1,461 research outputs found

    Meeting the Poverty-Reduction MDG in the Southern Cone

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    This paper assesses the likelihood of meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015 in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. We simulate the poverty impact of changes in growth rates and redistributive policies, and trace the poverty consequences of various alternative economic scenarios using microeconometric decompositions. Sustainable and vigorous productivity growth seems to be a necessary condition to meet the poverty MDG by 2015 in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The required growth rate could be significantly lower if some modest well-targeted redistribution could be performed. In contrast to its neighbors, Chile has already achieved the poverty MDG.MDG, poverty, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay

    Ethnicity and the Millennium Development Goals in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    ethnicity, race, MDG, poverty, education, Latin America, Caribbean

    Spherical layout : Layout for 3D graph visualization

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    The goal of this work was centered in the graph visualization. The hope is that the extra dimension would give, literally, more space, and that this would ease the problem of displaying large structures. In spite of their apparent simplicity, the displaying of graphs in 3D can also introduce new problems that can be overcome with the appropriate interactions. So, we have developed a new visualization technique for 3D graph visualization; this includes the design of a new graph layout that we called spherical layout and the set of interactions that can be applied on this representation. This technique allows representing structures to different levels of detail and also can be used as a visualization technique that allows more information to be visualized; based on the universe metaphor, the visualization technique was extended keeping all the time the consistency between the visual representation and the metaphor.Facultad de Informátic

    Meeting the poverty-reduction MDG in the Southern Cone

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    Este trabajo evalúa la probabilidad de alcanzar el Objetivo del Desarrollo del Milenio de pobreza en Argentina, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. Simulamos el cambio esperado en la pobreza de distintas tasas de crecimientos y políticas redistributivas, haciendo énfasis en las consecuencias de diversos escenarios creados por descomposiciones microeconométricas. El crecimiento sostenido y vigoroso parece ser una condición necesaria para alcanzar el ODM de pobreza en Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay para el 2015. La tasa de crecimiento requerida podría ser menor si fuese factible una redistribución focalizada. A contraposición de sus vecinos, Chile ya ha alcanzado el ODM de pobreza.This paper assesses the likelihood of meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015 in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. We simulate the poverty impact of changes in growth rates and redistributive policies, and trace the poverty consequences of various alternative economic scenarios using microeconometric decompositions. Sustainable and vigorous productivity growth seems to be a necessary condition to meet the poverty MDG by 2015 in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The required growth rate could be significantly lower if some modest well-targeted redistribution could be performed. In contrast to its neighbors, Chile has already achieved the poverty MDG.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    Quita de subsidios a la energía en Argentina: análisis de bienestar mediante un MEGC

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    The paper estimates the effects on the argentine household welfare due to a partial subsidy cut on the energy sectors. In order to do so, a computable general equilibrium approach was chosen. This model presents a detailed disaggregation of the energy sectors and households. The results on welfare are ambiguous and depend heavily on the compensatory measure chosen by the government.El trabajo estima los efectos sobre el bienestar de los hogares frente a una quita del 20% de subsidios al sector energético argentino (aguas abajo) mediante el uso de un modelo de equilibrio general computado. El modelo presenta una detallada desagregación del sector energético y de los hogares. Los resultados sobre el bienestar resultan ambiguos y dependen fuertemente de la medida compensatoria que toma el gobierno con el gasto en el cual deja de incurrir

    AnArU, a virtual reality framework for physical human interactions

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    Virtual Reality has become, once again, a popular and interesting topic, both as a research and commercial field. This trend has its origin in the use of mobile devices as computational core and displays for Virtual Reality. Android is one of the most used platform in this context and Unity3d is a suitable graphic engine for such platform. In order to improve the immersive experience, some electronic devices, Arduino especially, are used to gather information, such as the movement of the user's arms or legs. Although these three elements are often used in Virtual Reality, few studies use all of them in combination. Those who do, do not develop a reusable framework for their implementations. In this work we present AnArU, a framework for physical human interaction in Virtual Reality. The goal of AnArU is to allow an easy, efficient and extensible communication between electronic devices and the Virtual Reality system.XIII Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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