19 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca melalui Metode Scramble pada Peserta Didik Kelas I SD Negeri 002 Benteng Kecamatan Sungai Batang

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    This study aims to improve students' reading ability through the first grade scramble students of SD Negeri 002 Benteng, Kecamatan Sungai Batang, which are 28 students with 11 male students and 17 female students with heterogeneous ability. This study is based on the low ability of students' learning outcomes and lack of awareness of teachers to implement an effective, innovative, and cooperative learning. The study was conducted from September 3, 2016 to October 8, 2016. This study is a classroom action research (PTK) consisting of two cycles. Minimum completeness criteria (KKM) and average analysis are used to determine whether or not improvement of student learning outcomes before and after using the scramble learning model. The results of this study indicate that the number of students who reach KKM in the initial data is only 10 people (36%), cycle I is 16 people (57%), and the second cycle is 25 people (89%). The average student score at baseline was 68.4; cycle I increased to 75,9; in the second cycle increased again to 83,6. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the model of learning scramble can improve reading ability in Indonesian language students class I of SD Negeri 002 Benteng, Kecamatan Sungai Batang

    Pengembangan Lks Berbasis Predict Observe Explanation pada Submateri Keanekaragaman Hayati Kelas X

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    This research aimed to know validity of student worksheet base on POE of biodiversity sub-material of the tenth grade of senior high school. The method that was used in this research was a development research consisted of 2 phase preliminary and formative evaluation. Techniques of data collection of this research was marking sheet. As the research result, student worksheet base on POE that was develop validation were a lecturer and teacher. According to the assessment that was given by the validators, student worksheet base on POE belongs to the very high validity category with value of Vc=1,00 for all criteria including content utility with value of Vc=1,00 very high validity category, language worthiness with value of Vc=1,00 very high validity category, display advisability with value of Vc=1,00 very high validity category, and graphical advisability with value of Vc=1,00 very high validity category, it was suitable to be used as a learning material

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Pewarisan Sifat melalui Pembelajaran Direct Instruction di SMP

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    : This study aims to determine the learning outcome model through direct instruction . This research is a classroom action research by providing research on the subject of action in two cycles of learning . Subjects in this study were students of class IX A SMP Negeri 1 Ledo academic year 2014/2015 . The data collection used observation sheet teaching practices and student achievement test cycle I and II . The results showed that the direct learning model of instruction in the material of heredity can increase the average value of learning outcomes in the first cycle of 63.7 and the second cycle of 72. The learning process of the two cycles have increased as much as 85

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Kebugaran Jasmani dengan Pendekatan Bermain

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    The objectives of research are: (1) to describe the potency and condition of physical education learning model utilization before doing development, (2) to develop physical education learning model which has been existed, (3) to analyze the effectiveness physical healthy learning after using physical healthy learning model. This research was done at SMP Negeri 4 Gedongtataan, SMP Negeri 3 Negerikaton, and SMP Negeri Satap Satu Waylima. The data of research was analyzed by descriptive  quantitative. The conclusion of research are : (1) to produce physical healthy learning model consists of (a) steps of learning/ syntax, (b) syllabus, (c) lesson plan, (d) materials, and (e) games in physical healthy,(2) physical healthy learning model was used in physical healthy learning is effective because the N Gain score increased to 0,60 (very effective),Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mendiskripsikan potensi dan kondisi pemanfatan model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani sebelum melakukan pengembangan, (2) mengembangkan model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yang sudah ada, (3) menganalisis efektifitas pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 4 Gedongtataan, SMPN 3 Negerikaton dan SMPN Satap Satu Way Lima. Kesimpulan data penelitian adalah: (1). model pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani efektif digunakan untuk pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani, karena N Gain untuk hasil belajar adalah 0,60 (sangat efektif), (2) menghasilkan model pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani yang terdiri dari: (a) langkah – langkah pembelajaran/ sintaks, (b) silabus, (c) rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, (d) bahan ajar, dan (e) permainan – permainan kebugaran jasmani

    Buku Saku Keanekaragaman Hayati Hasil Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Berpotensi Tanaman Hias di Gunung Sari Singkawang

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    : This research aimed to create a pocket books developed from the inventory of potentially ornamental plants in Gunung Sari Singkawang and determine the feasibility of a pocket book as a learning medium of the Indonesian biodiversity matter of class X in High School. The pocket book was examined its feasibility using an instrument that was validated previously by three lecturers of Biology Education Study Program FKIP Untan. Validation of the pocket book was done by two lecturers of Biology Education Study Program FKIP Untan and five Biology teachers of high school of class X / equivalent from five different districts in Singkawang. The results of the pocket book validation was categorized into valid with a score of 3.4 and can be used as a learning medium in the Indonesian biodiversity matter of class X in High School. However, further research is necessary to obtain effective use of the pocket book as learning media in the class

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing pada Submateri Sistem Pernapasan Manusia Kelas XI SMA

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    This research aims to determine the validity of guided inquiry-based student worksheet on human respiratory system subdivision. The method that was used in this research was development research with 11th student grade of MIA 4 Senior High School Number 1 Pontianak on academic year 2016/2017 as the research subject with total 28 students. This research had done in two phase consist of preliminary and formative evaluation. Validation sheet was used as the techniques of data collection. Guided inquiry-based student worksheet on human respiratory system subdivision were validated by lecturer and teacher. As the research result, guided inquiry-based student worksheet on human respiratory system subdivision was declared very valid with Vc=1,00. It has four aspects, these are feasibility content, language, dish, and graphic. So it can be concluded that guided inquiry-based student worksheet on human respiratory system subdivision is very valid to be used in the learning process