3 research outputs found

    Promotion of healthy lifestyle on the example of the problem of patella dislocation in athletes

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    Introduction: Both in Poland and around the world, many people, especially those who regularly engage in sports, struggle with a wide variety of musculoskeletal ailments. One of them, relatively often occurring against the background of problems affecting the knee and patellofemoral joint, is the problem of patellar dislocations. Patellar dislocation is the slipping of the patella out of its proper place, which is the trochlea of the femur. The ailments mentioned above are of particular importance for athletes. To prevent this, any physical activity should be approached with care, and effective treatment and rehabilitation methods should be implemented. The aim of the study: The objective of the study was the presentation the case of a man dancer patient who experienced a dislocated patella during ballroom dance training and to present current methods of treatment and management of patellar dislocations in athletes based on a review of the PubMed and Google Scholar literature. Results: The case report concerns a 21-year-old patient who suffered a first-time injury of lateral dislocation of the patella of the right knee during ballroom dance training. The patient's symptoms included severe pain, swelling and complete limitation of mobility of the right knee. An X-ray confirmed a dislocation of the patella. Based on the examination performed and the clinical picture, a diagnosis was made and an attempt was made to reposition the dislocation and appropriate treatment was administered. Conclusions: Acute dislocation of the patella is most often caused by an injury sustained during physical or athletic activity. Management of acute patellar dislocation includes manual adjustment of the patella, checking the continuity of soft structures and possible surgical repair, and long-term rehabilitation, but it does not always disqualify from sports, even at a professional level, but nevertheless can significantly impede it

    The treatment of diabetes with new generation drugs

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    Introduction: Diabetes is a global problem, affecting nearly 422 million people around the world. Pathogenesis includes a defect in secretion or insulin activity. This results in an increase in the glucose level, which is associated with the development of complications. These include changes in peripheral vessels and nerves that lead to their damage. It is necessary to introduce appropriate treatment in the earliest stages of the disease to prevent these effects.Materials and methods: The aim of this work is to present knowledge about the treatment based on the recommendations of the Polish Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association, as well as a literature review and analysis of publications published on PubMed and Google Scholar platforms.Results: Over the years, the recommendations and recommendations for treatment change. Recently, a greater role has been given to the latest antidiabetic drugs. This group includes SGLT-2 inhibitors as well as incremental drugs, the main representatives of which are GLP-1 analogues. These drugs affect the level of glycemia, but also have a beneficial effect on weight reduction and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. Recently, Poland has introduced reimbursement of some new generation antidiabetic drugs such as dapaglyphosin, empaglyphosin and canaglyphosin.Conclusions: Dynamic development of diabetes treatment helps to slow down the course of the disease and postpones the introduction of insulin therapy as the final treatment method. Reimbursement of some antidiabetic drugs enables patients to have better access to drugs that have not been within their reach so far. The changes introduced are, in a way, groundbreaking in the treatment of diabetes.

    The impact of dance on human health

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    Introduction: Dancing is one of the many forms of physical activity. Dance performs a wide variety of functions, because on the one hand it satisfies the spiritual and aesthetic experience, and on the other hand, it can be a cultural entertainment or a form of physical fitness training. Moreover, dance has pedagogical values, shapes a person's personality, motor skills, develops the mind, and is a very good educational tool for children. Dance is a form of exercise and this prevents civilization diseases such as obesity, overweight, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes. Therefore, in order to maintain the well-being and health of the body, it is very important to take up physical activity in your free time. The aim of the study: The aim of the study is to find out how dancing affects students' health and to compare the results of the research with the available knowledge. Material and method: The paper uses standard criteria as the research method. Additionally, during the literature review on PubMed and Google Scholar platforms, keywords such as dance, choreotherapy, training. Summary: The results of our research are comparable with the results of other studies. They indicate the positive influence of dance on human health. It affects not only the physical sphere, but also the mental one. Dance is increasingly used in the treatment of various diseases. Dancers see the difference in improving their body flexibility, coordination and strength.In additional, dancing affects the feeling of greater body awareness during movement