55 research outputs found

    Dynamic competition between large-scale functional networks differentiates fear conditioning and extinction in humans.

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    The high evolutionary value of learning when to respond to threats or when to inhibit previously learned associations after changing threat contingencies is reflected in dedicated networks in the animal and human brain. Recent evidence further suggests that adaptive learning may be dependent on the dynamic interaction of meta-stable functional brain networks. However, it is still unclear which functional brain networks compete with each other to facilitate associative learning and how changes in threat contingencies affect this competition. The aim of this study was to assess the dynamic competition between large-scale networks related to associative learning in the human brain by combining a repeated differential conditioning and extinction paradigm with independent component analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. The results (i) identify three task-related networks involved in initial and sustained conditioning as well as extinction, and demonstrate that (ii) the two main networks that underlie sustained conditioning and extinction are anti-correlated with each other and (iii) the dynamic competition between these two networks is modulated in response to changes in associative contingencies. These findings provide novel evidence for the view that dynamic competition between large-scale functional networks differentiates fear conditioning from extinction learning in the healthy brain and suggest that dysfunctional network dynamics might contribute to learning-related neuropsychiatric disorders

    Differentiation of functional networks during long-term memory retrieval in children and adolescents.

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    The processes that characterize the neural development of long-term memory (LTM) are largely unknown. In young adults, the degree of activation of a single large-scale memory network corresponds to the level of contextual detail involved; thus, differentiating between autobiographical, episodic, and semantic retrieval. In contrast to young adults, children and adolescents retrieve fewer contextual details, suggesting that they might not yet engage the entire memory circuitry and that this brain recruitment might lack the characteristic contextual differentiation found in adults. Twenty-one children (10-12 years of age), 20 adolescents (14-16 years of age), and 22 young adults (20-35 years of age) were assessed on a previously validated LTM retrieval task, while their brain activity was measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The results demonstrate that children, adolescents, and adults recruit a left-lateralized subset of the large-scale memory network, comprising semantic and language processing regions, with neither developmental group showing evidence of contextual differentiation within this network. Additionally, children and adolescents recruited occipital and parietal regions during all memory recall conditions, in contrast to adults who engaged the entire large-scale memory network, as described previously. Finally, a significant covariance between age and brain activation indicates that the reliance on occipital and parietal regions during memory retrieval decreases with age. These results suggest that both children and adolescents rely on semantic processing to retrieve long-term memories, which, we argue, may restrict the integration of contextual detail required for complex episodic and autobiographical memory retrieval

    Salience and default-mode network connectivity during threat and safety processing in older adults.

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    The appropriate assessment of threat and safety is important for decision-making but might be altered in old age due to neurobiological changes. The literature on threat and safety processing in older adults is sparse and it is unclear how healthy ageing affects the brain's functional networks associated with affective processing. We measured skin conductance responses as an indicator of sympathetic arousal and used functional magnetic resonance imaging and independent component analysis to compare young and older adults' functional connectivity in the default mode (DMN) and salience networks (SN) during a threat conditioning and extinction task. While our results provided evidence for differential threat processing in both groups, they also showed that functional connectivity within the SN - but not the DMN - was weaker during threat processing in older compared to young adults. This reduction of within-network connectivity was accompanied by an age-related decrease in low frequency spectral power in the SN and a reduction in inter-network connectivity between the SN and DMN during threat and safety processing. Similarly, we found that skin conductance responses were generally lower in older compared to young adults. Our results are the first to demonstrate age-related changes in brain activation during aversive conditioning and suggest that the ability to adaptively filter affective information is reduced in older adults

    A Tale of Two Animats: What does it take to have goals?

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    What does it take for a system, biological or not, to have goals? Here, this question is approached in the context of in silico artificial evolution. By examining the informational and causal properties of artificial organisms ('animats') controlled by small, adaptive neural networks (Markov Brains), this essay discusses necessary requirements for intrinsic information, autonomy, and meaning. The focus lies on comparing two types of Markov Brains that evolved in the same simple environment: one with purely feedforward connections between its elements, the other with an integrated set of elements that causally constrain each other. While both types of brains 'process' information about their environment and are equally fit, only the integrated one forms a causally autonomous entity above a background of external influences. This suggests that to assess whether goals are meaningful for a system itself, it is important to understand what the system is, rather than what it does.Comment: This article is a contribution to the FQXi 2016-2017 essay contest "Wandering Towards a Goal

    Functional connectivity of the irritative zone identified by electrical source imaging, and EEG-correlated fMRI analyses.

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    OBJECTIVE: The irritative zone - the area generating epileptic spikes - can be studied non-invasively during the interictal period using Electrical Source Imaging (ESI) and simultaneous electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI). Although the techniques yield results which may overlap spatially, differences in spatial localization of the irritative zone within the same patient are consistently observed. To investigate this discrepancy, we used Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) functional connectivity measures to examine the underlying relationship between ESI and EEG-fMRI findings. METHODS: Fifteen patients (age 20-54), who underwent presurgical epilepsy investigation, were scanned using a single-session resting-state EEG-fMRI protocol. Structural MRI was used to obtain the electrode localisation of a high-density 64-channel EEG cap. Electrical generators of interictal epileptiform discharges were obtained using a distributed local autoregressive average (LAURA) algorithm as implemented in Cartool EEG software. BOLD activations were obtained using both spike-related and voltage-map EEG-fMRI analysis. The global maxima of each method were used to investigate the temporal relationship of BOLD time courses and to assess the spatial similarity using the Dice similarity index between functional connectivity maps. RESULTS: ESI, voltage-map and spike-related EEG-fMRI methods identified peaks in 15 (100%), 13 (67%) and 8 (53%) of the 15 patients, respectively. For all methods, maxima were localised within the same lobe, but differed in sub-lobar localisation, with a median distance of 22.8 mm between the highest peak for each method. The functional connectivity analysis showed that the temporal correlation between maxima only explained 38% of the variance between the time course of the BOLD response at the maxima. The mean Dice similarity index between seed-voxel functional connectivity maps showed poor spatial agreement. SIGNIFICANCE: Non-invasive methods for the localisation of the irritative zone have distinct spatial and temporal sensitivity to different aspects of the local cortical network involved in the generation of interictal epileptiform discharges

    The effect of negative arousal on declarative memory.

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    Arousing events influence retrieval success, with a number of studies supporting a context-dependent effect of arousal on episodic memory retrieval. An improvement in speed and accuracy of episodic memories is observed when negative arousal is attached to them. In contrast, enhancing effects of negative arousal have not been reported to improve semantic memory retrieval. Episodic and semantic memory are highly interactive and yet differ based on their embedded contextual content. Although differences in brain activity exist between episodic and semantic memory, the two types of memory retrieval are part of a common long-term memory system. Considering the shared processes between episodic and semantic memory, the objectives of the current study were twofold: i) to examine, employing a novel paradigm, whether performance on episodic and semantic memory retrieval would be influenced differently by varying levels of arousal, between negative and neutral valence; and ii) to explore the neural patterns underlying these processes. Forty-seven healthy young adults were recruited and completed the experiment in the MRI scanner. The results demonstrated a negative arousal effect on the brain circuitry subserving both memory conditions as well as on behavioural performance, as indicated by better accuracy and faster reaction times. The study provides an insight into the role of negative arousal in memory processes and contributes to our understanding of the interplay between cognitive and emotional factors in memory modulation. Our work also highlights the highly interactive nature of episodic and semantic memory, and emphasises the importance in understanding how negative arousal interacts with the contextual content of a memory, on a behavioural and neurofunctional level

    The association between stress and mood across the adult lifespan on default mode network

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    Aging of brain structure and function is a complex process characterized by high inter- and intra-individual variability. Such variability may arise from the interaction of multiple factors, including exposure to stressful experience and mood variation, across the lifespan. Using a multimodal neuroimaging and neurocognitive approach, we investigated the association of stress, mood and their interaction, in the structure and function of the default mode network (DMN), both during rest and task-induced deactivation, throughout the adult lifespan. Data confirmed a decreased functional connectivity (FC) and task-induced deactivation of the DMN during the aging process and in subjects with lower mood; on the contrary, an increased FC was observed in subjects with higher perceived stress. Surprisingly, the association of aging with DMN was altered by stress and mood in specific regions. An increased difficulty to deactivate the DMN was noted in older participants with lower mood, contrasting with an increased deactivation in individuals presenting high stress, independently of their mood levels, with aging. Interestingly, this constant interaction across aging was globally most significant in the combination of high stress levels with a more depressed mood state, both during resting state and task-induced deactivations. The present results contribute to characterize the spectrum of FC and deactivation patterns of the DMN, highlighting the crucial association of stress and mood levels, during the adult aging process. These combinatorial approaches may help to understand the heterogeneity of the aging process in brain structure and function and several states that may lead to neuropsychiatric disorders.The work was supported by SwitchBox-FP7-HEALTH-2010-Grant 259772-2 and by ON.2, O NOVO NORTE, North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013, of the National strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007/2013, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High gamma oscillations in medial temporal lobe during overt production of speech and gestures

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    The study of the production of co-speech gestures (CSGs), i.e., meaningful hand movements that often accompany speech during everyday discourse, provides an important opportunity to investigate the integration of language, action, and memory because of the semantic overlap between gesture movements and speech content. Behavioral studies of CSGs and speech suggest that they have a common base in memory and predict that overt production of both speech and CSGs would be preceded by neural activity related to memory processes. However, to date the neural correlates and timing of CSG production are still largely unknown. In the current study, we addressed these questions with magnetoencephalography and a semantic association paradigm in which participants overtly produced speech or gesture responses that were either meaningfully related to a stimulus or not. Using spectral and beamforming analyses to investigate the neural activity preceding the responses, we found a desynchronization in the beta band (15-25 Hz), which originated 900 ms prior to the onset of speech and was localized to motor and somatosensory regions in the cortex and cerebellum, as well as right inferior frontal gyrus. Beta desynchronization is often seen as an indicator of motor processing and thus reflects motor activity related to the hand movements that gestures add to speech. Furthermore, our results show oscillations in the high gamma band (50-90 Hz), which originated 400 ms prior to speech onset and were localized to the left medial temporal lobe. High gamma oscillations have previously been found to be involved in memory processes and we thus interpret them to be related to contextual association of semantic information in memory. The results of our study show that high gamma oscillations in medial temporal cortex play an important role in the binding of information in human memory during speech and CSG production