39 research outputs found

    Szexuálisan terjedő koinfekciók. HIV koinfekciók

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    Coinfections of sexually transmitted infections are frequent due to the same transmission routes which may facilitate the transmission of other sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted coinfections are associated with atypical and generally more severe clinical features, more complications, resistency to treatment, unfavourable outcome, and worse prognosis. Sexually transmitted infections may increase the likelihood of acquiring and transmission of HIV infection. The authors summarize the most important characteristics of sexually transmitted infections (such as HIV and hepatitis B virus, HIV and hepatitis C virus, HIV and syphilis, HIV and gonorrhoeae, HIV and chlamydia coinfections). These infections are more frequent in HIV infected patients than in the normal population. The shared transmission routes, impairment of the immune response, elevated cytokine levels and the associated inflammatory milieu produce local tissue damage, breaches in mucosal epithelium, which increases the risk of human immunodeficiency virus infection. Regular screening for sexually transmitted infections, use of more sensitive diagnostic methods, improved reporting and avoidance of unsafe sexual behaviour among certain subpopulations as well as education are essential in the prevention of sexually transmitted coinfections

    A humán immundeficientia vírus fertőzéséhez társuló bőrtünetek

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    The recently observed accelerated increase of human immunodeficiency virus infection in Hungary poses a major public concern for the healthcare system. Given the effective only but not the curative therapy, prevention should be emphasized. Current statistics estimate that about 50% of the infected persons are not aware of their human immunodeficiency virus-positivity. Thus, early diagnosis of the infection by serological screening and timely recognition of the disease-associated symptoms are crucial. The authors' intention is to facilitate early infection detection with this review on human immunodeficiency virus-associated skin symptoms, and highlight the significance of human immunodeficiency virus care in the everyday medical practice

    Anális citológia

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    The incidence of anal cancer has increased in recent decades, particularly among human immunodeficiency virus infected men who have sex with men. Anal intraepithelial neoplasia is a potential precursor lesion of anal cancer. Anal cytology is the primary screening test for anal intraeptithelial neoplasia. Aim: The authors aimed to analyze the results of anal cytology of patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection at the National Centre of STD, Department of Dermatology, Dermatooncology and Venereology, Semmelweis University. Method: 155 anal cytological examinations were performed in 140 patients between November 1, 2012 and August 31, 2014. Results: 44% of patients were found to have anal dysplasia, and only 1.6% of patients had high-grade lesions. This rate is lower as compared to published studies including larger number of patients. Conclusions: The study underlines the necessity of screening for anal lesions in the population at-risk

    Incidence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates from patients attending the national Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference laboratory of Hungary.

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    BACKGROUND: The Hungarian national guidelines for the treatment of gonorrhoea were published in 2002 but are now widely considered to be outdated. Improved knowledge is needed with respect to the epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains currently circulating in Hungary not least for the construction of updated local recommendations for treating gonorrhoea. European guidelines are based mostly on western European data raising concerns locally that recommended treatments might not be optimised for the situation in Hungary. We report our recent study on the distribution of antibiotic resistance in various Hungarian (East European) Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains isolated from patients with gonorrhoea over the past four years. METHODS: Between January 2010 and December 2013, isolates of N. gonorrhoeae were obtained from sexually active individuals during medical examination at the STD Center of Semmelweis University in Budapest. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of azithromycin, cefixime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, penicillin, tetracycline and spectinomycin were determined to establish the antimicrobial susceptibility of the strains currently circulating in patients that attend our clinic. RESULTS: Among the 9097 patients tested, 582 had an N. gonorrhoeae infection as detected by culture. The isolates were all sensitive to ceftriaxone and spectinomycin and 581/582 strains were sensitive to cefixime. In contrast, the number of detected strains with elevated azithromycin MIC did increase over the time period examined to approximately 16% in 2013. There was a high percentage of detected resistance to penicillin (77%), tetracycline (86%), and ciprofloxacin (66%) in the isolates examined in this study. CONCLUSION: Current European guidelines recommend 2 g azithromycin in addition to 500 mg ceftriaxone as first choice therapy for gonorrhoea. For the purposes of revising the Hungarian national treatment guidelines, apparent increasing resistance to azithromycin during the last four years should be accounted for. It is also clear that penicillin, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin are inappropriate treatment measures at least locally. We also recommend that culture should form part of the diagnostic pathway of gonorrhoea, followed by antibiotic susceptibility testing with MIC determination. This will provide valuable continued monitoring of antibiotic resistance development in strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae circulating in Hungary

    Klinikai tapasztalataink cutan mastocytosisban.

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    Introduction: Mastocytosis is a clonal mast cell proliferative disease, devided into cutaneous and systemic forms. The characteristic symptoms are caused by neoplastic mast cell infiltrations in different organs and/or the release of mediators. Aim: The aim of the authors was to summarize their clinical observations in patients with mastocytosis. Method: 22 adult patients diagnosed consecutively with mastocytosis were enrolled in the study. Skin and bone marrow biopsies were taken to establish the diagnosis and perform c-KIT mutation (D816V) analysis. Results: One of the 22 patients had teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans, while 20/22 patients had urticaria pigmentosa. All patients had cutaneous lesions. In 12 patients iliac crest biopsy was performed and 9 of them had bone marrow involvement, classified as indolent systemic mastocytosis. The c-kit mutation D816V was found in one subject both in skin and bone marrow samples. The patients were treated with antihistamine, PUVA, interferon-alpha or imatinib. Conclusions: The authors draw attention to this rare disease in order to help recognition of relevant signs and symptoms and establish an early diagnosis. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 1469-1475

    Lymphogranuloma venereum: első hazai esetek

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    Lymphogranuloma venereum is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L1-3. It has been found to be endemic in tropical countries. In the last decades several cases have been reported in Western Europe, particularly in men who have sex with men population infected with human immunodeficiency virus. The authors present three cases of lymphogranuloma venereum infections, observed at their department in 2013 and 2014. The three human immunodeficiency virus infected patients who belonged to men who have sex with men population had casual sexual contacts in Western Europe. The symptoms included urethral discharge, discomfort and inguinal lymphadenomegaly in two patients, and rectal pain, discharge and perianal ulceration in one patient. The diagnosis was confirmed by nucleic acid amplification test performed in samples obtained from urethral discharge and exudate of perianal ulcer; lymphogranuloma venereum 2b serovars were demonstrated in two patients and serovar 2 in one patient. Doxycyclin (daily dose of two times 100 mg for 21 days) resolved the symptoms in all cases. The authors conclude that lymphogranuloma venereum is a diagnostic challenge in Hungary, too. It is important to be aware of the altered clinical features of this disease to prevent complications and spreading

    A lupus erythematosus panniculitis lefolyásának jellegzetességei 17 betegünk retrospektív vizsgálata alapján

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    Bevezetés: A lupus erythematosus panniculitis (LEP) a cutan lupus erythematosus krónikus formájának ritka variánsa, klinikailag tömött, subcutan csomók és erythemás plakkok jellemzik. Az aktív tünetek az arcot és testet torzító ma- radványtünetekkel gyógyulhatnak, rontva a betegek életminőségét. A szisztémás lupus erythematosus (SLE) részjelensége lehet, első tüneteként is kialakulhat. Célkitűzés: A LEP klinikopatológiai képének bemutatása saját beteganyagunk szemléltetésével, a betegség lefolyásá- nak értékelése. Módszerek: A Semmelweis Egyetem Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Bőronkológiai Klinikáján 2000 és 2022 között jelentkezett LEP-betegek összegyűjtése, adataik retrospektív elemzése. Eredmények: A 17 beteg közül 1 férfi, 16 nő, átlagéletkoruk 37,8 év volt. Tüneteik a leggyakrabban a proximalis alsó és felső végtagokon jelentkeztek (alsó: 8/17, felső: 7/17), az arc 4, az emlő 3, a mellkas és a farpofák 2-2, a hát és a lábszár 1-1 esetben volt érintett. A leggyakrabban aktív csomó (11/17), illetve plakk jelentkezett (7/17), 4 esetben lipoatrophia, 3-nál kifekélyesedés, 1-nél kalcifikáció. 6 betegnél a subcutan tünetet discoid plakk fedte. 10 betegnél alakult ki szisztémás tünet: arthritis (4/17), hematológiai eltérés (5/17), veseérintettség (2/17), antifoszfolipid- szindróma (2/17). Az SLE diagnózisát 7 esetben tudtuk felállítani. A szövettani kép 8 esetben kevert típusú panni- culitist, 3-nál lobularist mutatott. Átlagosan 24,3 hónap telt el a diagnózis felállításáig. SLE-s betegeink bőrtünetei regrediáltak az alkalmazott szisztémás immunszuppresszív kezelésekre. A kizárólag bőrmanifesztációt mutató betegeink körében gyakori volt a terápiarezisztencia a cutan lupus erythematosusban alkalmazott kezelésekre. Következtetés: A LEP diagnosztizálása több hónapot, évet vehet igénybe. Szélesebb körű ismerete segítheti a gyorsabb diagnózisalkotást, megelőzhető a maradványtünetek, illetve az esetleges belszervi elváltozások kialakulása. Megfi- gyeléseink alapján SLE nélküli LEP esetén is korai immunszuppresszív terápiát lenne érdemes bevezetni