26 research outputs found

    Application that demonstrates the operation of network devices written in Java

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    Sieci komputerowe w ci膮gu ostatnich lat sta艂y si臋 nieod艂膮cznym elementem naszego 偶ycia. Ci臋偶ko nam sobie wyobrazi膰 艣wiat bez internetu, czy te偶 telefon贸w kom贸rkowych. Pomimo i偶 historia tej dziedziny nauki liczy sobie oko艂o sze艣膰dziesi膮t lat z pewno艣ci膮 mo偶na stwierdzi膰, 偶e w tym czasie zasz艂o wiele zmian, zar贸wno tych mniejszych, jak i tych wr臋cz rewolucyjnych. Wszystko to sprawi艂o, 偶e sieci komputerowe sta艂y si臋 dziedzin膮 bardzo obszern膮 i z艂o偶on膮, a wi臋kszo艣膰 u偶ytkownik贸w nie jest zaznajomionych nawet z podstawami ich dzia艂ania. Dlatego celem niniejszej pracy by艂o napisanie aplikacji w j臋zyku Java, kt贸ra zaprezentuje spos贸b dzia艂ania r贸偶nych urz膮dze艅 sieciowych takich jak: koncentrator sieciowy, prze艂膮cznik sieciowy, ruter, czy te偶 zapora sieciowa. Program daje u偶ytkownikowi mo偶liwo艣膰 zbudowania sieci z gotowych komponent贸w, prostej konfiguracji oraz uruchomienia symulacji, po zako艅czeniu kt贸rej wy艣wietlone zostaje podsumowanie. Aplikacja przeznaczona jest w szczeg贸lno艣ci dla os贸b niezaznajomionych z tematyk膮 sieci komputerowych. Jest to narz臋dzie umo偶liwiaj膮ce zrozumienie podstawowych urz膮dze艅 oraz stosowanych technik. Poczynienie pierwszych krok贸w bywa nieraz bardzo trudne i frustruj膮ce. Zadaniem niniejszej aplikacji jest uczynienie procesu nauki szybszym, 艂atwiejszym oraz przyjemniejszym.Computer networks in recent years have become an integral part of our lives. It's hard for us to imagine a world without the Internet or mobile phones. Despite the fact that the history of this field of science dates back to about sixty years, it can certainly be said that during this time many changes took place, both smaller and even revolutionary. All this has made computer networks a very large and complex field, and most users are not even familiar with the basics. Therefore, the aim of this work was to write an application in Java, which will present the operation of various network devices, such as: a hub, a switch, a router, or a firewall. The program allows the user to build a network from ready-made components, to perform a simple configuration and run a simulation, after which a summary is displayed. The application is intended in particular for people unfamiliar with the subject of computer networks. It is a tool to understand the basic devices and techniques. Taking the first steps can be very difficult and frustrating at times. The purpose of this application is to make the learning process faster, easier and more enjoyable

    Unequal homologous recombination of human DNA on a yeast artificial chromosome.

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    We examined unequal homologous DNA recombination between human repetitive DNA elements located on a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and transforming plasmid molecules. A plasmid vector containing an Alu element, as well as a sequence identical to a unique site on a YAC, was introduced into yeast and double recombinant clones analyzed. Recombination occurs between vector and YAC Alu elements sharing as little as 74% identity. The physical proximity of an Alu element to the unique DNA segment appears to play a significant role in determining the frequency with which that element serves as a recombination substrate. In addition, cross-over points of the recombination reaction are largely confined to the ends of the repetitive element. Since a similar distribution of crossover sites occurs during unequal homologous recombination in human germ and somatic tissue, we propose that similar enzymatic processes may be responsible for the events observed in our system and in human cells. This suggests that further examination of the enzymology of unequal homologous recombination of human DNA within yeast may yield a greater understanding of the molecular events which control this process in higher eukaryotes


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    Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM) is an autosomal dominant syndrome of congenital external ophthalmoplegia and bilateral ptosis. We previously reported linkage of this disorder in two unrelated families to an 8-cM region near the centromere of human chromosome 12. We now present refinement of linkage in the original two families, linkage analysis of five additional families, and a physical map of the critical region for the CFEOM gene. In each of the seven families the disease gene is linked to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 12. D12S345, D12S59, D12S331, and D12S1048 do not recombine with the disease gene and have combined lod scores of 35.7, 35.6, 16.0, and 31.4, respectively. AFM136xf6 and AFMb320wd9 flank the CFEOM locus, defining a critical region of 3 cM spanning the centromere of chromosome 12. These data support the concept that this may be a genetically homogeneous disorder. We also describe the generation of a YAC contig encompassing the critical region of the CFEOM locus. This interval has been assigned cytogenetically to 12p11.2-q12 and spans the centromere of chromosome 12. These results provide the basis for further molecular analyses of the structure and organization of the CFEOM locus and will help in the identification of candidate genes