351 research outputs found

    An?lisis, diagn?stico y propuesta de aplicaci?n e implementaci?n de herramientas financieras u otras alternativas para la mitigaci?n del riesgo por precio de materia prima en la adquisici?n de insumos para el proceso productivo y de comercializaci?n en PETROPER?

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    Se desarrollo un an?lisis del riesgo de la fluctuaci?n de los precios de las materias primas entre la compra y su venta, enfocado en el c?lculo de una m?xima p?rdida probable a un nivel de confianza establecido y en un periodo determinado, esta m?xima p?rdida es considerada como el Valor en Riesgo ? VaR (Value at Risk), el cual es calculado con el fin de dar como resultado la mayor p?rdida probable para la empresa producto de la variaci?n en los precios que afectan de manera considerable los inventarios de PETROPER?. Para esta investigaci?n se ha trabajado s?lo con la variaci?n de inventarios, ya que su valor de realizaci?n es el que m?s se afecta ante las fluctuaciones de los precios en el mercado internacional en un entorno competitivo. Estos inventarios est?n expuestos a dichas fluctuaciones debido a que existe un descalce entre el precio en la fecha de compra y el precio de venta posterior, puesto que esta industria tiene un ciclo de inventario determinado por las caracter?sticas de la industria y su lejan?a tanto a las fuentes de suministro, as? como a su mercado de realizaci?n

    Primary systemic therapy in HER2-positive operable breast cancer using trastuzumab and chemotherapy: efficacy data, cardiotoxicity and long-term follow-up in 142 patients diagnosed from 2005 to 2016 at a single institution

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, cardiotoxicity profile and long-term benefits of neoadjuvant therapy in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive operable breast cancer patients. Patients and methods: A total of 142 patients diagnosed from 2005 to 2016 were included in the study. The treatment consisted of a sequential regimen of taxanes and anthracyclines plus trastuzumab. The clinical and pathological responses were evaluated and correlated with clinical and biological factors. The cardiotoxicity profile and long-term benefits were analyzed. Results: The median age was 49 years, and 4%, 69% and 27% of patients had stage I, II and III breast cancer, respectively, while 10% had inflammatory breast cancer at diagnosis. Hormone receptor (HR) status was negative in 43%, and 62% had grade III breast cancer. The clinical complete response rate was 49% and 63% as assessed using ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively, and this allowed a high rate of conservative surgery (66%). The pathological complete response (pCR) rate was 52%, and it was higher in HR-negative (64%) patients than in HR-positive (41%) patients and in grade III breast cancer (53%) patients than in grade I-II breast cancer (45%) patients. Patients who achieved pCR had longer disease-free survival and a trend toward improved overall survival. A total of 2% of patients showed a 10% decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction to <50% during treatment. All patients except one recovered after discontinuation of trastuzumab. Conclusion: A sequential regimen of taxanes and anthracyclines plus trastuzumab was effective, with high pCR rates and long-term benefit, and had a very good cardiotoxicity profile

    A prospective study of the clinical outcomes and prognosis associated with comorbid COPD in the atrial fibrillation population

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    Background: Patients with COPD are at higher risk of presenting with atrial fibrillation (AF). Information about clinical outcomes and optimal medical treatment of AF in the setting of COPD remains missing. We aimed to describe the prevalence of COPD in a sizeable cohort of real-world AF patients belonging to the same healthcare area and to examine the relationship between comorbid COPD and AF prognosis. Methods: Prospective analysis performed in a specific healthcare area. Data were obtained from several sources within the "data warehouse of the Galician Healthcare Service" using multiple analytical tools. Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS 19 and STATA 14.0. Results: A total of 7,990 (2.08%) patients with AF were registered throughout 2013 in our healthcare area (n=348,985). Mean age was 76.83+/-10.51 years and 937 (11.7%) presented with COPD. COPD patients had a higher mean CHA2DS2-VASc (4.21 vs 3.46; P=0.02) and received less beta-blocker and more digoxin therapy than those without COPD. During a mean follow-up of 707+/-103 days, 1,361 patients (17%) died. All-cause mortality was close to two fold higher in the COPD group (28.3% vs 15.5%; P<0.001). Independent predictive factors for all-cause mortality were age, heart failure, diabetes, previous thromboembolic event, dementia, COPD, and oral anticoagulation (OA). There were nonsignificant differences in thromboembolic events (1.7% vs 1.5%; P=0.7), but the rate of hemorrhagic events was significantly higher in the COPD group (3.3% vs 1.9%; P=0.004). Age, valvular AF, OA, and COPD were independent predictive factors for hemorrhagic events. In COPD patients, age, heart failure, vasculopathy, lack of OA, and lack of beta-blocker use were independent predictive factors for all-cause mortality. Conclusion: AF patients with COPD have a higher incidence of adverse events with significantly increased rates of all-cause mortality and hemorrhagic events than AF patients without COPD. However, comorbid COPD was not associated with differences in cardiovascular death or stroke rate. OA and beta-blocker treatment presented a risk reduction in mortality while digoxin use exerted a neutral effect

    CD5L, Macrophage Apoptosis Inhibitor, Was Identified in Epicardial Fat-Secretome and Regulated by Isoproterenol From Patients With Heart Failure

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    Objectives: Neurohormonal dysfunction, which can regulate epicardial fat activity, is one of the main promoters of atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with heart failure (HF). Our aim was to study the epicardial fat mediators for AF in patients with HF and its catecholaminergic regulation. Methods: We have included 29 patients with HF who underwent cardiac surgery and were followed up for 5 years. Released proteins by epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) after isoproterenol treatment were identified by nano-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and triple time-of-flight (TOF) analysis. Common and differential identified proteins in groups of patients with AF before and after surgery were determined by the FunRich tool. Plasma and epicardial fat biopsy proteins were quantified by western blot. Results: Our results identified 17 common released proteins by EAT, after isoproterenol treatment, from HF patients who suffered AF or developed new-onset AF during follow-up. Mostly, they were involved on inflammatory response and extracellular matrix. One of them was CD5L, a macrophage apoptosis inhibitor. Its secretion by isoproterenol treatment was validated on western blot. The CD5L levels on epicardial fat were also higher in the group of male patients who present or develop AF (0.44 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.18 +/- 0.15; p < 0.016). However, there were no differences regarding plasma levels. Conclusion: Our results suggest the role of epicardial fat CD5L as a mediator of AF and its possible paracrine effect by catecholaminergic activity

    Premature ventricular contractions in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator cardiac resynchronization therapy device: Results from the UMBRELLA registry

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    BACKGROUND: Premature ventricular contractions (PVC) are known to reduce the percentage of biventricular (BiV) pacing in patients with cardiac resynchronization (CRT), decreasing the clinical response. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of a high PVC burden, as well as therapeutic action (pharmacotherapy, catheter ablation or device programming), in a large CRT implantable-defibrillator (CRT-D) population. METHODS: Patients with a CRT-D device from the UMBRELLA multicenter prospective remote monitoring registry were included. The PVC count was collected from each remote monitoring transmission. Patients were divided into two high (>/=1 transmission >/=200/>/=400 PVC/h, respectively) and one low (all transmissions /=200/>/=400 PVC/h, respectively). The majority of patients in the high PVC groups were not treated (61 [79%] and 32 [74%], respectively. Considering the untreated patients in the high PVC groups, median PVC/h was 199 (interquartile range [IQR]: 196) and 271 (IQR: 330), respectively. The PVC burden (proportion of time with PVC/h >/= 200/>/=400) was 40% (IQR 70) and 29% (IQR 59), respectively. CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of CRT-D patients presented a high PVC count, however, few received treatment. In the untreated patients with a high PVC count, the PVC burden during follow-up varied substantially. Several consecutive recordings of a high PVC count should be warranted before considering therapeutic action such as catheter ablation

    XPO1 Gene Therapy Attenuates Cardiac Dysfunction in Rats with Chronic Induced Myocardial Infarction

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    Transcriptomic signature of XPO1 was highly expressed and inversely related to left ventricular function in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients. We hypothesized that treatment with AAV9-shXPO1 attenuates left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling in a myocardial infarction rat model. We induced myocardial infarction by coronary ligation in Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 10), which received AAV9-shXPO1 (n = 5) or placebo AAV9-scramble (n = 5) treatment. Serial echocardiographic assessment was performed throughout the study. After myocardial infarction, AAV9-shXPO1-treated rats showed partial recovery of left ventricular fractional shortening (16.8 +/- 2.8 vs 24.6 +/- 4.1%, P < 0.05) and a maintained left ventricular dimension (6.17 +/- 0.95 vs 4.70 +/- 0.93 mm, P < 0.05), which was not observed in non-treated rats. Furthermore, lower levels of EXP-1 (P < 0.05) and lower collagen fibers and fibrosis in cardiac tissue were observed. However, no differences were found in the IL-6 or TNFR1 plasma levels of the myocardium of AAV9-shXPO1 rats. AAV9-shXPO1 administration attenuates cardiac dysfunction and remodeling in rats after myocardial infarction, producing the gene silencing of XPO1

    Salario emocional: estudio de caso de dos empresas peruanas del sector servicios

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    El Salario Emocional es una herramienta de gesti?n del talento humano que engloba cualquier clase de compensaci?n, retribuci?n o contraprestaci?n no monetaria, que un empleado recibe a cambio de su aportaci?n laboral. Debido al actual contexto las organizaciones se han visto afectadas en su estabilidad laboral y emocional de sus colaboradores, por tal motivo el presente trabajo de investigaci?n se enfoca en el Salario Emocional y sus cuatro (04) variables (Salario Espiritual, Salario Afectivo, Salario Racional y Salario Fisiol?gico) en dos (02) empresas peruanas del sector servicios para identificar las pr?cticas m?s utilizadas en la gesti?n del talento humano. Para el desarrollo del trabajo de campo se recurri? al uso de t?cnicas e instrumentos de recolecci?n de datos para ello se opt? por confeccionar el contenido de los instrumentos de investigaci?n (entrevista y encuesta), ambos instrumentos de recolecci?n de informaci?n fueron validados por expertos profesionales. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que ambas empresas del sector servicios desarrollan pr?cticas y acciones vinculadas al Salario Emocional en sus cuatro (04) variables, prevaleciendo las variables que se encuentran relacionadas con la cultura organizacional de cada empresa peruana del sector servicios