54 research outputs found

    Three-year summary of corn rootworm control products

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    During the past three summers, corn rootworm insecticides and YieldGard Rootworm® corn were evaluated in side-by-side trials at several locations across the state. These field trials measured performance in protecting corn roots under a wide range of environmental conditions. Performance was then measured as root injury, product consistency, plant lodging, and grain yield. The same corn hybrid (non-rootworm) was planted for all of the insecticide treatments at each location and year, plus a YieldGard RW® hybrid that contained the cry protein for corn rootworm control

    Corn rootworm insecticides evaluated

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    Two integrated pest management strategies are used widely to protect corn roots from corn rootworm injury: crop rotation and insecticides. If corn is not rotated, or if extended diapause has been documented to occur in a particular field, then a soil insecticide might be necessary to protect the roots in 2000. The reason we say it might be necessary is because many fields do not have a rootworm population of a sufficient size to cause economic damage. Believe it or not, there are thousands of continuous cornfields across the state in which a rootworm insecticide is not necessary

    Seedcorn maggots love manured fields

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    Seedcorn maggots are occasional pests of both corn and soybean seeds prior to germination and can cause stand loss. Because this damage occurs below the soil surface, it may be difficult to determine the need for an insecticide. There are no rescue treatments for this insect, so you must apply an insecticide at planting time if economic damage is anticipated. When making your decision, consider field history, previous crop or cover, heavy manuring during the winter or spring, and possible delays in germination due to cool and wet soil conditions

    Evaluation of Corn Rootworm Hybrids

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    This past summer, corn root worm technologies were evaluated in side-by-side experiments at four locations in Iowa. The objective of this study was to measure and compare the degree of root protection, standability, and yield provided by the three corn rootworm Cry protein technologies and a standard soil insecticide— Aztec 2.1G

    Computer simulation of a single pilot flying a modern high-performance helicopter

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    Presented is a computer simulation of a human response pilot model able to execute operational flight maneuvers and vehicle stabilization of a modern high-performance helicopter. Low-order, single-variable, human response mechanisms, integrated to form a multivariable pilot structure, provide a comprehensive operational control over the vehicle. Evaluations of the integrated pilot were performed by direct insertion into a nonlinear, total-force simulation environment provided by NASA Lewis. Comparisons between the integrated pilot structure and single-variable pilot mechanisms are presented. Static and dynamically alterable configurations of the pilot structure are introduced to simulate pilot activities during vehicle maneuvers. These configurations, in conjunction with higher level, decision-making processes, are considered for use where guidance and navigational procedures, operational mode transfers, and resource sharing are required

    Computer simulation of multiple pilots flying a modern high performance helicopter

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    A computer simulation of a human response pilot mechanism within the flight control loop of a high-performance modern helicopter is presented. A human response mechanism, implemented by a low order, linear transfer function, is used in a decoupled single variable configuration that exploits the dominant vehicle characteristics by associating cockpit controls and instrumentation with specific vehicle dynamics. Low order helicopter models obtained from evaluations of the time and frequency domain responses of a nonlinear simulation model, provided by NASA Lewis Research Center, are presented and considered in the discussion of the pilot development. Pilot responses and reactions to test maneuvers are presented and discussed. Higher level implementation, using the pilot mechanisms, are discussed and considered for their use in a comprehensive control structure
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