17 research outputs found

    Usability and acceptability of a two-way texting intervention for post-operative follow-up for voluntary medical male circumcision in Zimbabwe.

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    BackgroundVoluntary medical male circumcision (MC) is safe and effective. Nevertheless, MC programs require multiple post-operative visits. In Zimbabwe, a randomized control trial (RCT) found that post-operative two-way texting (2wT) between clients and MC providers instead of in-person reviews reduced provider workload and safeguarded patient safety. A critical component of the RCT assessed usability and acceptability of 2wT among providers and clients. These findings inform scale-up of the 2wT approach to post-operative follow-up.MethodsThe RCT assigned 362 adult MC clients with cell phones into 2wT; these men responded to 13 automated daily texts supported by interactive texting or in-person follow-up, when needed. A subset of 100 texting clients filled a self-administered usability survey on day 14. 2wT acceptability was ascertained via 2wT response rates. Among 2wT providers, eight key informant interviews focused on 2wT acceptability and usability. Influences of wage and age on response rates and client-reported potential AEs were explored using linear and logistic regression models, respectively.ResultsClients felt confident, comfortable, satisfied, and well-supported with 2wT-based follow-up; few noted texting challenges or concerns about healing. Clients felt 2wT saved them time and money. Response rates (92%) suggested 2wT acceptability. Both clients and providers felt 2wT was highly usable. Providers noted 2wT saved them time, empowered clients to engage in their healing, and closed gaps in MC service quality. For scale, providers reinforced good post-operative counseling on AEs and texting instructions. Wage and age did not influence text response rates or potential AE texts.ConclusionResults strongly suggest that 2wT is highly usable and acceptable for providers and patients. Men with concerns solicited provider guidance and reassurance offered via text. Providers noted that men engaged proactively in their healing. 2wT between providers and patients should be expanded for MC and considered for other short-term care contexts. The trial is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, trial NCT03119337, and was activated on April 18, 2017. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03119337

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of two-way texting for post-operative follow-up in Zimbabwe's voluntary medical male circumcision program.

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    ObjectiveAlthough adverse events (AEs) following voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) are rare, their prompt ascertainment and management is a marker of quality care. The use of two-way text messaging (2wT) for client follow-up after VMMC reduces the need for clinic visits (standard of care (SoC)) without compromising safety. We compared the cost-effectiveness of 2wT to SoC for post-VMMC follow-up in two, high-volume, public VMMC sites in Zimbabwe.Materials and methodsWe developed a decision-analytic (decision tree) model of post-VMMC client follow-up at two high-volume sites. We parameterized the model using data from both a randomized controlled study of 2wT vs. SoC and from the routine VMMC program. The perspective of analysis was the Zimbabwe government (payer). The time horizon covered the time from VMMC to wound healing. Costs included text messaging; both in-person and outreach follow-up; and AE management. Costs were estimated in 2018 U.S. dollars. The outcome of analysis was AE yield relative to the globally accepted safety standard of a 2% AE rate. We estimated the incremental cost per percentage increase in AE ascertainment and the incremental cost per additional AE identified. We conducted univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analyses.Results2wT increased the costs due to text messaging by 4.42butreducedclinicvisitcostsby4.42 but reduced clinic visit costs by 2.92 and outreach costs by 3.61−anetsavingsof3.61 -a net savings of 2.10. 2wT also increased AE ascertainment by 50% (92% AE yield in 2wT compared to 42% AE yield in SoC). Therefore, 2wT dominated SoC in the incremental analysis: 2wT was less costly and more effective. Results were generally robust to univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analysis.Conclusions2wT is cost-effective for post-VMMC follow-up in Zimbabwe. Countries in which VMMC is a high-priority HIV prevention intervention should consider this mHealth intervention to reduce overall cost per VMMC, increasing the likelihood of current and future VMMC program sustainability

    Timing of adverse events among voluntary medical male circumcision clients: Implications from routine service delivery in Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND:Timing of routine follow-up visits after adult male circumcision (MC) differs by country and method. Most men do not attend all routine follow-up visits. This cross-sectional study aimed to further understanding of AE timing within a large-scale, routine, MC program to improve patient safety. METHODS:From 2013-2017, ZAZIC consortium performed 192,575 MCs in Zimbabwe; the reported adverse event (AE) rate was 0.3%. Three scheduled, routine, follow-up visits intend to identify AEs. For surgical MC, visits were days 2, 7 and 42 post-procedure. For PrePex (device-based), visits were days 7, 14 and 49. Descriptive statistics explored characteristics of those patients with AEs. For each MC method, chi-square tests were used to evaluate associations between AE timing (days from MC to AE diagnosis) and factors of interest (age, AE type, severity). RESULTS:Of 421 AEs, 290 (69%) were surgical clients: 55 (19%) AEs were ≤2 days post-MC; 169 (58%) between 3-7 days; 47 (16%) between days 8-14; and 19 (7%) were ≥15 post-MC. Among surgical clients, bleeding was most common AE on/before Day 2 while infections predominated in other follow-up periods (p<0.001). Younger surgical MC patients with AEs experienced AEs later than older clients (p<0.001). Among 131 (31%) PrePex clients with AEs, 46 (35%) were ≤2 days post-MC; 59 (45%) between 3-7 days; 16 (12%) between days 8-14; and 10 (7%) ≥15 post-MC. For PrePex clients, device displacements were more likely to occur early while late AEs were most commonly infections (p<0.001). CONCLUSION:Almost 23% of surgical and 8% of PrePex AEs occurred after Visit 2. Later AEs were likely infections. Clinicians, clients, and caregivers should be more effectively counseled that complications may arise after initial visits. Messages emphasizing attention to wound care until complete healing could help ensure client safety. Younger boys, ages 10-14, and their caregivers would benefit from improved, targeted, post-operative counseling

    Balancing competing priorities: Quantity versus quality within a routine, voluntary medical male circumcision program operating at scale in Zimbabwe.

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    BackgroundSince 2013, the ZAZIC consortium supported the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) to implement a high quality, integrated voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) program in 13 districts. With the aim of significantly lowering global HIV rates, prevention programs like VMMC make every effort to achieve ambitious targets at an increasingly reduced cost. This has the potential to threaten VMMC program quality. Two measures of program quality are follow-up and adverse event (AE) rates. To inform further VMMC program improvement, ZAZIC conducted a quality assurance (QA) activity to assess if pressure to do more with less influenced program quality.MethodsKey informant interviews (KIIs) were conducted at 9 sites with 7 site-based VMMC program officers and 9 ZAZIC roving team members. Confidentiality was ensured to encourage candid conversation on adherence to VMMC standards, methods to increase productivity, challenges to target achievement, and suggestions for program modification. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using Atlas.ti 6.ResultsVMMC teams work long hours in diverse community settings to reach ambitious targets. Rotating, large teams of trained VMMC providers ensures meeting demand. Service providers prioritize VMMC safety procedures and implement additional QA measures to prevent AEs among all clients, especially minors. However, KIs noted three areas where pressure for increased numbers of clients diminished adherence to VMMC safety standards. For pre- and post-operative counselling, MC teams may combine individual and group sessions to reach more people, potentially reducing client understanding of critical wound care instructions. Second, key infection control practices may be compromised (handwashing, scrubbing techniques, and preoperative client preparation) to speed MC procedures. Lastly, pressure for client numbers may reduce prioritization of patient follow-up, while client-perceived stigma may reduce care-seeking. Although AEs appear well managed, delays in AE identification and lack of consistent AE reporting compromise program quality.ConclusionIn pursuit of ambitious targets, healthcare workers may compromise quality of MC services. Although risk to patients may appear minimal, careful consideration of the realities and risks of ambitious target setting by donors, ministries, and implementing partners could help to ensure that client safety and program quality is consistently prioritized over productivity

    Trust but verify: Is there a role for active surveillance in monitoring adverse events in Zimbabwe's large-scale male circumcision program?

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    IntroductionEnsuring quality service provision is fundamental to ZAZIC's voluntary medical male circumcision (MC) program in Zimbabwe. From October, 2014 to September, 2017, ZAZIC conducted 205,847 MCs. Passive surveillance recorded a combined moderate and severe adverse event (AE) rate of 0.3%; reported adherence to follow-up was 95%, suggesting program safety. Despite encouraging passive surveillance data, verification of data quality and accuracy would increase confidence in AE identification.MethodsFrom May to August, 2017, ZAZIC implemented a focused quality assurance (QA) study on AE ascertainment and documentation at 6 purposively-selected, high-volume MC sites. ZAZIC Gold-Standard (GS) clinicians prospectively observed 100 post-MC follow-ups per site in tandem with facility-based MC providers to confirm and characterize AEs, providing mentoring in AE management when needed. GS clinicians also retrospectively reviewed site-based, routine MC data, comparing recorded to reported AEs, and held brief qualitative interviews with site leadership on AE-related issues.ResultsObserved AE rates varied from 1-8%, potentially translating to thousands of unidentified AEs if observed AE rates were applied to previous MC performance. Most observed AEs were infections among younger clients. Retrospective review found discrepancies in AE documentation and reporting. Interviews suggest human resource and transport issues challenge MC follow-up visit attendance. Post-operative self-care appears to produce generally good results for adults; however, younger clients and guardians need additional attention to ensure quality care. There was no evidence of missed severe AEs resulting in permanent impairment or morbidity.ConclusionsAlthough results cannot be generalized, active surveillance suggests that AEs may be higher and follow-up lower than reported. In response, ZAZIC's Quality Assurance Task Force will replicate this QA study in other sites; increase training in AE identification, management, and documentation for clinical and data teams; and improve post-operative counseling for younger clients. Additional nurses and vehicles, especially in rural health clinics, could be beneficial

    Implementing voluntary medical male circumcision using an innovative, integrated, health systems approach: experiences from 21 districts in Zimbabwe

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    Background: Despite increased support for voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) to reduce HIV incidence, current VMMC progress falls short. Slow progress in VMMC expansion may be partially attributed to emphasis on vertical (stand-alone) over more integrated implementation models that are more responsive to local needs. In 2013, the ZAZIC consortium began implementation of a 5-year, integrated VMMC program jointly with Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in Zimbabwe. Objective: To explore ZAZIC’s approach emphasizing existing healthcare workers and infrastructure, increasing program sustainability and resilience. Methods: A process evaluation utilizing routine quantitative data. Interviews with key MoHCC informants illuminate program strengths and weaknesses. Methods: A process evaluation utilizing routine quantitative data. Interviews with key MoHCC informants illuminate program strengths and weaknesses. Results: In start-up and year 1 (March 2013–September, 2014), ZAZIC expanded from two to 36 static VMMC sites and conducted 46,011 VMMCs; 39,840 completed from October 2013 to September 2014. From October 2014 to September 2015, 44,868 VMMCs demonstrated 13% increased productivity. In October, 2015, ZAZIC was required by its donor to consolidate service provision from 21 to 10 districts over a 3-month period. Despite this shock, 57,282 VMMCs were completed from October 2015 to September 2016 followed by 44,414 VMMCs in only 6 months, from October 2016 to March 2017. Overall, ZAZIC performed 192,575 VMMCs from March 2013 to March, 2017. The vast majority of VMMCs were completed safely by MoHCC staff with a reported moderate and severe adverse event rate of 0.3%. Conclusion: The safety, flexibility, and pace of scale-up associated with the integrated VMMC model appears similar to vertical delivery with potential benefits of capacity building, sustainability and health system strengthening. These models also appear more adaptable to local contexts. Although more complicated than traditional approaches to program implementation, attention should be given to this country-led approach for its potential to spur positive health system changes, including building local ownership, capacity, and infrastructure for future public health programming

    Is it all about the money? A qualitative exploration of the effects of performance-based financial incentives on Zimbabwe's voluntary male medical circumcision program

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>In 2013, Zimbabwe’s voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) program adopted performance-based financing (PBF) to speed progress towards ambitious VMMC targets. The $25 USD PBF intended to encourage low-paid healthcare workers to remain in the public sector and to strengthen the public healthcare system. The majority of the incentive supports healthcare workers (HCWs) who perform VMMC alongside other routine services; a small portion supports province, district, and facility levels.</p><p>Methods</p><p>This qualitative study assessed the effect of the PBF on HCW motivation, satisfaction, and professional relationships. The study objectives were to: 1) Gain understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of PBF at the HCW level; 2) Gain understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of PBF at the site level; and 3) Inform scale up, modification, or discontinuation of PBF for the national VMMC program. Sixteen focus groups were conducted: eight with HCWs who received PBF for VMMC and eight with HCWs in the same clinics who did not work in VMMC and, therefore, did not receive PBF. Fourteen key informant interviews ascertained administrator opinion.</p><p>Results</p><p>Findings suggest that PBF appreciably increased motivation among VMMC teams and helped improve facilities where VMMC services are provided. However, PBF appears to contribute to antagonism at the workplace, creating divisiveness that may reach beyond VMMC. PBF may also cause distortion in the healthcare system: HCWs prioritized incentivized VMMC services over other routine duties. To reduce workplace tension and improve the VMMC program, participants suggested increasing HCW training in VMMC to expand PBF beneficiaries and strengthening integration of VMMC services into routine care.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>In the low-resource, short-staffed context of Zimbabwe, PBF enabled rapid VMMC scale up and achievement of ambitious targets; however, side effects make PBF less advantageous and sustainable than envisioned. Careful consideration is warranted in choosing whether, and how, to implement PBF to prioritize a public health program.</p></div

    Transitioning a digital health innovation from research to routine practice: Two-way texting for male circumcision follow-up in Zimbabwe.

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    Adult medical male circumcision (MC) is safe: global notifiable adverse event (AE) rates average below 2.0%. With Zimbabwe's shortage of health care workers (HCWs) compounded by COVID-19 constraints, two-way text-based (2wT) MC follow-up may be advantageous over routinely scheduled in-person reviews. A 2019 randomized control trial (RCT) found 2wT to be safe and efficient for MC follow-up. As few digital health interventions successfully transition from RCT to scale, we detail the 2wT scale-up approach from RCT to routine MC practice comparing MC safety and efficiency outcomes. After the RCT, 2wT transitioned from a site-based (centralized) system to hub-and-spoke model for scale-up where one nurse triaged all 2wT patients, referring patients in need to their local clinic. No post-operative visits were required with 2wT. Routine patients were expected to attend at least one post-operative review. We compare 1) AEs and in-person visits between 2wT men from RCT and routine MC service delivery; and 2) 2wT-based and routine follow-up among adults during the 2wT scale-up period, January to October 2021. During scale-up period, 5084 of 17417 adult MC patients (29%) opted into 2wT. Of the 5084, 0.08% (95% CI: 0.03, 2.0) had an AE and 71.0% (95% CI: 69.7, 72.2) responded to ≥1 daily SMS, a significant decrease from the 1.9% AE rate (95% CI: 0.7, 3.6; p<0.001) and 92.5% response rate (95% CI: 89.0, 94.6; p<0.001) from 2wT RCT men. During scale-up, AE rates did not differ between routine (0.03%; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.08) and 2wT (p = 0.248) groups. Of 5084 2wT men, 630 (12.4%) received telehealth reassurance, wound care reminders, and hygiene advice via 2wT; 64 (19.7%) were referred for care of which 50% had visits. Similar to RCT outcomes, routine 2wT was safe and provided clear efficiency advantages over in-person follow-up. 2wT reduced unnecessary patient-provider contact for COVID-19 infection prevention. Rural network coverage, provider hesitancy, and the slow pace of MC guideline changes slowed 2wT expansion. However, immediate 2wT benefits for MC programs and potential benefits of 2wT-based telehealth for other health contexts outweigh limitations