147 research outputs found

    Independence Functions of Stroke Patients with "Gait" Exercise

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    Introduction: Stroke is a cerebro vascular disease which has clinical manifestation based on the location and the damaged lesion. The disorder of oxygen flow to the brain results clinical manifestation called hemipharese or the de fi ciency of some parts of extremities which is indicated by the muscle deficiency. Effect of exercise gait program in needed in order to recover the strength functional self care of which is indicated by the improve strength extremitas. The aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of exercise gait to the improvement of functionalself care of the patients at Sigli General Hospital in Kabupaten Pidie Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Methods: A quasi experimental with pretest-postest group design was used in this study. Thirty four patients were selected by using non probability sampling (consecutive sampling tehnigue) as the sample of the study. Fourteen days of exercise gait program were given to the patient. An evaluation to the result of the program was conducted after fourteen days by measuring functional self care of the subjects. Result: The statistical analysis showed that the average of the stroke patiens functional self care is significantly after the treatment (p=0.000). There was a relationship between patients age and the functional selfcare (p=0.000) and there was no relationship between sex and the functional self care (p=0.148). There was also no relationship between risk factor the functional self care (p=0.13). Discussion: This study recommended the use of exercise gait to improve functional self care of stroke patients in order to improve their ability to do daily living activities

    Efficiency of Steam Production Analysis at Pulp and Paper Industry

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    Companies must be able to regulate the allocation of factors of production to increase productivity and improve production. The aim of this research are : 1) to know calculation of steam production cost, 2) to know the most factors that influence the production of steam, 3) to know efficiency of steam production cost. Research location is at PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper. The sample was taken from steam production cost on Januari 2010 until December 2010. Data was analyzed with doubled-linier regression analysis with Cobb-Douglas production function, analysis of the costs, analysis of factors affecting the production of steam production and analysis of efficiency. The result showed that 1) total cost of steam production per month is Rp2.864.159.747,64, 2) from the doubled-linier regression analysis is known only bark variable that significantly affected to the production of steam, 3) from the analysis of efficiency is obtained that the use of bark,diesel oil, and heavy oil is efficient for steam production, it was 283,3%

    Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Siswa yang Membatu dengan yang Tidak Membatu Orang Tua Mencari Nafkah Kelas VIII di SMP 4 Tanah Putih

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    This research entitle β€œ Difference of motivation students learning which help with don't help parents. Earn life class VIII, ther pupose research is first for know describe of motivation students learning which hel parents earn life, second for know describe of motivation students learning which don't help parents earn life, third for know difference between motivation students learning which help parents earn with don't which help parents earn life. Which become sample in this research are students class VIII SMPN 4 Tanah Putih academic year 2013/2014. The method using in this research is discriptive. For collect data using enquette much fourty question. Based of solution can of poiled conclusion there are : This research find in parallel and carry theory have tell in solution. Percentage of motivation learning students SMPN 4 Tanah Putih which help parents earn life reside in high category is 29%, middle 47% and low is 24 % and then problem of motivation learning students SMPN 4 Tanah Putih which don't help parents earn life reside in high category is 30 %, middle 49 % an low 21 %. The defference s significance of 1,67 %

    Penerapan Diversi pada Tingkat Penuntut Umum terhadap Anak sebagai Pelaku Tindak Pidana Menurut UU No 11 Tahun 2012 (Studi Kasus di Cabang Kejaksaan Negeri Padangsidimpuan di Sibuhuan)

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    A child is a nation\u27s next generation in which since a fetus until it is born it has its own right. As good citizens, we have to take our children, and this globalization era with it transparent information and technology, children will easily watch adult show in printed and electronic media so that their minds are contaminated with adult presentation such as violence and amoral. This condition has caused a child to be involved in legal problems. The problems of the research were as follows: why a child that is in conflict with legal act should belong to Diversion system, how about the implementation of diversion process in the level of Prosecutors toward a child who was in conflict with law in the Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan at Sibuhuan, and what obstacles which existed in the implementation of Diversion in the Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan at Sibuhuan. The objective of the research was to analyze why a child who had a conflict with law should be implemented Diversion system, to find out the implementation of law enforcers toward a child who was in conflict with law in the Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan, at Sibuhuan, and to find out the obstacles in implementing Diversion in the level of Attorney\u27s Office of Padangsidimpuan at Sibuhuan. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic approaches. The result of the research showed that the imposition of Law No. 11/2012 on the Process of Diversion in Children who did criminal acts would protect children in the process of criminal cases and support general prosecutors to prioritize the process of Diversion rather than the process of hearing in the Courts
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