31 research outputs found

    Zastosowanie technologii wirtualnej rzeczywistości w psychologii

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    Virtual Reality Technologies Application in Psychology This paper is the review of virtual reality (VR) technologies application in psychology. At the beginning, definition of virtual reality is introduced with a special focus on immersion problem. Then, advantages of VR technologies usage in psychology are described. In the last part, few examples illustrating virtual reality environment applications in behavioral therapy, cognitive functions assessment and pain reduction are enumerated. At the end, some constraints of VR technologies usage are discussed

    Individual differences in susceptibility to out-of-body experience

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    During out-of-body experience (OBE) visual perspective and bodily awareness are altered. The phenomenon has been investigated in studies with brain-damaged patients, people exposed to gravitational overloads, as well as victims of traumatic events. Recently, virtual reality technology enabled evoking transient OBE in healthy people. Studies using full-body illusion (FBI) protocol point to incorrect visuo-vestibular integration as a potential mechanism evoking OBE. This conclusion is strengthened by neuroimaging and lesion studies suggesting important role of temporo-pariental junction (TPJ; multisensory associative cortical area damaged in patients suffering from OBE) for proper visuo-vestibular integration. Finally, potential mechanisms of individual differences in susceptibility to OBE ranging from simple perceptual to higher cognitive processes are discussed

    Error-related cardiac response as information for visibility judgements

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    Interoception provides information about the saliency of external or internal sensory events and thus may inform perceptual decision-making. Error in performance is an example of a motivationally significant internal event that evokes autonomic nervous system response resembling the orienting response: heart rate deceleration, increased skin conductance response, and pupil dilation. Here, we investigate whether error-related cardiac activity may serve as a source of information when making metacognitive judgments in an orientation discrimination backward masking task. In the first experiment, we found that the heart accelerates less after an incorrect stimuli discrimination than after a correct one. Moreover, this difference becomes more pronounced with increasing subjective visibility of the stimuli. In the second experiment, this accuracy-dependent pattern of cardiac activity was found only when participants listened to their own heartbeats, but not someone else's. We propose that decision accuracy coded in cardiac activity may be fed as a cue to subjective visibility judgments

    Poza ciało: różnice indywidualne w podatności na eksterioryzację

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    During out-of-body experience (OBE) visual perspective and bodily awareness are altered. The phenomenon has been investigated in studies with brain-damaged patients, people exposed to gravitational overloads, as well as victims of traumatic events. Recently, virtual reality technology enabled evoking transient OBE in healthy people. Studies using full-body illusion (FBI) protocol point to incorrect visuo-vestibular integration as a potential mechanism evoking OBE. This conclusion is strengthened by neuroimaging and lesion studies suggesting important role of temporo-pariental junction (TPJ; multisensory associative cortical area damaged in patients suffering from OBE) for proper visuo-vestibular integration. Finally, potential mechanisms of individual differences in susceptibility to OBE ranging from simple perceptual to higher cognitive processes are discussed

    Rubber hand illusion reduces discomfort caused by cold stimulus

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    There is a growing interest in body-ownership disruptions and their consequences for subjective experiences such as tactile sensations or pain. Here, we investigated the effect of the rubber hand illusion (RHI) on the perceived discomfort caused by cold stimulus applied to the real hand. The results showed reduced discomfort to cold reflected in behavioural and subjective measures. The stronger the illusion, the later the cold temperature became unpleasant and the less intense the experience was rated. We discuss the link between thermoception and body ownership as well as possible theoretical and methodological implications for studies on pain experience under RHI

    Spatial presence in virtual environment in the context of shifting attention efficacy and absorption.

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    This paper presents results of an experiment investigating the influence of attention shifting efficacy and absorption on the process of spatial presence formation in the context of forced breaks in presence procedure. Using roller coaster scenario as virtual environment, it was found that shifting accuracy affects self-referential and objectively measured sense of presence, especially in interaction with predisposition to external absorption. In conclusion, it is suggested that results received might reflect costs of shifting between environments, on the one hand, and the influence of distractors perception threshold level, on the other. Further research employing neuroimaging methods and an odd-ball task as forced BIP procedure is proposed.Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań nad wpływem wydajności kontroli poznawczej oraz poziomu skłonności do pochłonięcia na dynamikę procesu zanurzenia przestrzennego w środowisko wirtualne. Wychodząc od postulatów zawartych w modelu MEC autorstwa Wirtha i współpracowników, postulującego dwuetapowy przebieg formowania się zanurzenia przestrzennego, jak również odwołując się do danych na temat neuronalnych korelatów zanurzenia przestrzennego, w niniejszym badaniu testowane są dwie hipotezy główne. Pierwsza z nich postuluje, że wydajność kontroli poznawczej przekłada się na dynamikę procesu zanurzenia. Druga zaś głosi, że eksperymentalna manipulacja poziomem zaangażowania kontroli poznawczej będzie miała odzwierciedlenie w głębokości zanurzenia przestrzennego. W badaniu wzięło udział 57 osób, jako środowiska wirtualnego wykorzystano symulację przejażdżki roller rollercoasterem. Do pomiaru wydajności kontroli poznawczej posłużyły trzy testy komputerowe, poziom skłonności do pochłonięcia określono przy pomocy Skali SP autorstwa Polczyka, zanurzenie przestrzenne natomiast zmierzono dwoma miarami – behawioralną (wymuszone przerwy w zanurzeniu) oraz samoopisową (Kwestionariusz do poziomu głębokości zanurzenia w środowisko wirtualne). Wyniki jedynie częściowo potwierdziły testowane hipotezy. Manipulacja zaangażowaniem kontroli poznawczej nie miała wpływu na zanurzenie przestrzenne. Niemniej jednak poprawność przerzutności uwagi oraz poziom skłonności do pochłonięcia okazały się istotnie skorelowane z wynikami w obydwu wykorzystanych miarach zanurzenia. Co więcej interakcja powyższych czynników wykazała, iż osoby o wysokiej poprawności do przerzucania uwagi oraz niskiej skłonności do pochłonięcia, w porównaniu do pozostałych osób, raportowały najsłabsze subiektywne zanurzenie przestrzenne oraz osiągnęły najdłuższe czasy reakcji w ramach procedury wymuszonych przerw w zanurzeniu. Powyższe rezultaty interpretuje się w kontekście modelu MEC, jako koszty częstych zmian pierwotnej egocentrycznej ramy odniesienia, związanej z przełączeniem pomiędzy dwoma środowiskami – wirtualnym i fizycznym. Na zakończenie proponuje się przeprowadzenie dalszych badań, testujących założenia postulowanego modelu z wykorzystaniem technik neuroobrazowania oraz zadania typu odd-ball

    Virtual reality technologies application in psychology

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    This paper is the review of virtual reality (VR) technologies application in psychology. At the beginning, definition of virtual reality is introduced with a special focus on immersion problem. Then, advantages of VR technologies usage in psychology are described. In the last part, few examples illustrating virtual reality environment applications in behavioral therapy, cognitive functions assessment and pain reduction are enumerated. At the end, some constraints of VR technologies usage are discussed

    Embodied cognition

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