19 research outputs found

    Values and hemispheric ratios of T2’ and rCBV for different degrees of perfusion delay in perfusion-disturbed and corresponding normoperfused tissue.

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    <p>Values and hemispheric ratios of T2’ and rCBV for different degrees of perfusion delay in perfusion-disturbed and corresponding normoperfused tissue.</p

    Description of ROI definition in a representative patient.

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    <p>MR-angiography shows no flow in the right intracranial ICA and MCA. TTP-images were thresholded according to different degrees of perfusion delay and perfusion delay ranges as compared to the contralateral unaffected hemisphere. The threshold >0 seconds represents the entire perfusion-disturbed area in relation to the upper limit of normoperfusion in the unaffected hemisphere. Areas of perfusion delay were manually outlined in order to generate ROIs which were then transferred to the coregistered T2’- and rCBV-maps. In order to quantify T2’ and rCBV in corresponding areas of the unaffected hemisphere, ROIs were mirrored to the contralateral side. MTT-maps were processed accordingly. ToF: time-of-flight; MRA: MR-angiography; MIP: Maximum Intensity Projection; TTP: time-to-peak; sec: seconds; rCBV: relative cerebral blood volume.</p

    Values and hemispheric ratios of R2’ und rCBV for different degrees of perfusion delay in perfusion-disturbed and corresponding normoperfused tissue.

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    <p>Values and hemispheric ratios of R2’ und rCBV for different degrees of perfusion delay in perfusion-disturbed and corresponding normoperfused tissue.</p

    MRI scans before (a-e) and under (f-j) therapy.

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    <p><b>a, f:</b> Reduced leptomeningeal enhancement (white arrows) after 8 weeks of therapy with bevacizumab and lomustine in patient 3. <b>b, g:</b> Regression of leptomeningeal contrast-enhancing nodule (white arrow) on the septum pellucidum on T1-weighted images after eight weeks of therapy with bevacizumab and temozolomide in patient 4. <b>c, h:</b> This regression (black arrow) in patient 3 was also visible on T2-weighted images, which makes pure pseudoresponse unlikely. <b>d, i:</b> Regression of leptomeningeal contrast-enhancing nodules (white arrowheads) on the surface of the medullar conus and the lumbar nerve roots on T1 weighted images (Th10-L2) in patient 9 before and after radiotherapy plus eight weeks of therapy with bevacizumab and lomustine. <b>e, j:</b> This regression of contrast-enhancement (white arrowheads) in patient 9 was also apparent in the thoracic spine (Th5-Th9) which was not treated with radiotherapy.</p