7 research outputs found

    Consideration of psychological characteristics of students in the process of foreign language teaching

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    The relevance of the studied problem is determined by the importance to solve the pedagogical problems in learning effectively. The article deals with the psychological aspects of teaching foreign languages. The aim of this research is to analyze the degree of success of mastering a foreign language of students, depending on individual psychological peculiarities of their cogitation. The work also examines the various types and stages of cogitation. The article attempted to show how the critical requirements of pedagogy, psychology and sociology are implemented during foreign language classes

    Elimination of lexical gaps in translation of the english fiction

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    The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of intercultural and cross-language studies in order to identify similarities and differences in language systems, since in the semantics of each language a common component as well as specific one can be identified. The aim of this study is to identify the types of lexical gaps, the main ways to fill the lexical gaps in the Russian system associated with extra - and intralinguistic factors. Particular attention is paid to the process of borrowing as an important way to eliminate lexical gaps. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the comparison of different time translations of the D.K. Jerome's novel "Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)" with the English original novel to identify lexical gaps. Different time translations of D.K. Jerome are identified and analyzed in the paper, which are the source of the description and the penetration of new concepts and phenomena in the Russian language. The lacunarity types in the Russian language are defined and analyzed, the reason for their appearance in the Russian language and ways of transmission are set. Materials of the article can find application in the development of lectures and practical lessons on general and comparative linguistics, country studies, special courses in translation theory and intercultural communication theory. The research materials may be used in the practice of the improving the techniques and methods of translation from English into Russian

    Consideration of psychological characteristics of students in the process of foreign language teaching

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    The relevance of the studied problem is determined by the importance to solve the pedagogical problems in learning effectively. The article deals with the psychological aspects of teaching foreign languages. The aim of this research is to analyze the degree of success of mastering a foreign language of students, depending on individual psychological peculiarities of their cogitation. The work also examines the various types and stages of cogitation. The article attempted to show how the critical requirements of pedagogy, psychology and sociology are implemented during foreign language classes

    Consideration of psychological characteristics of students in the process of foreign language teaching

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    The relevance of the studied problem is determined by the importance to solve the pedagogical problems in learning effectively. The article deals with the psychological aspects of teaching foreign languages. The aim of this research is to analyze the degree of success of mastering a foreign language of students, depending on individual psychological peculiarities of their cogitation. The work also examines the various types and stages of cogitation. The article attempted to show how the critical requirements of pedagogy, psychology and sociology are implemented during foreign language classes

    Elimination of lexical gaps in translation of the english fiction

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    The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of intercultural and cross-language studies in order to identify similarities and differences in language systems, since in the semantics of each language a common component as well as specific one can be identified. The aim of this study is to identify the types of lexical gaps, the main ways to fill the lexical gaps in the Russian system associated with extra - and intralinguistic factors. Particular attention is paid to the process of borrowing as an important way to eliminate lexical gaps. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the comparison of different time translations of the D.K. Jerome's novel "Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)" with the English original novel to identify lexical gaps. Different time translations of D.K. Jerome are identified and analyzed in the paper, which are the source of the description and the penetration of new concepts and phenomena in the Russian language. The lacunarity types in the Russian language are defined and analyzed, the reason for their appearance in the Russian language and ways of transmission are set. Materials of the article can find application in the development of lectures and practical lessons on general and comparative linguistics, country studies, special courses in translation theory and intercultural communication theory. The research materials may be used in the practice of the improving the techniques and methods of translation from English into Russian

    Elimination of lexical gaps in translation of the english fiction

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    The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of intercultural and cross-language studies in order to identify similarities and differences in language systems, since in the semantics of each language a common component as well as specific one can be identified. The aim of this study is to identify the types of lexical gaps, the main ways to fill the lexical gaps in the Russian system associated with extra - and intralinguistic factors. Particular attention is paid to the process of borrowing as an important way to eliminate lexical gaps. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the comparison of different time translations of the D.K. Jerome's novel "Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)" with the English original novel to identify lexical gaps. Different time translations of D.K. Jerome are identified and analyzed in the paper, which are the source of the description and the penetration of new concepts and phenomena in the Russian language. The lacunarity types in the Russian language are defined and analyzed, the reason for their appearance in the Russian language and ways of transmission are set. Materials of the article can find application in the development of lectures and practical lessons on general and comparative linguistics, country studies, special courses in translation theory and intercultural communication theory. The research materials may be used in the practice of the improving the techniques and methods of translation from English into Russian

    The role of specially protected natural areas in solving environmental problems of the Russian arctic (using the example of Vaygach Island)

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    The Russian Arctic is a unified physical and geographical system of land and sea areas of Northern Eurasia, within which unique natural and historical and cultural objects are concentrated. The system of specially protected natural areas of the Russian Arctic preserves vulnerable arctic, tundra landscapes under conditions of various anthropogenic activities. In the face of modern climate change, monitoring of the transformation of the Arctic landscapes in specially protected natural areas is important. The landscape map compiled as a result of our own field and office studies shows 26 natural complexes. The most interesting for ecological tourism is the north-western part of the island.By the example of Vaygach Island, the natural and historical-cultural possibilities of organizing a protected area, including the solution of environmental problems, are considered. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020