4 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of Aiming for a representative sample: Simulating random versus purposive strategies for hospital selection

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    R code for simulating sampling strategies. Description: R code that creates an exemplary data set and simulates the sampling strategies. (R 26 kb

    Additional file 1: of Aiming for a representative sample: Simulating random versus purposive strategies for hospital selection

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    Comparison of prediction errors for the five sampling strategies, for n = 18 (n = 6 per hospital type). File legend: LARG = largest hospitals, MAXVAR = maximum variation in number of RBCs, RAND = random, REGVAR = regional variation, 2REG = two regions, RBC = red blood cell products, FFP = fresh frozen plasma products, PLT = platelet products. Output for RAND, REGVAR and 2REG is accompanied by 95 % centiles. Description: These show the prediction errors for n = 18 in a similar table as for n = 12. (XLSX 10 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Validation of multisource electronic health record data: an application to blood transfusion data

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    Occurrence of data quality concepts in existing EHR quality assessment or data linkage frameworks. Table S2.1. Distribution of number of pending diagnoses per transfusion. Figure S2.1. Time patterns in number of donations, products and donors. Figure S2.2. Time patterns in number of transfusions by product type. Figure S2.3. Time patterns in % of transfusion that initially could not be linked to products issued. Figure S2.4. Comparison with previous literature: Distribution of blood products over age and gender, by product type. Table S3. Data validity outcomes reported in the literature for studies that use transfusion databases. Text. Similarities with other operationalizations of data validity. (DOCX 205 kb