286 research outputs found

    A note on poverty, inequality and growth

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    How inequality is generated and how it reproduces over time? This has been a major concern of social scientists for more than a century. The changes in aggregate or average income is a good measure for economic growth but is far from being the only one. There is an increasing “inequality” throughout the world. Over the period 1960-2000, the richest 5 % of the world’s nations averaged a per-capita income that was about twenty-nine times the corresponding figure for the poorest 5 %. Poverty also affects other forms of economic and social functioning. The measurement of poverty is based on the notion of poverty line, which is constructed from monetary estimates of minimum needs. Poverty is highly correlated with the lack of education, and there is an intimate connection between nutrition and poverty. The measurement of inequality is a highly controversial one. It is a field in which there are large differences in social judgments, which translate themselves into differences in social judgments, such as the measure of inequality or the choice of equivalence scale. Social and Economic indicators demonstrate the data for the population based measures on economic, social and health outcomes and answer the question about inequality and well being. This article attempts to examine the relationship between inequality and the process of socio-economic development and also to overview the theories of income inequality and to measure the income distribution and moreover to investigate the role and the effects on socio-economic growth. Keywords: Income distribution, inequality, poverty, convergence, growth.

    Optimal Design of Composite Structures Under Manufacturing Constraints

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    L’interaction compositeur-ordinateur il y a 25 ans

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    L’article concerne une Ă©tude ergonomique sur la composition musicale assistĂ©e par ordinateur, effectuĂ©e en 1982-1983. Le but Ă©tait d’étudier l’interaction entre compositeur et ordinateur et de saisir la façon dont cet outil nouveau (Ă  l’époque) affectait le processus compositionnel. Cet article se concentre sur les projets de deux compositeurs, qui travaillaient Ă  l’Ircam avec deux systĂšmes informatiques diffĂ©rents, et sur les contraintes pragmatiques subies par les compositeurs. L’analyse ergonomique effectuĂ©e a montrĂ© que le processus compositionnel de deux compositeurs se caractĂ©risait par trois Ă©tapes: (i) crĂ©ation d’un espace compositionnel dĂ©crit sur le plan du systĂšme informatique par un certain nombre de paramĂštres ; (ii) exploration de l’espace compositionnel afin d’examiner ses possibilitĂ©s ; (iii) attribution aux paramĂštres de l’espace sonore des valeurs qui vont produire une musique souhaitable. Dans le cas du premier projet, l’espace compositionnel Ă©tait constituĂ© des instruments musicaux, dont les paramĂštres psycho-acoustiques ne pouvaient pas ĂȘtre facilement dĂ©crits d’une maniĂšre compatible avec les formalismes de l’informatique. Cela avait obligĂ© le compositeur, pendant l’étape de l’exploration de l’espace compositionnel, Ă  entrer dans une situation d’apprentissage, comparable Ă  celle de l’apprentissage d’un instrument de musique. Or, Ă  cause d’une sĂ©rie de contraintes pragmatiques (par exemple, le temps d’écoute diffĂ©rĂ© et la modification discrĂšte des valeurs des paramĂštres), un tel apprentissage n’a pas pu se rĂ©aliser. Par consĂ©quent, le compositeur n’a pas pu rĂ©aliser son projet en utilisant le systĂšme informatique. Dans le cas du second projet, l’espace compositionnel Ă©tait dĂ©fini par le compositeur, sur le plan conceptuel, d’une maniĂšre compatible avec les formalismes de l’informatique (rĂšgles mathĂ©matico-gĂ©omĂ©triques). Ainsi, et malgrĂ© les contraintes pragmatiques subies, le compositeur est arrivĂ© plus facilement Ă  explorer l’espace compositionnel et finalement Ă  crĂ©er la musique qu’il souhaitait.Outre son intĂ©rĂȘt historique, cette Ă©tude peut aussi avoir un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  l’heure actuelle. Les contraintes pragmatiques qui sont prĂ©sentes dans l’utilisation de tout systĂšme informatique peuvent expliquer, au moins en partie, les difficultĂ©s Ă©prouvĂ©es par les compositeurs qui essaient de rĂ©aliser une oeuvre Ă  l’aide d’un systĂšme informatique, et leur identification peut indiquer les directions que doit prendre l’amĂ©lioration de ce dernier.The article revisits an ergonomic study on computer-assisted musical composition over 25 years ago. The goal was to observe the interaction between composers and computers and discern the effet of this new tool on the process of composing music. The projects of two composers working at Ircam and using two different computer systems are examined with emphasis on the pragmatic constraints encountered. The ergonomic analysis showed that the composition process adopted by the two composers entailed three main stages: (i) creating a composition space defined by various information system parameters, (ii) exploring the composition space in order to examine its possibilities, and (iii) attributing appropriate values to the parameters of the composition space to produce the desired music. In the case of the first project, the composition space consisted of simulated musical instruments whose psycho-acoustic parameters were not readily compatible with the information technology formalisms. This composer therefore had to enter into a learning situation akin to that of learning a musical instrument. But a number of pragmatic constraints (e.g., time lag between values fixing and listening, discrete modification of parameter values, etc.) ultimately stymied the learning and the composer could not complete the project using the computer system. In the case of the second project, the composer defined the compositional space at the conceptual level in a way that was compatible with the computer formalisms (mathematical-geometrical rules). Thus, despite pragmatic constraints, this composer was able to explore the compositional space more easily and ultimately create the desired music.Besides its historical interest, this study remains valuable today. The pragmatic constraints inherent to any information system at least partly explains the difficulties faced by composers during computer-assisted composition, and identifying these constraints may point the way to improving these systems

    Enterpreneurship and innovation activites in the schumpeterian lines

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    The importance of diffusion of technology for economic growth has been emphasised by economic literature. Much of the recent work on economic growth can be viewed as refining the basic economic insights of classical economists. The recent debate on the determinants of output growth has concentrated mainly on the role of knowledge, typically produced by a specific sector of the economy, and furthermore in the role of entrepreneurship and the implications on economic growth. This paper attempts to examine the role of entrepreneurship, and those of innovation activities (technical change, research and development and diffusion of technology) and the effects of output growth, according to the Schumpeterian lines. Following on the Schumpeterian tradition, this paper starts from the recognition that there are two main patterns of innovations: the first one is the creative destruction pattern and the second one is a creative accumulation pattern. Also, it emphasizes the role of entrepreneurship and the impact of the diffusion of technology in the inter-country and international economic contexts using some of the empirical implementation of epidemic, probit analysis and moreover from technological substitution models. Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Innovation Activities, Diffusion, Modernization, Competitiveness, Schumperer.

    Economic Geography and Regional Growth: An Empirical Evidence From Greece

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    There is a huge literature regarding the main determinants and sources of economic growth. Most of the recent work emphasizes on the role of knowledge, and innovation activities typically produced by a specific sector of the economy, and furthermore in the role of entrepreneurship and analysing the implications and the importance for economic growth. Moreover, the socio-economic and public policies aimi to distinguish the determining factors of growth, in order to enhance the regional cohesion and the convergence process. Much of the recent work on regional growth can be viewed as refining the basic economic insights of economic geography. There are two principal theories of why growth rates are differ, the first is the theory of comparative advantage and the second is the theory of increasing returns to scale. This paper attempts to examine the main sources of regional growth through an inter-and intra sectoral analysis. In particular, the paper attempts to investigate through an empirical inter-comparison study using statistical-data from several Greek regions, the determinant sectoral factors and the implications to growth process. We also employ the empirical non-parametric analysis. We find support for the existence of economic geography effects in several manufacturing sectors and moreover we find that these effects are economically very significant.

    Peripheral Regions in Duress: Counter-Social Capital Impediments of Local Development in Rural Greek Areas

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    Unlike most enthusiastic narratives of various success stories in recent North European regional economic development led by innovation, localized learning, social capital and institutional embeddedness, this paper deals with a set of major stresses and problems of local economic development in peripheral, less favoured, regions. By drawing upon concrete research experience of regional development projects we try to shed light upon the processes of spatio-economic change and the management of local production in connection with prevailing cultural attitudes/values in less developed Greek rural areas. attidudes/values constituting a kind of localized ñ€Ɠcounter-social capitalñ€ deposit that impedes any likely innovative local development initiatives. The paper argues that the major problems facing these areas are not only or solely associated with the effects of market economy restructuring and the operation of macroeconomic and macropolitical forces at the regional and local level, but, also with inadequate management of human skills, lack of productive mentality and negative cultural values and attitudes. The policy relevance of our analysis calls for the elaboration of alternative development strategies aimed rather at enchancing local social capital potentialities than at improving hard infrastructures and providing financial incentives to local firms.

    Simulation of electric vehicle driver behaviour in road transport and electric power networks

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    The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) will affect both electricity and transport systems and research is needed on finding possible ways to make a smooth transition to the electrification of the road transport. To fully understand the EV integration consequences, the behaviour of the EV drivers and its impact on these two systems should be studied. This paper describes an integrated simulation-based approach, modelling the EV and its interactions in both road transport and electric power systems. The main components of both systems have been considered, and the EV driver behaviour was modelled using a multi-agent simulation platform. Considering a fleet of 1000 EV agents, two behavioural profiles were studied (Unaware/Aware) to model EV driver behaviour. The two behavioural profiles represent the EV driver in different stages of EV adoption starting with Unaware EV drivers when the public acceptance of EVs is limited, and developing to Aware EV drivers as the electrification of road transport is promoted in an overall context. The EV agents were modelled to follow a realistic activity-based trip pattern, and the impact of EV driver behaviour was simulated on a road transport and electricity grid. It was found that the EV agents’ behaviour has direct and indirect impact on both the road transport network and the electricity grid, affecting the traffic of the roads, the stress of the distribution network and the utilization of the charging infrastructure
