10 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemistry for identification of neoplasic cells within brisk infiltrate of thin melanomas

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    Melanomas finos freqüentemente apresentam infiltrado linfocitário ativo. Melonócitos pigmentados e melanófagos dispersos no infiltrado linfocitário ativo são difíceis de se distinguir nas colorações de rotina, em lâminas coradas pela hematoxilina eosina (HE). A presença de melanócitos na derme papilar caracteriza a lesão como Clark II exigindo medida de Breslow, o que justifica a importância de vencer essas limitações técnicas. Mesmo usando técnica de imuno-histoquímica com Melan-A e diamino benzidina (DAB) como cromógenos, essa distinção é ainda difícil. O pigmento marrom formado pelo cromógeno DAB não pode ser facilmente diferenciado dos grânulos marrons do pigmento de melanina. Nós introduzimos uma simples modificação na técnica, substituindo a contracoloração de hematoxilina pelo Giemsa. Com essa modificação, o pigmento de melanina foi corado em azul-esverdeado, contrastando com a coloração positiva pelo Melan-A dos melanócitos, que permaneceu marrom. Macrófagos negativos para Melan-A continham apenas grânulos grosseiros azul-esverdeados no citoplasma. Assim, fomos capazes de identificar com precisão células Melan-A positivas na derme papilar, determinando microinvasão (Clark II) em 31 (75,5%) dos 40 casos de melanomas in situ (Clark I) associados com infiltrado linfocitário ativo. A técnica apresentada permite, portanto, diferenciar macrófagos e melanócitos dispersos no infiltrado linfocitário associado a melanomas finos, permitindo detectar invasão inicial, evitando interpretação errônea do nível de Clark e da medida de Breslow.Thin melanomas are frequently associated with brisk lymphocytic infiltrate. Pigmented melanocytes are difficult to distinguish from melanophages, which are usually seen interspersed among lymphocytes on routine hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stained slides. As the presence of melanocytes in the papillary dermis characterizes the lesion as Clark II requiring the Breslow index, it is important to identify these cells properly and overcome such technical limitations. Even using immunohistochemistry staining for Melan-A and DAB as chromogens, this distinction is still difficult because the brown pigment formed by the chromogen DBA can not be easily differentiated from the brown melanin granules. We have introduced a simple modification on the technique, by replacing hematoxylin with Giemsa as counterstain. In this regard, the melanin pigment was decorated in green-blue while the Melan-A positive melanocytes were colored brown. Negatively stained melanophages contain only course green-blue granules of melanin in their cytoplasm. Thus, we were able to identify Melan-A positive cells in the papillary dermis accurately, determining microinvasion (Clark II) in 31 (77,5%) out of 40 in situ (Clark I) melanomas associated with brisk infiltrate. This technique is useful to distinguish melanophages and melanocytes interspersed among the lymphocytic infiltrate associated to thin melanomas, allowing detection of early invasion and avoiding Clark levels and Breslow index misinterpretation

    Use of intraocular acrylic resin prosthesis. Experimental study in rats

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    Foram eviscerados os globos oculares esquerdos de 32 ratos, linhagem Wistar, divididos em quatro grupos (A, B, C, D) constituídos, cada um, de cinco testemunhas e três controles. Nos animais-testemunha introduziu-se, dentro da capa córneo-escleral, uma esfera de resina acrílica (metilmetacrilato), previamente confeccionada e esterilizada por autoclavagem, ao passo que nos controles a cavidade eviscerada foi mantida sem prótese. Os ratos dos grupos A, B, C e D foram sacrificados respectivamente aos 7, 15, 30 e 90 dias de pós-operatório, quando os conteúdos orbitários esquerdos foram exenterados e preparados para o exame histopatológico. Observou-se que os animais-testemunha tiveram resposta inflamatória do tipo tecido de granulação ao redor da prótese de cavidade, com edema inflamatório da córnea especialmente nos grupos A e B, quando se iniciou a regressão da inflamação aguda. A cavidade orbitária manteve o tamanho em todos os grupos nos animais-testemunha e houve contração significativa nos animais-controle. Com estas observações, foi possível concluir que a esfera de resina acrílica é uma opção, de baixo custo e fácil confecção, para correção de defeito estético causado pela perda do globo ocular.The ocular globe was eviscerated in 32 Wistar rats, divided in four groups (A, B, C, D) of eight animals each. Acrylic resin prosthesis was implanted into the corneoscleral membrane in five animals of each group. The other three did not receive the prosthesis. The methylmetacrylate sphere was manufactured and autoclaved. The animals from A, B, C and D groups were euthanized at 7, 15, 30 and 90 days after surgery, in the same order, and the orbital content was submitted to histopathological examination. A granulomatous inflammatory response surrounded the prosthesis and inflammatory edema in the cornea was observed mainly in the animals of A and B groups. The volume of the anophthalmic cavity was replaced in all animals that received the prosthesis, but not in the animals that did not received it. It was concluded that intraocular prosthesis of acrylic resin is a cosmetic alternative for correction of the defect produced by the lost of the ocular globe

    Lepromatous leprosy and perianal tuberculosis: a case report and literature review

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    Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, a microorganism that usually affects skin and nerves. Although it is usually well-controlled by multidrug therapy (MDT), the disease may be aggravated by acute inflammatory reaction episodes that cause permanent tissue damage particularly to peripheral nerves. Tuberculosis is predominantly a disease of the lungs; however, it may spread to other organs and cause an extrapulmonary infection. Both mycobacterial infections are endemic in developing countries including Brazil, and cases of coinfection have been reported in the last decade. Nevertheless, simultaneous occurrence of perianal cutaneous tuberculosis and erythema nodosum leprosum is very rare, even in countries where both mycobacterial infections are endemic

    Relapses and recurrences of basal cell face carcinomas

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    Para avaliar fatores relacionados ao seguimento oncológico dos carcinomas basocelulares da face, foi realizada a análise de série de casos. Avaliaram-se 465 pacientes, com 834 carcinomas basocelulares de face; 3,1% apresentaram recidivas. Nos tumores incompletamente excisados, a recidiva foi 14,7% contra 2,3% dos tumores, com margens livres. Ocorreram mais na região nasal. As taxas de recorrência evidenciaram risco cumulativo. Estes achados reforçam a importância do seguimento oncológico após a cirurgia do carcinoma basocelular.To evaluate factors related to oncological follow-up of basal cell face carcinomas it was carried out the analysis of a series of cases. Four hundred sixty-five patients with 834 basal cell face carcinomas were evaluated; 3,1% presented recurrences. There was 14.7% of recurrence in incompletely excised tumors against 2.3% of the tumors with clear margins. Recurrences were more prevalent on the nose. Relapse rates showed a cumulative risk. These findings reinforce the importance of oncological follow-up after surgery of basal cell carcinoma

    Neutrophil extracellular traps identification in tegumentary lesions of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis and different patterns of NETs generation in vitro

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis, endemic in most Latin American countries, especially in Brazil. It is caused by the thermo-dimorphic fungus of the genus Paracoccidioides (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Paracoccidioides lutzii). Innate immune response plays a crucial role in host defense against fungal infections, and neutrophils (PMNs) are able to combat microorganisms with three different mechanisms: phagocytosis, secretion of granular proteins, which have antimicrobial properties, and the most recent described mechanism called NETosis. This new process is characterized by the release of net-like structures called Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), which is composed of nuclear (decondensed DNA and histones) and granular material such as elastase. Several microorganisms have the ability of inducing NETs formation, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses and some fungi. We proposed to identify NETs in tegumentary lesions of patients with PCM and to analyze the interaction between two strains of P. brasiliensis and human PMNs by NETs formation in vitro. In this context, the presence of NETs in vivo was evidenced in tegumentary lesions of patients with PCM by confocal spectrum analyzer. Furthermore, we showed that the high virulent P. brasiliensis strain 18 (Pb18) and the lower virulent strain Pb265 are able to induce different patterns of NETs formation in vitro. The quantification of extracellular DNA corroborates the idea of the ability of P. brasiliensis in inducing NETs release. In conclusion, our data show for the first time the identification of NETs in lesions of patients with PCM and demonstrate distinct patterns of NETs in cultures challenged with fungi in vitro. The presence of NETs components both in vivo and in vitro open new possibilities for the detailed investigation of immunity in PCM