5,631 research outputs found

    Variational integrators for degenerate Lagrangians, with application to point vortices

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    We develop discrete mechanics and variational integrators for a class of degenerate Lagrangian systems, and apply these integrators to a system of point vortices. Excellent numerical behavior is observed. A longer term goal is to use these integration methods in the context of control of mechanical systems, such as coordinated groups of underwater vehicles. In fact, numerical evidence given in related problems, such as those in [2] shows that in the presence of external forces, these methods give superior predictions of energy behavior

    The flow over delta wings at low speeds with leading edge separation

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    A low speed investigation of the flow over a 40 degree apex angle delta wing with sharp leading edges had been made in order to ascertain details of the flow in the viscous region near the leading edge of the suction surface of the wing. A physical picture of the flow was obtained from the surface flow and a smoke technique of flow visualization, combined with detailed measurements of total head, dynamic pressure, flow directions and vortex core positions in the flow above the wing

    Multisymplectic geometry, variational integrators, and nonlinear PDEs

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    This paper presents a geometric-variational approach to continuous and discrete mechanics and field theories. Using multisymplectic geometry, we show that the existence of the fundamental geometric structures as well as their preservation along solutions can be obtained directly from the variational principle. In particular, we prove that a unique multisymplectic structure is obtained by taking the derivative of an action function, and use this structure to prove covariant generalizations of conservation of symplecticity and Noether's theorem. Natural discretization schemes for PDEs, which have these important preservation properties, then follow by choosing a discrete action functional. In the case of mechanics, we recover the variational symplectic integrators of Veselov type, while for PDEs we obtain covariant spacetime integrators which conserve the corresponding discrete multisymplectic form as well as the discrete momentum mappings corresponding to symmetries. We show that the usual notion of symplecticity along an infinite-dimensional space of fields can be naturally obtained by making a spacetime split. All of the aspects of our method are demonstrated with a nonlinear sine-Gordon equation, including computational results and a comparison with other discretization schemes.Comment: LaTeX2E, 52 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Application of dynamical systems theory to a very low energy transfer

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    We use lobe dynamics in the restricted three-body problem to design orbits with prescribed itineraries with respect to the resonance regions within a Hill’s region. The application we envision is the design of a low energy trajectory to orbit three of Jupiter’s moons using the patched three-body approximation (P3BA). We introduce the “switching region,” the P3BA analogue to the “sphere of influence.” Numerical results are given for the problem of finding the fastest trajectory from an initial region of phase space (escape orbits from moon A) to a target region (orbits captured by moon B) using small controls

    Design of a Multi-Moon Orbiter

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    The Multi-Moon Orbiter concept is introduced, wherein a single spacecraft orbits several moons of Jupiter, allowing long duration observations. The ΔV requirements for this mission can be low if ballistic captures and resonant gravity assists by Jupiter’s moons are used. For example, using only 22 m/s, a spacecraft initially injected in a jovian orbit can be directed into a capture orbit around Europa, orbiting both Callisto and Ganymede enroute. The time of flight for this preliminary trajectory is four years, but may be reduced by striking a compromise between fuel and time optimization during the inter-moon transfer phases

    The Genesis Trajectory and Heteroclinic Cycles

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    Genesis will be NASA's first robotic sample return mission. The purpose of this mission is to collect solar wind samples for two years in an L_1 halo orbit and return them to the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) for mid-air retrieval by helicopters. To do this, the Genesis spacecraft makes an excursion into the region around L_2 . This transfer between L_1 and L_2 requires no deterministic maneuvers and is provided by the existence of heteroclinic cycles defined below. The Genesis trajectory was designed with the knowledge of the conjectured existence of these heteroclinic cycles. We now have provided the first systematic, semi-analytic construction of such cycles. The heteroclinic cycle provides several interesting applications for future missions. First, it provides a rapid low-energy dynamical channel between L_1 and L_2 such as used by the Genesis Discovery Mission. Second, it provides a dynamical mechanism for the temporary capture of objects around a planet without propulsion. Third, interactions with the Moon. Here we speak of the interactions of the Sun-Earth Lagrange point dynamics with the Earth-Moon Lagrange point dynamics. We motivate the discussion using Jupiter comet orbits as examples. By studying the natural dynamics of the Solar System, we enhance current and future space mission design

    The uptake and loss of zinc am) lead by scapania undulata (l) dum, in relation to its use as a monitor

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    Scapania imdulata (L.) was studied in relation to its use as a monitor of zinc and lead pollution. An important characteristic of such a monitor is the sensitivity with which it mirrors change. To investigate this, clumps of the bryophyte were transplanted between sites which differed in their ambient metal concentration. A second lotic bryophyte, Chilescyphus polyanthus (L. ) Corda, var. rivularis (Schrad. ) Nees., was also transplanted to to act as a comparison. The enrichment ratios of zinc and lead were determined for both S. undulata and C. polyanthus var. rivularis. An enrichment ratio can be defined as: the factor by which an element is concentrated by biological accumulation. It is a particulary useful concept in monitoring studies. If the enrichment ratio remains relatively stable, the concentration of a metal in the monitor can be used to assess the past enviromental concentration. The enrichment ratios displayed by S. undulata varied considerably, with an average coefficient of variance of approximately 60%. Three factors were thought to act as possible sources of variation: i) some papulations of S. undulata displayed an increase in the concentration of accumulated zinc and lead irrespective of the ambient concentration; ii) the transplants indicated that the response to changes in the ambient metal concentration was not always rapid; iii) the concentration of zinc and lead increased markedly down the biyophyte stem and therefore the metal concentration of a sample is influenced by the length of stem taken. It would not be possible to use S. undulata accuratey as a monitor of ambient zinc and lead concentrations until the effects of these factors are understood

    Expropriation - Compensable Items In Louisiana

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    Point vortices on the hyperbolic plane

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    We investigate some properties of the dynamical system of point vortices on the hyperboloid. This system has noncompact symmetry SL(2, R) and a coadjoint equivariant momentum map J. The relative equilibrium conditions are found and the trajectories of relative equilibria with non-zero momentum value are described. We also provide the classification of relative equilibria and the stability criteria for a number of cases, focusing on N=2, 3. Contrary to the system on the sphere, relative equilibria with non-compact momentum isotropy subgroup are found, and are used to illustrate the different stability types of relative equilibria.Comment: To appear in J. Mathematical Physic

    Altered muscarinic and nicotinic receptor densities in cortical and subcortical brain regions in Parkinson's disease

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    Muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors and choline acetyltransferase activity were studied in postmortem brain tissue from patients with histopathologically confirmed Parkinson's disease and matched control subjects. Using washed membrane homogenates from the frontal cortex, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and putamen, saturation analysis of specific receptor binding was performed for the total number of muscarinic receptors with [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate, for muscarinic M1 receptors with [3H]pirenzepine, for muscarinic M2 receptors with [3H]oxotremorine-M, and for nicotinic receptors with (-)-[3H]nicotine. In comparison with control tissues, choline acetyl-transferase activity was reduced in the frontal cortex and hippocampus and unchanged in the caudate nucleus and putamen of parkinsonian patients. In Parkinson's disease the maximal binding site density for [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate was increased in the frontal cortex and unaltered in the hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and putamen. Specific [3H]pirenzepine binding was increased in the frontal cortex, unaltered in the hippocampus, and decreased in the caudate nucleus and putamen. In parkinsonian patients Bmax values for specific [3H]oxotremorine-M binding were reduced in the cortex and unchanged in the hippocampus and striatum compared with controls. Maximal (-)-[3H]nicotine binding was reduced in both the cortex and hippocampus and unaltered in both the caudate nucleus and putamen. Alterations of the equilibrium dissociation constant were not observed for any ligand in any of the brain areas examined. The present results suggest that both the innominatocortical and the septohippocampal cholinergic systems degenerate in Parkinson's disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS