30 research outputs found

    Sistem Penganggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (Apbdes) Teratak Buluh Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2014

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    Teratakbuluh village is one of in Siakhulu subdistrick Kampar districk. The analizy cosh and balances the Teratakbuluh village is less especially in 2014. Teratakbuluh village struggle to add the cosh so that the village can be using to all people is not except buerocracy. Teratakbuluh has many change the APBDes cause the Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) is not enough to progress to all people in the village. So, Teratakbuluh village should many enter the cash village. In 2014, Teratakbuluh village has many money from Dana Perimbangan, Teratakbuluh village get from Siakhulu subdistrick and Kampar districk. The government Teratakbuluh village can be changed the rule of village (Peraturan Desa) which of UU Number 6 in 2014 about Village. So that, the rule of village can give to all people in the Teratakbuluh village to follow the rule especially APBDes. The methods to learn about APBDes in Teratakbuluh village is qualitative, and the key informan is all in village office. The writer give some problem about it, cause this is very interested to learn about APBDes in Teratakbuluh village, Siakhulu subdistrick Kampar districk. The writer conclude about APBDes Teratakbuluh still less to enough all people. The suggestion, Teratakbuluh village should the get cash village so that release the problem.Key words: The analizy APBDes, Teratakbuluh village, The planning theor

    Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah dari Inisiatif Dprd Provinsi Riau Tahun 2015 (Studi Pembentukan Perda No. 10 Tahun 2015 Tentang Tanah Ulayat dan Pemanfaatanya)

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    Right of initiative is the inherent right of parliaments in strengthening the legislative function to file the draft regulation in this area is Peraturan Daerah No. 10 Tahun 2015 Tentang Tanah Ulayat dan Pemanfaatannya. Regardless of the dynamics and turbulence in the discussion process, DPRD Riau Province has been able to bring Peraturan Daerah No. 10 Tahun 2015 Tentang Tanah Ulayat dan Pemanfaatannya. This regulation is seen as strategic and aspiration. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the process of establishing legislation initiatives on the communal land. The method used is the method of research with a qualitative approach. The data obtained by interview and documentary data analysis to further analyzed by descriptive analysis method. This study shows that the implementation of the initiative right DPRD Riau Province in the formation of the design and local regulations on the utilization of communal land and take place within a period of time long enough that since projected in 2013 and only completed in 2015. In the process, the Special Committee agencies of communal land the comparative study and public hearings in order to get public response. Along the way, the establishment of a long communal land regulation was caused by constraints include internal constraints such as human resources and political will, while the external constraints that executive dominance (executive heavy) and other assignments. In addition, the Parliament also focus more on supervision and budgeting resulted in flaws in the legislative function. Keywords; Rights Initiative, legislation, the Communal Lan

    Faktor Penghambat Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Siak dalam Mengelola Kawasan Wisata Hutan Zamrud Tahun 2013 – 2015

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    The potential of the Siak diversity of potential tourist objects makes Siak has promising prospects for tourism development. In a sense, the tourism product is a potential vary widely in marketing and determining the travel market segmentation so that tourists visiting the Siak could increase. Management and development based on local regulation number 12 of 2012 on Regional Tourism Development Master Plan, especially at points Siak Nature emerald forest tourist area has great potential to be made tourist attractions.This research uses descriptive analysis method using a qualitative approach, which is located in Siak district with a focus on the factors - factors that constrain District Government Siak manage tourist area of forest emerald by the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports towards tourism forest of 38,000 potentially huge as tourist attraction.Based on this research can be concluded Siak district government through the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports in implementing tungas and functions to develop and manage natural attractions emerald forest area is not maximized. It can be seen from four variables inhibiting factor, namely the budget, infrastructure, partnerships and human resources

    Dampak Kebijakan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Riau Nomor 2 Tahun 2011 Tentang Retribusi Pelayanan Tera/tera Ulang (Studi di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2012 - 2014)

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    To protect the public interest in sectors of industry and trade is necessary to guarantee the correctness of measurement as well as their order and legal certainty in the use of units of measure, unit standards, measurement methods of measuring tools, measure, weigh and equipment (UTTP). To the Regional Government of Riau Province Riau Provincial Regulation imposes No. 2 of 2011 on Service Fees Tera / Tera Repeat with the aim of improving regional levies by as many people in the truth and protect the measuring instrument, measure, scales, and equipment, provide consumer protection, improve the smooth trade and realizing healthy competition.The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of Policy Impact Tera / Tera Repeat in Riau province, especially in Pekanbaru. To achieve the objectives of this study, the type of research is qualitative descriptive that is to give a clear picture of the issues under study, interpret and explain the data systematically. The research approach is qualitative, by interviewing the informant that contains questions related to this study.The results showed that the policy applies Riau Provincial Regulation No. 2 of 2011 on Service Fees Tera / Tera Repeat, is to provide protection to the people in terms of their correctness measuring instrument, measure, weigh, and equipment (UTTP), and collect fees with a maximum the amount to increase the regional revenue (PAD). An implementation of Tera Policies / Tera Repeat is not optimal due to limited calibration expert, inadequate technical equipment, and the geographic location makes the implementation of Tera / Tera Repeat has not run optimally.Keywords: Impact, Tera Policies/Tera Repea

    Kapasitas Pemerintah Kabupaten Pelalawan dalam Pembangunan Kawasan Teknopolitan (Studi Pembangunan Kawasan Pendidikan)

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    The background studies concerning regional development issues, particularly teknopolitan education area in Pelalawan District of Langgam. Attempts to find out what are the Government\u27s efforts Pelalawan in the development of educational areas. And knowing the constraints faced by the Government of Pelalawan in the development of educational areas.This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach. The study aimed to describe the real situation on the ground to systematically and accurately related facts and research analysis unit, as well as field observations based on data (information) in particular. Methods of data collection is by interview, documentation and observation.The results of the study describes the capacity of government based on the duties and functions of each agency participating in the development process of the educational areas. In the implementation of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) has a big share of the manufacturing Masterplan. Efforts are being made in the development of the educational areas covering political effort and technical effort, in which the political effort made by BAPPEDA in preparing the budget to lobby parliament in budget disbursement. Technical efforts made in the process of land release and licensing of the Minister concerned. Then the constraints faced by the Government Pelalawan namely the budget and land release. That there is not enough budget for education regional development process entirely, and only the construction of the College of Technology Pelalawan (STTP) available, so that the area of education that target in 2017 have been completed, but it is still STTP is completed. Constraints land release has also become an important issue because of the slow process of land pelepaasan make the development process can not be done

    Pengawasan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa terhadap Pelaksanaan Peraturan Desa Tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa Didesa Bandur Picak Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2012

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    Supervision is very important in all work, what else in the government, lack of supervision is a phenomenon that is polemical and losses for various parties, this phenomenon also occurred in the village of Bandur picak Koto Kampar District of Hulu Kampar, where BPD Monitoring of Implementation Regulation of the Village About APBDes less maximum due to the realization of village finances has not been running well and there are many community organizations that have not received funding because the funding provided is not sufficient. The authors wanted to examine further on the Control of Village Consultative Body of Implementation Regulation of the Village About Budget village Village In the village of Koto Kampar District of Bandur picak Hulu Kampar Regency in 2012.The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of BPD in carrying out surveillance of Village Regulations About APBDes and determine the factors inhibiting the performance of BPD. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Informants in this study is the Head Koto Kampar Hulu, picak Bandur village chief, village secretary, BPD Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the BPD, Desa Bandur picak Kaur, Chief LPM, Kadus, Ninik Mamak and picak Bandur Village Society, the Data Collection Techniques Interviews to find out the extent to which the BPD Supervision Regulations village, qualitative data analysis technique that is performed on the data, in this case the qualitative data in the form of information, a description in the form of prose language other then associated with the data to gain clarity on the truth.Results from this study, the Village Consultative Monitoring Regulatory Agency Village About Budget Village in the Village Bandur picak already implemented properly and in accordance with existing regulations, only lack of education BPD, BPD lack of understanding of the duties and functions, lack of facilities and lack of Inhibiting factors form the village fund BPD in carrying out their duties, as well as other factors, such as mental attitude, and indigenous factors / kinship that exist.Keywords: Monitoring, BPD, Village Regulat

    Manajemen Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru dalam Pengembangan Objek Wisata Danau Buatan di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2013 2014

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    Danau Buatan is one of tourism areas in Pekanbaru which is managed by PT Sarana Pembangunan Kota Pekanbaru as a BUMD and Pekanbaru City Government which aims to increase District Own Source Revenue of Pekanbaru City. But, in the implementation of Danau Buatan Area as a source of revenue cannot be realized well. Thus, it causes PT Sarana Pembangunan Kota Pekanbaru as the manager of this area to take some actions which one of them isconducting management. Management, according to Hasibuan, is a typical process consists of the actions of planning, organizing, activating and controlling which is conducted to determine and to achieve the goals that have been determined through the utilization of human resources and the other resources. This research aims to see the form of the management of Pekanbaru city government in developing Danau Buatan Tourism Object as District Own Source Revenue of Pekanbaru City.This research uses the qualitative research method with descriptive approach, which can be interpreted as a problem-solving process which is investigated by describing the condition of the research subject based on the facts that appear during the research and is continued based on existing theories. In management implementation, the government of Pekanbaru City together with PT Sarana Pembangunan Kota Pekanbaru conductthe four (4) principles of managementthat are Planning, Organizing, Directing or Actuating and Controlling. But the implementation cannot run optimally.Keywords : The Management of Pekanbaru City Government, Developing Danau Buatan Area, District Own Source Revenu

    Penataan Ruang di Provinsi Riau Tahun 2010-2015

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    Spatial is a system of spatial planning, spatial utilization and control of spaceutilization. With the expiration RTRW Riau Province in 2009 had an impact ondevelopment and has the potential to inhibit the growth of industry and the regionaleconomy. The research problem is How the arrangement of space in Riau Province inthe absence of regulation Spatial Plan (RTRW) and How the implications of spatialplanning without spatial regulation in the province of Riau. This study aims todetermine the arrangement of space in Riau Province in the absence of regulationSpatial Plan (RTRW) and to know the implications of the arrangement of space withoutspatial regulation in the province of Riau.This research method is qualitative method with the type of data used primarydata and secondary data, data sources and documents obtained through a researchinformants. Data were collected through interviews and documentation, and thenanalyzed in a descriptive way to provide an overview of the research results.The results of this research are of Spatial Planning in Riau Province Year 2010-2015 has yet to be separated into a regional regulation by the Provincial Governmentof Riau because the seat has not increased the area proposed Regional Government ofRiau Province to the Ministry of Forestry, thus implies Unable to RTRW Regency / Cityset , exemption of land, and inhibit the development and investment

    Pelaksanaan Otonomi Desa di Bidang Keuangan (Studi Optimalisasi Pades di Desa Hangtuah Kecamatan Perhentian Raja Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2012-2014)

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    Implementation of Rural Village Government in the District HangtuahPerhentian Raja has not been established to the maximum, this is because thevillage government authority to regulate duty personnel structure and budgetfunctions required to move the organization and the ability to serve thecommunity of the village have not been up anyway.This research was conducted in the Hangtuah village of Perhentian RajaDistrict of Kampar. The data used in this study is Primary data and secondarydata. Data collection through in-depth interviews and documentation. This studyuses qualitative descriptive method because the retrieval of data from informantsdepth interviews of informants related. So that the problem in this case is How theVillage Government efforts in improving the District Revenue Hangtuah VillagePerhentian Raja Kampar years 2012-2014 and What are the factors that affect thegovernment\u27s efforts in exploring the potential of rural village In the village ofPerhentian Raja Hangtuah District of Kampar Regency in 2012 -2014.From the results of this study are described that attempt VillageGovernment in Increasing Revenue Village Hangtuah District of Perhentian RajaKampar is to further strengthen the implementation of Village Autonomy inparticular in the implementation of development it is necessary to increase againTraffic village officials in management, education, whether it is training for cadresvillage so untapped potential can be utilized for the sake of the welfare of thevillage. Factors Inhibiting Autonomy Village in the Village Hangtuah is a factorInfrastructures, at least revenue-generating asset village Village, Low salaries /honorarium villag