23 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Umur Panen Rumput Laut Eucheuma Cottonii Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia Dan Fungsional Karagenan

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different harvesting times of Eucheuma cottonii on both physical, chemical and functional properties of carrageenan. Seaweed Eucheuma cottonii was obtained from water territorial of Tablolong Kupang. The study was carried out into two steps. The first step was to investigate the effect of harvesting time of 30, 45, and 60 days after planting on physical and chemical properties of obtained carrageenan. The second step was to study the effect of functional properties of obtained carrageenan on viscocity and the stability of tomato sauce. The results showed that seaweed which was harvested in 45 days after planting has good physical and chemical properties of carrageenan in term of moisture 12.45 %; protein 5.03 %; extract ether 1.40 %; ash 21.29 %; carbohy- drate 72.28 %; sulphate 19.69 %; and crude extract 48.20 %. The obtained carrageenan at concentration of 1,5%, also give highest viscocity of 11.50-45 cps and gel strength of 0.8961-4.0709 kg/cm2. Further identification show that the obtained carrageenan produced was classified as kappa carrageenan and at 0,2 % (w/v) was able to stabilize tomato sauce up to 86 % and viscosity of 60 cps after 2 weeks of storage at room temperature

    Kinetika Pertumbuhan Mikrobia dan Kemunduran Mutu Bakso Berpelapis Edible Aktif Berbasis Pati Kimpul (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) pada Berbagai Ketebalan

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    Quality deterioration of food material with active edible coated depends on product properties, environment andproperties of coating. Properties of coating are influenced by the type and amount of the basic constituent materials, plasticizers, and active coating ingredient. The objective of this research was to determine the kinetics of microbial growth, and quality deterioration of X. sagittifolium starch-based coated meatball with various thicknesses. The treatments tested in this study were thickness of edible coatings (0.43; 0.48; 0.53; 0.58 mm). Observation parameters were the number of microbes (total microbial, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), protein content, TVB-N, water losses, and texture. The results showed that active edible coatings thickness significantly affected of microbes number, and TVB-N, but did not affect protein content, water losses, and meatball texture. Microbial growth (TPC and P. aeruginosa) changed exponentially with the rate of increase of 0.049 to 0.055 per hour for TPC and from 0.071 to 0.075 per hour for P. aeruginosa or 0.026 per mm.hour times the thickness. TVB-N content changed linearly with the rate of increase of 0.132 to 0.153 mg/100g.hour or 0.206 mg/100g.mm.hour times the thickness. X. sagittifolium starch-based active edible coating with potassium sorbate as active ingredient and 0.43 mm coating thickness could prolong meatball shelf life up to 4 times longer than control

    Optimasi Sintesis Karboksi Metil Selulosa (CMC) dari Pelepah Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

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    Palm midrib contain 89.63 % of cellulose. Cellulose is the main raw material synthesis of carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC). The purpose of this research was to determine the optimum conditions of carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) synthesis from palm midrib. In this research, the concentration of NaOH, NaMCA weight, and the temperature of carboxymethylation reaction were examined. The response optimized on the CMC was the degree of substitution (DS). The optimum conditions of CMC synthesis from palm midrib cellulose was obtained from 10 % of NaOH, 4.57 g of NaMCA, and the reaction temperature of 46.59 °C. Response Surface Methodology calculation showed that CMC with optimum condition had the degree of substitution (DS) value of 0.83, while in the verification test the DS value was 0.75

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Sifat Pati Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata L.) Beberapa Varietas Lokal Indonesia

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    Kacang hijau merupakan jenis kacang-kacangan sumber pati beramilosa tinggi yang potensial menghasilkan RS-3 tinggi dan rendah kalori. Kajian tentang karakteristik patinya akan membuka peluang pemanfaatannya untuk penanganan obesitas di masa datang. Telah dilakukan isolasi dan karakterisasi sifat-sifat pati kacang hijau dari 4 varietas lokal Indonesia (Walet, Sriti, Murai, dan Vima-1). Isolasi pati menggunakan metode Hoover yang dimodifikasi dan sifat-sifat pati yang dianalisis meliputi kadar pati, amilosa, bentuk granula, warna pati, swelling power, WHC, blue value, viskositas, dan sifat kristalinitas pati. Hasil isolasi dan analisis menunjukkan bahwa kacang hijau varietas Walet memiliki kadar amilosa paling tinggi (55,39%), sehingga potensial sebagai bahan dasar RS-3. Kacang hijau Walet menghasilkan kadar pati 42,11%; rendemen pati 35,33%; kemurnian pati 99,63%; swelling power tertinggi 17,11 g/g; WHC 65,26 g/g; OHC 59,36 g/g; Blue Value 8,92%; bentuk granula oval; warna putih (L= 88,09); suhu gelatinisasi 78,7 °C; pola difraksi sinar X tipe C; dan viskositas pati paling cepat teretrogradasi (1430 Cp

    Kinetika Pertumbuhan Mikrobia dan Kemunduran Mutu Bakso Daging Terlapisi Pati Umbi Kimpul (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) yang Diinkorporasi Kalium Sorbat

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    Kecepatan pertumbuhan mikrobia sebagai agen kerusakan dapat mengindikasikan kemunduran mutupangan sebagai substratnya. Adanya pelapis aktif pada permukaan bahan makanan akan mempengaruhi keduanya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kinetika pertumbuhan mikrobia, dan kemunduran mutu bakso terlapisi pati umbi kimpul (X. sagittifolium) yang diinkorporasi kalium sorbat. Perlakuan yang dicoba dalam penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi kalium sorbat yang berbeda pada pelapis edible. Parameter pengamatan meliputi jumlah mikrobia, kadar protein, TVB-N, susut berat, dan tekstur.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan kalium sorbat berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah mikrobia, TVB-N, dan tekstur, serta berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kadar protein dan susut berat bakso. Jumlah mikrobia meningkat secara eksponensial dengan laju penghambatan 0,101 kali konsentrasi kalium sorbat, sementara TVB-N, dan tekstur bakso berubah secara linier dengan laju penghambatan masing-masing sebesar 0,584 dan 0,036 kali konsentrasi kalium sorbat. Pelapis edible aktif berbasis pati X. sagittifolium yang diinkorporasi kalium sorbat 0,6% dapat meningkatkan umur simpan bakso sampai 4 hari, sementara bakso tanpa pelapis hanya bertahan kurang dari 1 hari

    Sifat Fisik, Mekanik dan Barrier Edible Film Berbasis Pati Umbi Kimpul (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) yang Diinkorporasi dengan Kalium Sorbat

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    Pati umbi kimpul (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan dasar edible film, karena pati merupakan senyawa hidrokoloid, sebagai sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaharui, tersedia secara luas dan mudah didapat. Kandungan amilosa pati umbi kimpul cukup tinggi (35,34%), dua kali lebih besar dibandingkan amilosa pati ubi kayu, memungkinkan untuk menghasilkan edible film yang kuat dan fleksibel. Keberadaan kalium sorbat dalam edible film dengan jumlah yang berbeda akan menghasilkan sifat yang berbeda pula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat fisik, mekanik dan barrier edible film aktif akibat variasi konsentrasi pati umbi kimpul dan kalium sorbat. Edible film yang dihasilkan mempunyai karakter kuat tarik 0,399-1,390 MPa, persen pemanjangan 14,943-31,647%, ketebalan 0,065-0,081 mm, WVTR 10,095-15,247 g.mm/m2.hari, kelarutan 27,126-59,846% dan transparansi 0,719-1,063. Penambahan pati menyebabkan kuat tarik, ketebalan, laju transmisi uap air, dan kehalusan permukaan edible film meningkat, tetapi kelarutannya dalam air menurun, sedangkan penambahan kalium sorbat dalam edible film menyebabkan persen pemanjangan dan laju transmisi uap air meningkat, tetapi kuat tariknya menurun

    Gel Glukomanan Porang-Xantan dan Kestabilannya Setelah Penyimpanan Dingin dan Beku

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    The objectives of this research were to find the porang glucomannan-xanthan optimum ratio on composite gelation and its stability after chilled and frozen storage. Porang glucomannan sol was mixed with xanthan sol in ratio 20/40; 40/60; 50/50; 60/40 and 80/20. The composites were heated for 45 minutes at 90 °C with agitation for 5 minutes, molded, tempered, and stored at 5 °C dan -8 °C for 24 days. Before dan after storage, the texture profile, WBC and sineresis of the gel were analyzed. The composite gel microstructure was analyzed using SEM. The composite gel with ratio 20/80 had the optimum interaction synergy on gelation and stability. The GP-X intermolecular association resulted in long high density junction zones which had highest hardness, chewiness and gumminess with the smallest deformation degree and sineresis as well as medium cohesiveness. Despite of no sineresis after chilled storage, the smaller gel pores indicated that the composite gel began to contract and degrade which resulted in cohesiveness, chewinees, hardness and gumminess decrease. The WBC increase on the higher GP-X ratio composite gel made the gel to be more stable in frozen storage compared to chilled storage. However, the bigger gel pores from entrapped water volume increasing during frozen storage crystal ice formation resulted in sineresis increase. The gel became more compact with higher cohesiveness, hardness, chewiness, gumminess and deformation degree