16 research outputs found

    Application of Phanerochaete Chrysosporium on Biochemimechanical Pulping Process of Terentang Wood (Campnosperma Auriculata Hook.f)

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    Terentang wood (Campnosperma auriculata Hook.f) is relatively low in specific gravity (0.3), hence its utilization as pulp by chemi-mechanical is an alternative process. Energy consumption was reduced by applying lignin degrading fungi (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) as pretreatment in the chemi-mechanical process. This paper examines the effects of P. chrysosporium incubation periods into chemical components and energy refining consumption of terentang wood. Four percent of NaOH was used in the chemi-mechanical process, and incubation periods studied were 0 (control), 3, 4 and 5 weeks. Results showed that P. chrysosporium significantly affected the weight loss, chemical properties, and refining energy consumption of terentang wood pulping process. Wood chip weight loss was about 15.95-21.31% and alpha-cellulose raised up to 6.77%. Five weeks incubation time decreased lignin content up to 22.97% and saved the refining energy up to 22.7%

    Kearifan Lokal Penggunaan Kayu Gelam Dalam Tanah Rawa Gambut Di Kalimantan Tengah (Local Wisdom of Utilization of Gelam Wood on Peatswamp Land of Central Kalimantan)

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    Masyarakat di daerah rawa gambut memerlukan kayu sebagai cerucuk atau tiang pancang rumah. Kayu Gelam (Maleleuca sp) ditemukan melimpah di hutan rawa gambut di Kalimantan. Kayu Gelam termasuk kelas awet 3 yang berarti hanya dapat dipergunakan di bila berhubungan dengan tanah selama 3 tahun. Kenyataan yang ada kayu Gelam sebagai cerucuk /tiang pancang rumah dalam tanah rawa tetap kuat lebih selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Pemanfaatan kayu ini mendukung untuk konservasi hutan rawa gambut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melestarikan hutan di peatwamp melalui penghematan pemanfaatan kayu yaitu dengan mempelajari pengaruh lama penimbunan dan letak radial terhadap sifat fisika, mekanika dan kandungan silika kayu Gelam. Penelitian dilakukan pada kayu Gelam yang telah ditimbun dalam rawa gambut selama 10, 19, 31 dan 38 tahun. Sifat kayu yang dianalisis adalah sifat fisika mekanika mengikuti BS No 373. Uji silika dengan spektrometer. Analisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan faktorial. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa lama penimbunan meningkatkan berat jenis kayu Gelam secara signifikan. Semakin lama penimbunan, semakin tinggi berat jenis (0,54-0,75). Persamaan yang diperoleh Y=0,449+0,063x1+0,01x2 (Y=BJ kering tanur, x1= lama penimbunan, x2= letak radial). Pengaruh lama penimbunan pada kekerasan sejalan dengan BJ. Kadar silika kayu Gelam meningkat dengan semakin lama penimbunan. Lama penimbunan (10-38 tahun) meningkatkan BJ kering tanur 28,13 %, kekerasan 12,83%; kandungan silika 1,25%. Penggunaan kayu Gelam merupakan kearifan lokal yang terbukti melestarikan lingkungan karena menghemat pemanfaatan kayu yang dinyatakan dengan kualitas kayu Gelam yang relatif tidak menurun dalam penimbunan


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    The radial variations of cell morphologies (cell lengths, vessel diameter, vessel frequency and cell wall thickness of wood fibers) were investigated for 7-year-old Ochroma pyramidale trees planted in East Java, Indonesia by developing the linear or nonlinear mixed-effects models. In addition, xylem maturation process based on the cell morphologies and effects of radial growth rate on cell morphologies were discussed. The mean values of cell morphology were as follow: vessel element length 0.59 mm, fiber length 2.16 mm, vessel diameter 221 µm, and fiber wall thickness 1.03 µm. Radial variations of cell length and vessel diameter were well explained by Michaelis-Menten equation: values increased from pith to certain position and then it became almost stable. Vessel frequency, wood fiber diameter, and wood fiber wall thickness was expressed by the formula of logarithmic formula, quadratic formula, and linear formula, respectively. Variance component ration of category was 66.8%, 46.1%, 31.4%, 1.5%, and 33.7% for vessel element length, wood fiber length, vessel diameter, vessel frequency, and wood fiber wall thickness, respectively, suggesting that many cell morphologies influenced by the radial growth rate. Smaller values of mean absolute error obtained in the models in relation to distance from pith were found in all cell morphologies, except for vessel frequency and wood fiber diameter. Thus, xylem maturation of this species depended on diameter growth rather than cambial age. Boundary of core wood and outer wood was 5 to 10 cm from pith in which increasing ratio of cell length reached less than 0.3%. Core wood was characterized as lower wood density and mechanical properties with shorter cell lengths and thinner wood fiber walls, whereas outer wood was characterized as higher wood density and mechanical properties with longer cell length and thicker wood fiber walls

    Tinjauan Hasil-hasil Penelitian Faktor-faktor Alam Yang Mempengaruhi Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Kayu Indonesia Review of Researches on Natural Factors Affecting the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Indonesian Wood

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    This review deals with several topics concerning natural factors affecting physical and mechanical properties of wood, i.e. (1) wood species; (2) age and location of growing; (3) position of wood sample in the stem; (4) diameter; (5) humidity, moisture content, and temperature; (5) weathering and fungi; (6) forest fired; that have been done by researchers who are members of Indonesian Wood Research Society. The purposes of this review are (1) to evaluate the research results that have been done, (2) to promote the applicable and feasible utilization of research results to the users, (3) to provide information concerning previous researches that might be useful for further researches.More than 60 wood species have been reported in this review. Besides the major and minor commercial wood species; lesser known species, i.e. Balsa (Ochroma spp.), Randu (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.), Merkubung (Macaranga sp.), Cengkeh (Eugenia aromatica L.), Afrika (Maesopsis eminii), Kisereh (Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb) Kosterm), Kibawang (Melia excelsa Jack.), Pulai Konggo (Alstonia Kongoensis Engl.), Sengon Buto (Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griserb.), Salamander (Grevillea robusta A.Cunn.), Kilemo (Litsea cubeba Pers.), Tahongai (Kleinhovia hospita Linn.), Sukun (Arthocarpus altilis), Arang (Diospyros borneensis), Berumbung (Adina minutifolia), Tisuk/Waru (Hibiscus macrophyllus), Urograndis (Eucalyptus urograndis), Kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.), Kelapa Sawit (Eleais guineensiis Jacq.), Laban (Vitex Pubescens Vahl.), Rambai (Baccaurea motleyana Muell.), Ki Sampang (Evodia latifolia DC.), Nangka (Artocarpus integra Merr.), Kalapi (Kalappia celebica), Gofasa (Vitex coffasus), Ketileng (Vitex glabrata), Cemara (Gymnostoma sp.), and Lamtoro (Leucaena glauca (Willd) Benth). have also been observed. The researches were generally done in relation to the utilization prospect of lesser known species, crops estate species, Fast growing species, timber estate species, rural forest species, commercial species, for contruction/structural materials, handy-craft, musical instruments, or out-door exposures.Wood properties were interaction between specific gravity or density, moisture content, shrinkage and mechanical properties of wood. However, the values of those physical and mechanical properties in the papers could not directly compared to each other, because there were various testing standard and strength classification used. And unfortunately, researches on acoustic, thermal, electrical, creep, relaxation, and fatigue behaviour of Indonesian wood species were very rare or almost none