32 research outputs found

    Patient-tailored modulation of the immune system may revolutionize future lung cancer treatment

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    Cancer research has devoted most of its energy over the past decades on unraveling the control mechanisms within tumor cells that govern its behavior. From this we know that the onset of cancer is the result of cumulative genetic mutations and epigenetic alterations in tumor cells leading to an unregulated cell cycle, unlimited replicative potential and the possibility for tissue invasion and metastasis. Until recently it was often thought that tumors are more or less undetected or tolerated by the patient's immune system causing the neoplastic cells to divide and spread without resistance. However, it is without any doubt that the tumor environment contains a wide variety of recruited host immune cells. These tumor infiltrating immune cells influence anti-tumor responses in opposing ways and emerges as a critical regulator of tumor growth. Here we provide a summary of the relevant immunological cell types and their complex and dynamic roles within an established tumor microenvironment. For this, we focus on both the systemic compartment as well as the local presence within the tumor microenvironment of late-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), admitting that this multifaceted cellular composition will be different from earlier stages of the disease, between NSCLC patients. Understanding the paradoxical role that the immune system plays in cancer and increasing options for their modulation may alter the odds in favor of a more effective anti-tumor immune response. We predict that the future standard of care of lung cancer will involve patient-tailor-made combination therapies that associate (traditional) chemotherapeutic drugs and biologicals with immune modulating agents and in this way complement the therapeutic armamentarium for this disease

    New roads open up for implementing immunotherapy in mesothelioma

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    Treatment options for malignant mesothelioma are limited, and the results with conventional therapies have been rather disappointing to this date. Chemotherapy is the only evidence-based treatment for mesothelioma patients in good clinical condition, with an increase in median survival of only 2 months. Therefore, there is urgent need for a different approach to battle this malignancy. As chronic inflammation precedes mesothelioma, the immune system plays a key role in the initiation of this type of tumour. Also, many immunological cell types can be found within the tumour at different stages of the disease. However, mesothelioma cells can evade the surveillance capacity of the immune system. They build a protective tumour microenvironment to harness themselves against the immune system's attacks, in which they even abuse immune cells to act against the antitumour immune response. In our opinion, modulating the immune system simultaneously with the targeting of mesothelioma tumour cells might prove to be a superior treatment. However, this strategy is challenging since the tumour microenvironment possesses numerous forms of defence strategies. In this paper, we will discuss the interplay between immunological cells that can either inhibit or stimulate tumour growth and the challenges associated with immunotherapy. We will provide possible strategies and discuss opportunities to overcome these problems. Copyrigh

    Tumor Ulceration Does Not Fully Explain Sex Disparities in Melanoma Survival among Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Hypertension in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) is a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and graft loss. Data on the prevalence of hypertension and uncontrolled hypertension (uHT) in paediatric and young adult KTRs are scarce. Also, it is unknown whether 'transition' (the transfer from paediatric to adult care) influences control of hypertension. We assessed the prevalence of hypertension and uHT among Dutch paediatric and young adult KTRs and analysed the effects of transition. Additionally, we made an inventory of variations in treatment policies in Dutch transplant centres. Cross-sectional and longitudinal national data from living KTRs a parts per thousand currency sign30 years of age (a parts per thousand yen1-year post-transplant, eGFR > 20 mL/min) were extracted from the 'RICH Q' database, which comprises information about all Dutch KTRs <19 years of age, and the Netherlands Organ Transplant Registry database for adult KTRs (a parts per thousand yen18-30 years of age). We used both upper-limit blood pressure (BP) thresholds for treatment according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines. uHT was defined as a BP above the threshold. A questionnaire on treatment policies was sent to paediatric and adult nephrologists at eight Dutch transplant centres. Hypertension and uHT were more prevalent in young adult KTRs (86.4 and 75.8%) than in paediatric KTRs (62.7 and 38.3%) according to the KDIGO definition. Time after transplantation was comparable between these groups. Longitudinal analysis showed no evidence of effect of transition on systolic BP or prevalence of uHT. Policies vary considerably between and within centres on the definition of hypertension, BP measurement and antihypertensive treatment. Average BP in KTRs increases continuously with age between 6 and 30 years. Young adult KTRs have significantly more uHT than paediatric KTRs according to KDIGO guidelines. Transition does not influence the prevalence of uHT

    Cognitive behavioural therapy with optional graded exercise therapy in patients with severe fatigue with myotonic dystrophy type 1:a multicentre, single-blind, randomised trial

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    Background: Myotonic dystrophy type 1 is the most common form of muscular dystrophy in adults and leads to severe fatigue, substantial physical functional impairment, and restricted social participation. In this study, we aimed to determine whether cognitive behavioural therapy optionally combined with graded exercise compared with standard care alone improved the health status of patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1. Methods: We did a multicentre, single-blind, randomised trial, at four neuromuscular referral centres with experience in treating patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 located in Paris (France), Munich (Germany), Nijmegen (Netherlands), and Newcastle (UK). Eligible participants were patients aged 18 years and older with a confirmed genetic diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type 1, who were severely fatigued (ie, a score of ≥35 on the checklist-individual strength, subscale fatigue). We randomly assigned participants (1:1) to either cognitive behavioural therapy plus standard care and optional graded exercise or standard care alone. Randomisation was done via a central web-based system, stratified by study site. Cognitive behavioural therapy focused on addressing reduced patient initiative, increasing physical activity, optimising social interaction, regulating sleep–wake patterns, coping with pain, and addressing beliefs about fatigue and myotonic dystrophy type 1. Cognitive behavioural therapy was delivered over a 10-month period in 10–14 sessions. A graded exercise module could be added to cognitive behavioural therapy in Nijmegen and Newcastle. The primary outcome was the 10-month change from baseline in scores on the DM1-Activ-c scale, a measure of capacity for activity and social participation (score range 0–100). Statistical analysis of the primary outcome included all participants for whom data were available, using mixed-effects linear regression models with baseline scores as a covariate. Safety data were presented as descriptives. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02118779. Findings: Between April 2, 2014, and May 29, 2015, we randomly assigned 255 patients to treatment: 128 to cognitive behavioural therapy plus standard care and 127 to standard care alone. 33 (26%) of 128 assigned to cognitive behavioural therapy also received the graded exercise module. Follow-up continued until Oct 17, 2016. The DM1-Activ-c score increased from a mean (SD) of 61·22 (17·35) points at baseline to 63·92 (17·41) at month 10 in the cognitive behavioural therapy group (adjusted mean difference 1·53, 95% CI −0·14 to 3·20), and decreased from 63·00 (17·35) to 60·79 (18·49) in the standard care group (−2·02, −4·02 to −0·01), with a mean difference between groups of 3·27 points (95% CI 0·93 to 5·62, p=0·007). 244 adverse events occurred in 65 (51%) patients in the cognitive behavioural therapy group and 155 in 63 (50%) patients in the standard care alone group, the most common of which were falls (155 events in 40 [31%] patients in the cognitive behavioural therapy group and 71 in 33 [26%] patients in the standard care alone group). 24 serious adverse events were recorded in 19 (15%) patients in the cognitive behavioural therapy group and 23 in 15 (12%) patients in the standard care alone group, the most common of which were gastrointestinal and cardiac. Interpretation: Cognitive behavioural therapy increased the capacity for activity and social participation in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 at 10 months. With no curative treatment and few symptomatic treatments, cognitive behavioural therapy could be considered for use in severely fatigued patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1. Funding: The European Union Seventh Framework Programme

    Procesafspraken in FP-zaken: een valse start maar een veelbelovende toekomst

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    Het fenomeen procesafspraken heeft de laatste tijd een enorme vlucht genomen. Wat opvalt, is dat in de gepubliceerde strafrechtelijke rechtspraak het beeld naar voren komt dat procesafspraken veelal worden gemaakt in commune strafzaken en dan met name in drugszaken. Procesafspraken in de financieel-economische hoek én in de milieuhoek lijken minder van de grond te komen. Afgaand op de zoekresultaten op rechtspraak.nl is slechts een handjevol van dit soort zaken aan te wijzen waarin over procesafspraken is gesproken. Is het Functioneel Parket dat dergelijke feiten vervolgt wellicht terughoudend? Of wordt juist vanuit de advocatuur de boot afgehouden? Of heeft het niets te maken met de opstelling van de procesdeelnemers, maar leent het type zaken zich simpelweg niet zomaar voor het maken van procesafspraken

    ‘It’s everywhere’ - alcohol’s public face and private harm.

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    Aiming at reducing cyclosporine toxicity, we investigated safety and efficacy of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) as an immunosuppressive drug in pediatric kidney transplantation compared with cyclosporine (CsA), both in combination with corticosteroids. One year after kidney transplantation, children on triple immunosuppression, having experienced no more than one, steroid-sensitive, acute rejection episode, were randomized to withdrawal of either CsA or MMF and were followed for 2 yr. In each group, two patients had an acute rejection episode during withdrawal. Treatment failure occurred in 3 of 21 MMF and 5 of 23 CsA patients. Final analysis was for 18 patients in either group. A larger than 10 mL/min 1.73 m decrease in glomerular filtration rate was observed in more patients on CsA than on MMF (73% vs. 29%, P=0.019). No differences in blood pressure or nightly decrease of blood pressure were noted. Hypercholesterolism improved in the MMF (-16%), but not the CsA group (+5%, P <0.05), over the first, but not over both study years. Differences in triglycerid levels between groups were not shown. At study end, MMF patients tended to have lower hemoglobin levels than patients on CsA. Two MMF patients experienced a first acute rejection episode during the second study year, resulting in chronic transplant glomerulopathy with graft loss in one and deterioration of kidney function in the other. In pediatric kidney transplantation, maintenance immunosuppression with MMF together with corticosteroids has short-term benefits for kidney function and lipid pattern compared with CsA but is not without risk of complication

    Patient-tailored modulation of the immune system may revolutionize future lung cancer treatment

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    Abstract Cancer research has devoted most of its energy over the past decades on unraveling the control mechanisms within tumor cells that govern its behavior. From this we know that the onset of cancer is the result of cumulative genetic mutations and epigenetic alterations in tumor cells leading to an unregulated cell cycle, unlimited replicative potential and the possibility for tissue invasion and metastasis. Until recently it was often thought that tumors are more or less undetected or tolerated by the patient’s immune system causing the neoplastic cells to divide and spread without resistance. However, it is without any doubt that the tumor environment contains a wide variety of recruited host immune cells. These tumor infiltrating immune cells influence anti-tumor responses in opposing ways and emerges as a critical regulator of tumor growth. Here we provide a summary of the relevant immunological cell types and their complex and dynamic roles within an established tumor microenvironment. For this, we focus on both the systemic compartment as well as the local presence within the tumor microenvironment of late-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), admitting that this multifaceted cellular composition will be different from earlier stages of the disease, between NSCLC patients. Understanding the paradoxical role that the immune system plays in cancer and increasing options for their modulation may alter the odds in favor of a more effective anti-tumor immune response. We predict that the future standard of care of lung cancer will involve patient-tailor-made combination therapies that associate (traditional) chemotherapeutic drugs and biologicals with immune modulating agents and in this way complement the therapeutic armamentarium for this disease.</p