1 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Instagram as A Promotion Media at Citra Ananda Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ciputat, Banten

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    Background: As the number of hospitals in Indonesia increased to 2,820 hospi­tals cur­­rently, so increases the need for marketing strategy. In this millennial era, there is a shift in marketing from traditional to digital marketing. A promotion through social me­dia, especially Ins­ta­gram has become an interesting choice. This study aimed to de­ter­mine the effectiveness of Ins­tagram as a promotion media at Citra Ananda Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ciputat, Banten. Subjects and Method: This was a quantitative study. Outpatients who followed the Instagram of Citra Ananda Maternal and Child Hospital were selected for this study. The independent variable was Instagram. The dependent variables included Aware, Ap­peal, Ask, Action, and Advocate (5A). The data were calculated using Purchase Action Ra­tio (PAR) and Brand Advocacy Ratio (BAR). The data were calculated based on the criteria of 5A. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results: The percentage value in the Aware (X1) stage was 80.95%, Appeal (X2) was 75.93%, Ask (X3) was 82.82%, Act (X4) was 80.19%, and Advocate (X5) was 82.57%. The conversion rate from Aware to Appeal was 0.94. Appeal to Ask was 1.09. Ask to Act was 0.97. Act to Advocate was 1.03. PAR value was 0.99 and BAR value was 1.02. The rate of conversion from Aware to Appeal showed that customer interest was high. Aware to Ask the information provided in the promotion was unclear. Ask to Act showed a high level of commitment from the customer. Act to Advocate showed a high le­vel of affinity from the customer. Conclusion: Instagram has substantial effects on Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advo­cate attributes of a promotional media at Citra Ananda Ma­ter­nal and Child Hospital. Keywords: effectiveness, social media, instagram, promotion, hospita