17 research outputs found

    Storage of Food in the Home

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    One reason the housewife of today hesitates to purchase her food products in large quantities is because she does not know the proper ways to store them so that they will be as palatable and nutritive when she is ready to use them as they were when she purchased them. It is a very important factor in homemaking to be able to buy economically, but it is even more important to know how to store the food in the way it should be stored

    How Much Shall I Buy?

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    Most every recipe calls for definite amounts of materials, and yet how very few recipes give anything like definite amounts to buy for that particular food under making

    Helps for the Spring Market Basket

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    With the coming of warm weather, fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance, and lucky indeed is the housewife who has a garden from which she can gather her own. For the homemaker who must resort to the huckster\u27s cart, or the corner grocery store, a new problem is offered. Besides knowing tempting ways of serving these desirable foods, she must know how to purchase them

    Cheese for the Holidays

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    The average American housewife knows little of the many varieties of cheeses, and perhaps even less of the many attractive ways of serving them. She may think of cheese simply as the store cheese , or Cheddar, or perhaps of cottage cheese. Her method of serving cheese may include the popular macaroni and cheese, or cottage cheese with cream, but it is safe to say that for most housewives cheese is nothing more than an accompaniment of pie, or a sandwich filling

    Sandwiches for Your Spring Menu

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    Sandwiches have been accepted for so long as a simple-to-prepare, always-appropriate-to-serve food, that they are usually the first thing we think of when we plan a spring entertainment where food is to be served. The name of this type of dish originated with the Earl of Sandwich, who, it is said, was so fond of the gaming table that he had his cook prepare this portable food in order that he might play and eat at the same time

    White Meat, and Dark

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    Thanksgiving, or any other holiday, seems to be the time to stay at home and be happy. Company may come, as company does, and is expected on this day of days. Planning ahead is efficient, knowing what and how to buy is prudent, but knowing how to prepare what is bought is quite the most necessary of all

    That Foreign Flavor

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    Favorite foods of nations vary greatly. Ham and eggs and apple pie seem to be the national standbys of the United States. Italy, no doubt, would choose Delizia; Hungary, Toltott Kaposzta, and curried shrimp would certain prove the West Indian\u27a choice

    Sauce for the Goose

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    What\u27s sauce for the goose, says the old line, is sauce for the gander, and yet show me the man who will have anything but orange salad or sauce with his duck, or chestnut dressing with his turkey

    Manners and the Home

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    In this age of commerce, of machines and engines, and of efficiency that too often robs us of all personal touches, we still have need of the restful influence of good breeding and courtesy