3,114 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a Rydberg hydrogen atom near a topologically insulating surface

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    We investigate the classical dynamics of a Rydberg hydrogen atom near the surface of a planar topological insulator. The system is described by a Hamiltonian consisting of the free-hydrogen part and the hydrogen-surface potential. The latter includes the interactions between the electron and both image electric charges and image magnetic monopoles. Owing to the axial symmetry, the zz component of angular momentum lzl_{z} is conserved. Here we consider the lz=0l_{z} = 0 case. The structure of the phase space is explored extensively by means of numerical techniques and Poincar\'{e} surfaces of section for the recently discovered topological insulator TlBiSe2_{2}. The phase space of the system is separated into regions of vibrational and rotational motion. We show that vibrational-rotational-vibrational type transitions can be tuned with the topological magnetoelectric polarizability.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Exact solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for an hydrogen atom at the interface between the vacuum and a topologically insulating surface

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    When an hydrogen atom is brought near to the interface between θ\theta-media, the quantum-mechanical motion of the electron will be affected by the electromagnetic interaction between the atomic charges and the θ\theta-interface, which is described by an axionic extension of Maxwell electrodynamics in the presence of a boundary. In this paper we investigate the atom-surface interaction effects upon the energy levels and wave functions of an hydrogen atom placed at the interface between a θ\theta-medium and the vacuum. In the approximation considered, the Schr\"{o}dinger equation can be exactly solved by separation of variables in terms of hypergeometic functions for the angular part and hydrogenic functions for the radial part. In order to make such effects apparent we deal with unrealistic high values of the θ\theta-parameter. We also compute the energy shifts using perturbation theory for a particular small value of θ\theta and we demonstrate that they are in a very good agreement with the ones obtained from the exact solution.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in the European Physics Journal

    Green's function approach to Chern-Simons extended electrodynamics: an effective theory describing topological insulators

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    Boundary effects produced by a Chern-Simons (CS) extension to electrodynamics are analyzed exploiting the Green's function (GF) method. We consider the electromagnetic field coupled to a θ\theta-term in a way that has been proposed to provide the correct low energy effective action for topological insulators (TI). We take the θ\theta-term to be piecewise constant in different regions of space separated by a common interface Σ\Sigma, to be called the θ\theta-boundary. Features arising due to the presence of the boundary, such as magnetoelectric effects, are already known in CS extended electrodynamics and solutions for some experimental setups have been found with specific configuration of sources. In this work we illustrate a method to construct the GF that allows to solve the CS modified field equations for a given θ\theta-boundary with otherwise arbitrary configuration of sources. The method is illustrated by solving the case of a planar θ\theta-boundary but can also be applied for cylindrical and spherical geometries for which the θ\theta-boundary can be characterized by a surface where a given coordinate remains constant. The static fields of a point-like charge interacting with a planar TI, as described by a planar discontinuity in θ\theta, are calculated and successfully compared with previously reported results. We also compute the force between the charge and the θ\theta-boundary by two different methods, using the energy momentum tensor approach and the interaction energy calculated via the GF. The infinitely straight current-carrying wire is also analyzed
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