79 research outputs found

    Stabilitas Dinar Emas dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap Inflasi di Indonesia

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    This research was aimed at identifying the influence of the stability of dinar gold and fiat money and inflation in Indonesia. It used the secondary data published in reports of Central Statistics Bureau, Bank Indonesia and London Stock Exchange in the period of 1970-2010. It consisted of data on Currency, Gross Domestic Products, Exchange Rates, Dinar gold and Inflation. It was analyzed by the application of Error Correction Model (ECM) method. The regression analysis shows three important points : (1) in the short term range, the total currencies, fiat money and dinar gold significantly influenced on the inflation; (2) growth of currencies and Gross Domestic Products were high in the fiat money model than that in the dinar gold model and (3) the degree of dinar gold stability on fi the inflation was better than that of the fiat money

    Peran Badan Pertanahan Nasional dalam Menyelesaikan Sengketa Tanah Bersertifikat Ganda di Kabupaten Batanghari Provinsi Jambi

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas latar belakang terbitnya sertifikat tanah berganda di Kabupaten Batanghari serta penyelesaiannya oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Kabupaten BatanghariProvinsi Jambi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah pendekatan hukum yuridis empiris yang dipadukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa terbitnya sertifikat ganda di Kabupaten Batanghari karena: pertama, BPN Kabupaten Batanghari kurang teliti dalam melaksanakan pengukuran dan pemetaan tanah; kedua, tanah yang ditelantarkan selama berpuluh-puluh tahun dianggap tidak melekat hak milik diatasnya; ketiga, tidak ada tindakan administratif dari kantor kelurahan untuk mencatat ke dalam Buku Register Wajib Pajak Pemilikan Tanah yang sudah bersertifikat. Terakhir, dalam menyelesaikan sengketa, BPN Kabupaten Batanghari telah melakukan tugasnya dengan baik, namun belum efektif

    Pemberian Amelioran pada Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guieneensis Jacq.) di Pembibitan Awal

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    This study aims to determine the best ameliorant influence on the growth of oil palm seedlings in the pre nursery. This research was conducted at the Agriculture Experiment Station of Agriculture Faculty University of Riau, from February to May 2015. The treatment were consisted of 4 ameliorants, ie: A0 : without giving ameliorant , A1 : Ameliorant ash janjangan palm oil 10 g / polybag , A2 : Ameliorant compost tangkos 10 g / polybag , A3 : Ameliorant sludge palm oil mill 10 g / polybag , A4 : Ameliorant ash boiler 10 g / polybag. Parameters measured were seedling height , number of leaves , leaf length and hump diameter. The result of the research showed that the provision of some kind of material ameliorant significant effect on seedling height , number of leaves , leaf length and hump diameter. Giving sludge palm oil 10g / polybag is the best treatment effect on seedling height (24 cm) , the number of leaves (4.62 leaves), leaf length (19.97 cm) and hump diameter (1,5 cm)


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    With rapid population growth and growing demand on the water supply, rainwater harvesting has been seen as a viable alternative for providing clean water supplies for domestic uses. In accordance with the urgency, the rainwater harvesting system (MyRAWAS) has been designed and installed to supply water for domestic uses at Kolej Ungku Omar residential college, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Although the quality of rainwater from a rainwater harvesting system can vary depending on environmental conditions, selection and installation of appropriate storage and catchment materials together with the application of post-cistern treatment can significantly improve harvested rainwater and reduce cistern cleaning. The development of rainwater harvesting system, also known as MyRAWAS is one of the important initiatives towards sustainable water management in UKM that is located within the Langat watershed, Selangor

    Pengaruh Jenis Media Perkecambahan dan Perlakuan PRA Perkecambahan terhadap Viabilitas Benih Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) dan Hubungannya dengan Sifat Dormansi Benih

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    The experiment was conducted at Leuwikopo Lath House and Seed Science and Technology Laboratory Department of Agronomy, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga, Bogor, from March to June 2004. The objective of this research was to study the effects of germination substrate and pre germination treatment on the noni seed viability in relation to the seed dormancy. The research was arranged in the Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors. The first factor was germination substrates, consisted of sand, paddy charcoal and soil mixed with compost (1:1). The second factor was pre germination treatments, consisted of control, scarification, KNO3 1%, KNO3 2%, warm water (470C), combination of scarification and KNO3 1%, combination of scarification and KNO3 2%, combination of scarification and warm water (470C). This result showed that soil mixed with compost (1:1) was the best substrate for noni seed germination. Pre germination treatments as well as interaction between germination substrate and pre germination treatment had no significant effect on noni seed viability. Enforced dormancy occured on seeds which was germinated on paddy charcoal substrate

    Pengembangan Perangkat Penilaian Portofolio Pada Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Melalui Scientfic Approach

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    The aims of this research were to develop portfolio assessment on science integrated learning through scientific approach and describe the opinion of teachers according the suitability, easiness, and effectiveness of using portofolio assesment through scientific approach. The method of this research was research and development by Sugiyono with the steps are consisted of analysis of potential measures and issues, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product test, product revision, application test, product revision, and production. Based on the result of expert validation test, it obtained an average percentage by high criteria (85.42% for the construction aspect, 88.33% for the substance the aspect, and 77.78% for the language aspect). Based on trial results, it obtained the average percentage by high criteria(74.17% for suitability, 74.74% for ease, and 77.08% for the usefulness), so it can be concluded that the portfolio assessment product was useful to be used.­Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengem­bangkan perangkat penilaian portofolio pada pembelajaran IPA Terpadu melalui scientific approach serta mendeskripsikan pendapat guru mengenai kesesuaian, kemudahan, dan kemanfaatan penggunaan perangkat penilaian portofolio melalui scientific approach. Metode pene­litian yang digu­nakan adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada Sugiyono dengan langkah-langkah analisis potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk dan produksi. Berdasarkan uji validasi ahli diperoleh rata-rata persentase dengan kriteria tinggi (aspek konstruksi 85,42%, aspek subtansi 88,33%, dan aspek bahasa 77,78%). Berdasarkan hasil uji coba pemakaian diperoleh rata-rata persentase dengan kriteria tinggi (kesesuaian 74,17%, kemudahan 74,74%, dan kemanfaatan 77,08%, sehingga produk penilaian portofolio layak untuk digunakan

    The Use of 3-2-1 Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension on Report Text

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    The 3-2-1 strategy is a reading strategy that requires students\u27 participation on summarizing ideas from the text, encourages them to think independently, and invites them to engage with the text. The aim of this research was to investigated whether the 3-2-1 strategy increased students\u27 achievement in reading comprehension on report text. Reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. Report text is a text presenting information about something like social phenomena in our environment. The research method used a pre-experimental research. The population of the ninth grade students of SMP Pertiwi Pontianak in academic year 2015/2016 consisted of 26 students and sample consisted of 24 students. The data was calculated and the result showed that the mean score of pre-test was 5.63 and post-test was 7.77. There was significant difference of students mean score in reading comprehension on report text between pre-test and post-test after treatment. The 3-2-1 strategy can be applied in teaching learning process to increasing the knowledge of reading text