63 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Berbasis Uang Kuliah Tunggal Bagi Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Jawa Tengah

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    Policy analysis is the cornerstone in the implementation of policies to determine education policy implementation process Tuition Single. Implementation of Single Tuition policy is a series of government policy measures include the establishment of educational policy which is not only understood and implemented, but also need to be analyzed, reviewed, assessed, evaluated and further developed. Operation Tuition Single enacted on the basis of circulars Director General of Higher numbers: 97 / E / KU / 2013 on the basis of Law No. 12 of 2012 which contains instructions to eliminate the entrance fee and to establish and implement UKT for students. The purpose enactment UKT is to simplify the process of payment of tuition fees and eliminate other extra costs that are difficult to be supervised by the state. With so expected that all the people of Indonesia will be easier access to higher education. To reveal the problem of research using qualitative methods are Descriptive Explorative. The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation of Single Tuition Policy in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University. The collected data were then used to formulate recommendations as a step formulation of policy alternatives. Results of the study were found in the field showed that at the level of implemelntasinya still found some problems or weaknesses, both at the level of policy formulation and policy implementation. However, there are some advantages or the power of education policy implementation model Tuition Single. Furthermore, the reconstruction of an alternative model of education the implementation of Single Tuition will be reviewed from juridical aspects, reviewing the legal umbrella, budgeting, design of policy formulation and implementation, one of which includes implementing organizations. To be running well it is necessary to formulate regulatory or legal basis that can provide legitimacy in the implementation of policies, programs, and activities to support the implementation of education policies Tuition Single

    Evaluasi Pelayanan Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Di Kota Semarang

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    Moda transportasi umum yang ada dan banyak beroperasi di Kota Semarang adalah Angkot Mini Bus yang notabene tidak mampu menampung penumpang dengan jumlah banyak, tetapi jumlahnya yang banyak juga menyebabkan bertambahnya kepadatan lalu lintas di Kota Semarang. Oleh karena itu, sangat diperlukan peningkatan pelayanan pada transportasi umum agar pengguna jasa transportasi umum semakin banyak dan dapat terpuaskan oleh pelayanan yang diberikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian pelayanan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) di Kota Semarang dengan regulasi yang telah ditetapkan serta untuk mengetahui upaya Pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam meningkatkan pelayanan BRT di Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu interview (wawancara), observasi, studi dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan Kebijakan Transportasi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) di Kota Semarang sudah sudah cukup tepat dan efektif. Namun kondisi saat ini masih menunjukkan beberapa kekurangan yang harus segera ditingkatkan, untuk menunjang pencapaian tujuan yang maksimal

    Studi Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Evaluasi Kinerja Penyelenggara Pelayanan Publik Di Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Dan Penanaman Modal Kota Salatiga

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    Viewing from the reality that is happening in the bureaucracy in Indonesia, the image of public service which seems slow and cumbersome continues to be a particular concern in the bureaucratic reform program. It is closely linked to the conditions that occur in the service of licenses. BPPT and PM Salatiga is one of public service providers engaged in the licensing and investment sector. BPPT and PM Salatiga are apparently not capable to provide public services well. It is evidenced by the number of complaints from the public, not achieving the targets in the SPM, and there are still people who do not feel satisfied with the services provided. The purpose of this research is to describe the performance of public service providers in the BPPT and PM Salatiga and identify factors driving and inhibiting the performance of BPPT and PM Salatiga. This research uses descriptive type with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used on this research is observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. The results of this research indicate that the performance of public service providers in the BPPT and PM Salatiga is still needed to be increased. The indicators that are considered to be improved are the indicators of standard service, notice of service, complaint management and Public Service Information System (PSIS). Therefore, it is recommended to add training for employees, publish notice of service, provide a complaints management officer, implement the updating data and information related with the service held, and reactivate the website owned by BPPT and PM Salatiga

    Implementasi E-government Melalui Media Informasi Publik Berbasis Website Daerah Di Kabupaten Tegal

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    Now days, there are still many people complaining about about the lack of transparency between government and community. It can happen because the low public awareness to utilize the progress of technology and the lack of socialization government using technology. The internet be a primary needed to the peoples, not only in urban areas even in the region has been a need of. E government through the public information aims to access and disseminate information in the regions and center so as easy the people to will have all information about bureaucracy in the areas. In this research the writers use qualitative with dishub of communication informatics where website tegal distric as an object . The research results show the low level of awareness the peoples in tegal distric. It seen from the number of visitors website as many as 7000-8000 in 2015. And every year can be fluctuative.When compared with the population of productive age in Tegal district, the percentage is still weak, which is only 11% of the population in productive age, amounting to 889 565

    Analisis Pengembangan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Pada Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan, Dan Pelatihan Kota Semarang

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    Developing institutional capacity of local Government always contain an understanding of various efforts to improve service to the community. This research aims to find out and analyze developing institutional capacity in staffing agencies, education and training in Semarang. In addition, to know the driving factor and a barrier to developing institutional capacity in staffing agencies, education and training in Semarang. This research is descriptive using the type of qualitative approach. The results showed that lack of support from regulation, make the employees hardship to complete basic tasks and functions, especially in structuring the organization which has not been in accordance with the Government Regulations number 18 in 2016 about forming, and local regulations number 14 in 2016 on the establishment and composition of the regional city of Semarang can make the formation of the Officer has not been in accordance with duties and load. This factor is restricting institutional capacity building in the area of Staffing Agency in Semarang. Based on the results, it is recommended to the regional Staffing Agency in Semarang, associated with the regulations which are fluctuate, it is necessary to clarified about the rules that will be used, to avoid multiple interpretations of all parties, especially the regional Staffing Agency in Semarang

    Implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok Di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang

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    Dalam rangka upaya membatasi aktivitas merokok seseorang di Kota Semarang maka Pemerintah Kota Semarang mengeluarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang nomor 3 tahun 2013 tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang dan aspek-aspek penghambat implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang cukup baik namun masih ada beberapa kekurangan. Pada aspek komunikasi masih ada masyarakat yang kurang memahami batasan dalam wilayah Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Dalam aspek sumberdaya Puskesmas Pandanaran memiliki kekurangan dalam tenaga keamanan dan tidak adanya dana yang dikeluarkan untuk Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Pada aspek disposisi sikap banyak pegawai yang melakukan tugasnya secara ganda untuk menutupi kekosongan yang ada. Kemudian, aspek Perubahan perilaku, setiap orang membutuhkan waktu untuk berubah dan terbiasa dengan adanya Kawasan Tanpa Rokok.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik karena beberapa aspek penghambat, yaitu komunikasi, sumberdaya, disposisi sikap dan Perubahan perilaku. Saran yang diberikan adalah perlu adanya penambahan pegawai terutama pada tenaga keamanan serta tingkat kemampuan dan ketegasan pegawai. Kemudian segera menyediakan media sosialisasi melalui video promosi dan informasi kesehatan secara periodik tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang agar masyarakat dapat cepat mengerti tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok
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