57 research outputs found

    Integrale support voor team creativiteit

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    Bitter-Rijpkema, M. (2009). Integrale support voor team creativiteit. Presentatie over idSpace mogelijkheden voor werknemers. PWO workshop vraaggestuurd leren voor werknemers van de Open Hogeschool KH-LIM. Januari, 29, 2009, Diepenbeek.idSpace:integrale support voor team creativiteit

    To whom and why should I connect? Co-author Recommendation based on Powerful and Similar Peers

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    Sie, R. L. L., Drachsler, H., Bitter-Rijpkema, M., & Sloep, P. B. (2012). To whom and why should I connect? Co-author Recommendation based on Powerful and Similar Peers. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), 4(1), 121-137. doi:10.1504/IJTEL.2012.048314The present article offers preliminary outcomes of a user study that investigated the acceptance of a recommender system that suggests future co- authors for scientific article writing. The recommendation approach is twofold: network information (betweenness centrality) and author (keyword) similarity are used to compute the utility of peers in a network of co-authors. Two sets of recommendations were provided to the participants: Set one focused on all candidate authors, including co-authors of a target user to strengthen current bonds and strive for acceptance of a certain research topic. Set two focused on solely new co-authors of a target user to foster creativity, excluding current co- authors. A small-scale evaluation suggests that the utility-based recommendation approach is promising, but to maximize outcome, we need to 1) compensate for researchers’ interests that change over time, and 2) account for multi-person co-authored papers

    Factors that influence cooperation in networks for innovation and learning

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    Networked cooperation fails if the available partnerships remain opaque. A literature review and Delphi study uncovered the elements of a fruitful partnership. They relate to personality, diversity, cooperation, and management. Innovation networks and learning networks share the same cooperative intention, but they too often fail as members of the network do not know which partnerships are valuable. If one plans to build a support service that provides insight into the value of future cooperation, one first needs to know what contributes to effective and efficient cooperation. In addition to carrying out a literature review, we invoked the eDelphi method to answer this question. eDelphi is a method to solicit knowledge from experts anonymously and without geographical constraints. Observations from two eDelphi rounds are reported in this article. The first round focused on factor generation and determined which factors influence cooperation networks; it was conducted with two groups of six representative experts. Experts list open communication, a positive attitude, trust, keeping appointments, and personality as influential factors for cooperation networks. A team of four moderators categorised the factors in a second round, resulting in four core clusters: personal characteristics, diversity, effective cooperation, and managerial aspects. Interestingly the experts failed to list some factors that are mentioned in the literature. This finding is discussed

    Deliverable D.2.1 Designing NIL-MRT Networks for innovation and learning on Micro Reactor Technology

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    This deliverable describes the conceptual framework for the Network for Innovation and Learning on Micro Reactor Technology (NIL-MRT). It provides, based on the elicited design requirements, insight on how the NIL-MRT environment will facilitate innovation, education and knowledge sharing across the network. The NIL-MRT network will be composed of Communities for Development (CfD) where MRT problem solving, learning and expertise sharing takes place between industry, SME’s and university experts, coaches, students and working professionals. The NIL-MRT network design proposition described is based on existing scientific findings from a state of art study, prior experiences (ZuydLab) and elicitation activities to surface (user) requirements with the stakeholders of the project.Part of this work is funded by the EU Lifelong learning programme under nr 52327-LLP-1-2012-1-NL-ERASMUS-FEX

    Opening up! How to take full advantage of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Management Education

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    Terrasse, C., Marinova, B., Greller, W., Bitter-Rijpkema, M., & Schwertel, U. (2012). Opening up! How to take full advantage of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Management Education. In B. Rienties, P. Daly, S. Reeb-Gruber, K. Reid, & P. Van den Bossche, Proceedings of the 19th EDINEB Conference The Role of Business Education in a Chaotic World (pp. 145-149). Haarlem: FEBA ERD Press.General awareness and availability of Open educational resources (OER) have increased in recent years. Some institutions have already started incorporating OER in their strategies. However, compared to other educational fields, OER in Management and Business education have shown rather slow growth. This article discusses the incentives and barriers for the use of OER in Management and Business education. It reviews some useful accomplishments in the field, presents recommendations from various stakeholders and introduces the OpenScout initiative aimed at gathering OER and related tools for Management education

    Personal Profiles: Enhancing Social Interaction in Learning Networks

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    Berlanga, A. J., Bitter-Rijpkema, M., Brouns, F., Sloep, P. B., & Fetter, S. (2011). Personal Profiles: Enhancing Social Interaction in Learning Networks. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 7(1), 66-82.Nowadays, we witness a surge of online profiling sites; in them people make their profile available to others with the intention to share it and get in touch with others, find old friends, classmates or colleagues, or look for new opportunities. Given their capacity to encourage members to be connected with other members and their growing popularity, we hold that some lessons can be learned from such profiling sites. In this paper’s initial exploration, we analyze some of the most popular profiling sites to spot indications on profile composition and the affordances they use to encourage people to interact and to establish connections with other members. Based on this we discuss the importance of personal profiles depicting the characteristics and support mechanisms needed to enhance social interaction in Learning Networks. We also present results of a pilot survey of actual use and perception of user profile sites, and comment on the current views and findings about this topic in the Web-Based Communities Conference of 2008.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    OER Hollands landschap

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    Worldwide universities publish more and more course materials as OER, open educational resources. The report reviews the current situation in the field of OER in the Netherlands as investigated by the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies of the Open Universiteit as commisioned by SURF and Wikiwijs. The OER developments in the Netherlands are still in an early stage, but the researchers of the Open Universiteit expect that this will change in the future. Half of the institutions for higher education indicate that they do not have yet a policy with concrete activities to realise a vision on open educational resources. However 42 procent indicate that this policy is currently being developed. The researchers do discern a difference between universities and institutions for higher professionel education. Universities are noticeably more active as to offering open learning materials

    Open Discovery Space - Platform for Open Learning Materials

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    URL: portal.ou.nl/web/opening-up-education/“Do you have interesting ideas, a vision, a wish, or maybe an example of existing practice? “ In this workshop you will learn how you can now share your 'initial idea' within a community of peers participating from all around Europe. Participants will be invited to become members of a community of practice that will allow them to exchange and share ideas, experiences, concerns and educational resources with fellow teachers across Europe. Workshop participants will be informed about innovative school scenarios. A discussion and brainstorming session will follow where participants in teams will deposit their own practices and rate available ones.No particular experience is needed
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