28 research outputs found

    Design of a clinician dashboard to facilitate co-decision making in the management of non-specific low back pain

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    This paper presents the design of a Clinician Dashboard to promote co-decision making between patients and clinicians. Targeted patients are those with non-specific low back pain, a leading cause of discomfort, disability and absence from work throughout the world. Targeted clinicians are those in primary care, including general practitioners, physiotherapists, and chiropractors. Here, the functional specifications for the Clinical Dashboard are delineated, and wireframes illustrating the system interface and flow of control are shown. Representative scenarios are presented to exemplify how the system could be used for co-decision making by a patient and clinician. Also included are a discussion of potential barriers to implementation and use in clinical practice and a look ahead to future work. This work has been conducted as part of the Horizon 2020 selfBACK project, which is funded by the European Commission

    Prescribing Exercise Regimens for Cardiac and Pulmonary

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    Abstract. This paper describes a prototypical system that employs case-based reasoning to help sports medicine students learn to prescribe exercise regimens for cardiac and pulmonary disease patients. Traditionally, students have been taught a manual, rule-based approach toselecting workouts for these patients. The training system produces two recommendations for each patient, one based on the traditional rules, and one based on experience with past patients. In preliminary tests, the case-based recommendations more closely matched the exercise regimens prescribed for actual patients by experienced sports medicine professionals than the rule-based recommendations.

    Integrations with case-based reasoning

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