical code. Finally, it discusses possible errors associated with applying the proposed code and in the resulting SMILES representations of phosphopeptides. The proposed code can be extended to describe other modifications in the future

    Free Accessible Databases as a Source of Information about Food Components and Other Compounds with Anticancer Activity–Brief Review

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    Diet is considered to be a significant factor in cancer prevention and therapy. Many food components reveal anticancer activity. The increasing number of experiments concerning the anticancer potential of chemical compounds, including food components, is a challenge for data searching. Specialized databases provide an opportunity to overcome this problem. Data concerning the anticancer activity of chemical compounds may be found in general databases of chemical compounds and databases of drugs, including specialized resources concerning anticancer compounds, databases of food components, and databases of individual groups of compounds, such as polyphenols or peptides. This brief review summarizes the state of knowledge of chemical databases containing information concerning natural anticancer compounds (e.g., from food). Additionally, the information about text- and structure-based search options and links between particular internet resources is provided in this paper. Examples of the application of databases in food and nutrition sciences are also presented with special attention to compounds that are interesting from the point of view of dietary cancer prevention. Simple examples of potential database search possibilities are also discussed

    Food Peptidomics

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    The aim of this review is to discuss the definition of food peptidomics and highlight the role of this approach in food and nutrition sciences. Similar to living organisms, food peptidome may be defined as the whole peptide pool present in a food product or raw material. This definition also covers peptides obtained during technological processes and/or storage. The area of interest of food peptidomics covers research concerning the origin of peptidome, its dynamic changes during processing and/or storage, the influence of its presence, the composition and changes in the pool of peptides on the properties of food products or raw materials as well as the methods applied in research into this group of compounds. The area of interests of food peptidomics would include biological activity, functional properties, allergenicity, sensory properties and information on the product or resource authenticity and origin as well as its history and relationships. Research methods applied in food peptidomics, with special emphasis on computational methods, are also summarized

    Adverse Events of Cabozantinib as a Potential Prognostic Factor in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients: Real-World Experience in a Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Cabozantinib, an oral inhibitor targeting MET, AXL, and VEGF receptors, has become a key component of a sequential treatment strategy for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). The purpose of this work is to show that effective management of adverse events (AEs) during cabozantinib treatment and achieving a balance between AEs and treatment efficacy is crucial to achieving therapeutic goals. In this retrospective study, involving seventy-one metastatic RCC (mRCC) patients receiving second or subsequent lines of cabozantinib at the Department of Genitourinary Oncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, we explored the impact of AEs on overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). AEs were observed in 92% of patients. Hypothyroidism during treatment was significantly associated with prolonged OS and PFS (HR: 0.31; p p p = 0.021). Patients experiencing multiple AEs demonstrated superior OS and PFS compared to those with one or no AEs (HR: 0.36; p p < 0.001, respectively). Hypothyroidism and HFS serve as valuable predictive factors during cabozantinib treatment in ccRCC patients, indicating a more favorable prognosis