15 research outputs found

    Opportunity Management. The current state within the project management domain and among practitioners

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    Risk management is one of the major domains of project management. This process is essential for the successful project delivery and, therefore, widely applied among practitioners. The uncertainty management was introduced providing a possibility for the practitioners to have a broader view on the uncertain nature of the project internal conditions and its context by introducing positive risks, namely, opportunities, into the risk management process. It is believed that opportunity management shall be implemented within the scope of the uncertainty management process. However, as the practice shows, risk identification exercises make the involved individuals focus mainly on the threats’ identification and overlook opportunities. Proactive opportunity management from the project manager’s perspective is characterized by managing operational and contextual positive risks over the entire project lifecycle. Thus, it is important to distinguish a formalized continuous approach to opportunity management from the stand-alone positive risk identification activities exercised in an ad hoc fashion because monitoring of discovered positive risks and seeking for opportunities on a regular basis throughout the entire project lifecycle prevents from losing a possibility to experience positive effects stemming from their exploitation, making suboptimal decisions and missing out favourable events which could be utilized by the project team to seize benefits. The management of positive risks deserves serious attention from researchers and practitioners within the field of project management because identification of opportunities and their realisation have a potential to bring about positive effects facilitating the successful project delivery or bring the project back on track in case of cost overruns or delays. However, many researches highlight that there is a lack of studies devoted to opportunity management. The purpose of this thesis was to define the current state of opportunity management within the project management domain and among practitioners. The research method in this thesis was comprised of the visualization of the bibliometric networks covering the main research areas within the field of risk and uncertainty management, quantitative data acquisition, performed through a qualitative review of the publications retrieved from the academic databases, with regards to opportunity management-related papers within the project management domain, and systematic review of 46 case studies which describe the application of opportunity concepts and implementation of the opportunity management process on real-life projects. The findings revealed that identification and exploitation of positive risks recently had not been paid enough attention to among the researchers despite the fact that examples from the real-life projects emphasize the importance of positive risk exploration by providing evidence of significant cost savings, reduced project duration and additional benefits to the project owner or the end-user which stemmed from the application of opportunity concepts. Even though the majority of the opportunity concepts and positive risk identification methods is the same across the projects of different types and levels of complexity, the nature of their application differs. Restructuring projects usually contain a proactive opportunity hunting spirit in the core of the delivery model. The identification of positive risks on such projects is performed at the operational level since the project context is merged with the internal organizational conditions which represent a layer separating the operational project dimension from the environment external to the organization. The utilization of the majority of opportunity-related concepts in product development is performed proactively in both project dimensions and eventually results in value creation for the project owner and the end-user after the product release or even during the development stage representing a first-order positive effect. The application of opportunity concepts or positive risk identification methods in product development is not only aimed at cost savings but also value-driven. On the contrary, positive risk identification activities on construction projects are aimed at saving costs and time. The complexity necessitates the implementation of various positive risk-seeking activities which are performed in both project dimensions. Usually, exploitation and identification of positive risks are proactive at the front-end of the project and performed in a reactive fashion during construction. The finding is this research provide an opportunity of knowledge transfer between the projects differentiated by application. Since the application of an established continuous opportunity management process was observed only among the practitioners in the construction industry, some features of the said process can be applied on other types of projects. This research was constrained by some limitations including the comprehensiveness of the representation of critical qualitative information and data about the project objectives, goals, actual costs and duration, and quantitative evaluations of effects stemmed from the positive risks exploitation and return on investment from the application of opportunity concepts. The said constraints provide an opportunity for future research within the domain of positive risk management. Capturing the transformation of the project owner’s opportunity register and the distribution of positive risks between the contracting parties throughout the entire project lifecycle on construction projects implemented under different types of a contract through action research would supplement the decision-making process in the selection of the contracting strategy for the project owner


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    In the article the computer modeling of structural and concentration characteristics of the building composite material on the basis of the theory of the package. The main provisions of the algorithmon the basis of which it was possible to get the package with a significant number of packaged elements, making it more representative in comparison with existing analogues modeling. We describe the modeled area related areas, the presence of which determines the possibility of a percolation process, which in turn makes it possible to study and management of individual properties of the composite material of construction. As an example of the construction of a composite material is considered concrete that does not exclude the possibility of using algorithms and modeling results of similar studies for composite matrix type (matrix of the same material and distributed in a certain way by volume particles of another substance). Based on modeling results can be manufactured parts and construction elementsfor various purposes with improved technical characteristics (by controlling the concentration composition substance)


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    Researches of weight conveyors of various suspension brackets which are considered as dynamic elements of the closed continuous systems of regulation of an expense are given. The assessment of their properties, i.e. the accuracy of integration of an expense, according to frequency characteristics is given and at action on the weight conveyor of standard indignations, in the form of change of productivity of a feeder.Приведены исследования весовых транспортеров различных подвесок, которые рассматриваются как динамические элементы замкнутых непрерывных систем регулирования расхода. Дана оценка их свойств, т.е. точности интегрирования расхода, по частотным характеристикам и при действии на весовой транспортер стандартных возмущений, в виде изменения производительности питател

    Description of Matrix Composite Structures

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    В статье рассматривается задача определения зависимости «свойства» композита от объёмной концентрации заполнителя в состоянии «критической концентрации», которому соответствует резкое, пороговое возрастание свойства композита, аналитическое описание которого возможно только с помощью предложенного выше аппарата теории «просачивания» (percolation), позволяющего определять среднее число узлов в кластере, распределение кластеров по размерам, появление бесконечного кластера и доля входящих в него открытых узлов.The article discusses the problem of determining the dependence "Properties" from the composite volume concentration of filler in the state "Critical density", which corresponds to a dramatic, increase in the threshold properties of the composite, analytical description of which is possible only with the help of the theory proposed above "trickle down» (percolation), which allows to determine the average number of nodes in the cluster, cluster size distribution, the appearance of an infinite cluster and share entering into it open nodes

    Analysis Methods Structures of Composite Materials

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    Рассмотрены способы упаковок элементов композиций, заключающийся в попытках случайным образом заполнить заданный объем путем добавления отдельных элементов с помощью пуассоновского выбора точек в качестве центров сфер для плотностей заполнения 1/8 и выше.The methods of packaging elements of the composition, is to try and randomly fill a predetermined volume by adding individual elements using a Poisson point selection as sphere centers for the densities of the filling 1/8 and higher

    Automatic measurement consistency concrete mixTURE while stirring

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    В статье приводится описание промышленного прибора для непосредственного определения консистенции бетонной смеси и, следовательно, ее готовности, на основе измерения уровня вибрации корпуса смесителя циклического действия на промышленных бетоносмесительных установках, позволяющего выдерживать оптимальную продолжительность смешивания ее компонентов.The article provides a description of the industrial unit for the direct determination of the consistency of the concrete mix and hence its readiness, on the basis of measuring the level of vibration mixer housing cyclic operation in industrial concrete mixing plant to withstand the optimal duration of mixing components


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    В традиционных технологиях циклического дозирования достигнут предел технического совершенствования, не позволяющий кардинально изменить весодозирующие свойства этих систем и существенно улучшить их технико-экономические показатели. Рассмотрен принцип связного циклического дозирования сыпучих компонентов строительных смесей, когда перед дозированием следующего компонента смеси по результатам анализа ошибок дозирования предыдущих компонентов в уставку дозирования очередного компонента вносятся соответствующие коррективы. Предложена оригинальная модель управления дозами компонентов в зависимости от принятого способа коррекции доз, что позволяет уменьшить погрешности долевых содержаний компонентов результирующей массы строительных смесей и тем самым повысить ее качественные характеристики.In conventional technologies cyclic dosing limit is reached technical perfection, not allowing weight-dosing dramatically change the properties of these systems and significantly improve their technical and economic parameters. The principle of a coherent cyclic dosing of loose components of building mixtures when before dosing the next component of the mixture according to the analysis of dosing errors of previous components in the setting of another component dispensing make appropriate adjustments. An original model of governance doses of components depending on the method of dose changes, which reduces the error of the equity of the components of the resulting mass mixes and thus improve its quality characteristics

    Features of formation of the technological structure of the choice of automation in the construction of low-rise facilities

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    Процесс возведения строительного объекта должен исходить из его специфических индивидуальных характеристик, технологически обусловленной последовательности операций, реализующих данный процесс, и системы автоматизации, обеспечивающей управление и согласованность отдельных технологических операций в соответствии с заданными критериями оптимальности. Поэтому совершенствование процессов возведения одиночных объектов в условиях жаркого климата и специфики строительства ОАЭ предполагает разработку технологии приготовления бетонной смеси с последующим транспортированием и распределением бетонной смеси в местах бетонирования на объекте, позволяющей существенно повысить производительность и качество работ при одновременном существенном уменьшении их трудоемкости. Основные требования к технологическому оборудованию связаны с его конструктивной простотой и надежностью, минимизацией технических средств автоматизации, особенностями самой технологии возведения отдельных сооружений малой этажности.The process of construction of building object must come from its specific individual characteristics, technology driven workflow, implementing the process and automation system that provides control and coordination of the individual process steps in accordance with predetermined criteria of optimality. Therefore, the improvement of the construction of single objects in a hot climate and the specific construction of the UAE involves the development of technology for preparation of the concrete mixture, followed by transportation and distribution of concrete in concrete locations at the facility, to significantly raise the productivity and quality of work at odnovremennom substantially reducing labor intensity. Basic requirements for production equipment associated with its structural simplicity and reliability, minimizing the hardware automation features of the construction technology of individual low-rise buildings

    Mathematical model of crushing and screening production as a queuing system

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    Удовлетворение случайного спроса на соответствующую номенклатуру фракционированного щебня связано с разработкой дробильно-сортировочного автоматизированного производства (АДСП), которая строится по агрегатно-модульному принципу. В отличие от традиционного производства АДСП имеет ряд специфических черт, отличающих его от принятых технологических структур дробления. АДСП строится по агрегатно-модульному принципу, при котором основу производственной систем составляют стандартные модули, включающие устройства дробления и сортировки и микропроцессоры системы управления, а также вспомогательные устройства, обеспечивающие выполнение вспомогательных производственных операций. Это позволяет АДСП воспринимать все изменения плановых заданий в зависимости от изменения номенклатуры готового продукта и увеличивать требуемые объёмы дробленых материалов за счет наращивания структуры, состоящей из стандартных модулей, рассматривая указанное производство как многоканальную систему массового обслуживания (СМО) с ожиданием.Satisfaction accidental demand for the range of graded gravel linked to the development of crushing and screening-aided manufacturing (CSAM), which is based on the aggregate-modular. In contrast to the traditional production CSAM has some specific features that distinguish it from the accepted technology of the fragmentation pattern. CSAM is based on the aggregate-modular approach, in which the basis of the production systems comprise standard modules, including crushing and screening device and the microprocessor control system, as well as auxiliary devices and play an auxiliary manufacturing operations. This allows the CSAM accept all changes targets depending on changes in the nomenclature of the finished product and increase the required volumes of crushed material by building a structure consisting of standard modules, considering the above production as a multi-channel queuing system (QS) with expectation