9 research outputs found

    Language Network Function in Young Children Born Very Preterm

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    Language deficits are reported in preterm born children across development. Recent neuroimaging studies have found functional alterations in large-scale brain networks underlying these language deficits, but the early childhood development of the language network has not been investigated. Here, we compared intrinsic language network connectivity in 4-year-old children born VPT and term-born controls, using defined language regions (Broca’s area, Wernicke’s areas, and their homologues in the right hemisphere). Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was obtained, and the group differences in whole-brain connectivity were examined from each seed as well as correlations with language outcomes. We found significantly decreased functional connectivity in almost all language regions in children born VPT compared to their term controls. Notably, Broca’s area homologue in the right hemisphere emerged as a functional hub of decreased connectivity in VPT group, specifically to bilateral inferior frontal and supramarginal gyri; connectivity strength between Broca’s area homologue with the right supramarginal and the left inferior frontal gyri was associated with better language outcomes at 4 years of age. Wernicke’s area and its homologue also showed decreased inter-hemispheric connections to bilateral supramarginal gyri in the VPT group. Decreased intra- and inter-hemispheric connectivity among primary language regions suggests immature and altered function in the language network in children born VPT

    The developing relations between networks of cortical myelin and neurophysiological connectivity

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    Recent work identified that patterns of distributed brain regions sharing similar myeloarchitecture are related to underlying functional connectivity, demonstrating cortical myelin's plasticity to changes in functional demand. However, the changing relations between functional and structural architecture throughout child and adulthood are poorly understood. We show that structural covariance connectivity (T1-weighted/T2-weighted ratio) and functional connectivity (magnetoencephalography) exhibit nonlinear developmental changes. We then show significant relations between structural and functional connectivity, which have shared and distinct characteristics dependent on the neural oscillatory frequency. Increases in structure-function coupling are visible during the protracted myelination observed throughout childhood and adolescence and are followed by decreases near the onset of adulthood. Our work lays the foundation for understanding the mechanisms by which myeloarchitecture supports brain function, enabling future investigations into how clinical populations may deviate from normative patterns

    Altered myelin maturation in four year old children born very preterm

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    Children born very preterm (VPT; <32 weeks gestational age [GA]) are at greater risk for a range of cognitive deficits that typically manifest at school age. Here we examine the hypothesis that these children have altered myelin maturational that can be detected by myelin sensitive MRI measures prior to school age. We included 33 four-year old children born VPT (mean GA; 28.7 weeks) and 23 four-year old full term (FT) children and completed magnetization transfer (MT), T1-weighted (T1-w) and T2-weighted (T1-w) magnetic resonance imaging as well as developmental assessments. Both MT ratio (MTR) and T1-w/T2-w ratio images were calculated, and group differences were probed using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) in white matter, and region of interest (ROI) analysis in white, subcortical gray and cortical gray matter. The relations between MTR and T1-w/T2-w ratio, as well as with developmental assessments, were investigated in all three brain divisions. In children born VPT, TBSS and ROI analysis revealed that both MTR and T1-w/T2-w ratio were significantly reduced in white matter compared to children born FT. ROI analysis showed reductions in T1-w/T2-w ratio in VPT children compared to FT children in the thalamus, putamen and amygdala, as well as in the occipital and temporal lobes. Across the VPT and FT children, T1-w/T2-w ratio and MTR were highly correlated across white, subcortical gray and cortical gray matter. Both measures correlated positively with developmental assessments in individual white matter tracts and cortical and subcortical ROIs, suggesting that higher MTR and T1-w/T2-w ratio is related to better cognitive performance. Together these findings are consistent with delayed myelination in VPT born children. Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging, Preterm, T1-weighted/T2-weighted ratio, Magnetization transfer ratio, Myelin enhanced contras

    Using optically pumped magnetometers to replicate task-related responses in next generation magnetoencephalography

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    Abstract Optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) offer a new wearable means to measure magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals, with many advantages compared to conventional systems. However, OPMs are an emerging technology, thus characterizing and replicating MEG recordings is essential. Using OPM-MEG and SQUID-MEG, this study investigated evoked responses, oscillatory power, and functional connectivity during emotion processing in 20 adults, to establish replicability across the two technologies. Five participants with dental fixtures were included to assess the validity of OPM-MEG recordings in those with irremovable metal. Replicable task-related evoked responses were observed in both modalities. Similar patterns of oscillatory power to faces were observed in both systems. Increased connectivity was found in SQUID-versus OPM-MEG in an occipital and parietal anchored network. Notably, high quality OPM-MEG data were retained in participants with metallic fixtures, from whom no useable data were collected using conventional MEG

    Table_1_Characterising the spatial and oscillatory unfolding of Theory of Mind in adults using fMRI and MEG.DOCX

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    Theory of Mind (ToM) is a core social cognitive skill that refers to the ability to attribute mental states to others. ToM involves understanding that others have beliefs, thoughts and desires that may be different from one's own and from reality. ToM is crucial to predict behaviour and navigate social interactions. This study employed the complementary methodological advantages of both functional MRI (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine the neural underpinnings of ToM in adults. Twenty healthy adults were first recruited to rate and describe 28 videos (15s long), each containing three moving shapes designed to depict either social interactions or random motion (control condition). The first sample of adults produced consistent narratives for 6 of those social videos and of those, 4 social videos and 4 control videos were chosen to include in the neuroimaging study. Another sample of twenty-five adults were then recruited to complete the neuroimaging in MEG and fMRI. In fMRI, we found increased activation in frontal-parietal regions in the social compared to the control condition corroborating previous fMRI findings. In MEG, we found recruitment of ToM networks in the social condition in theta, beta and gamma bands. The right supramarginal and angular gyri (right temporal parietal junction), right inferior parietal lobe and right temporal pole were recruited in the first 5s of the videos. Frontal regions such as the superior frontal gyrus were recruited in the second time window (5–10s). Brain regions such as the bilateral amygdalae were also recruited (5–10s), indicating that various social processes were integrated in understanding the social videos. Our study is one of the first to combine multi-modal neuroimaging to examine the neural networks underlying social cognitive processes, combining the strengths of the spatial resolution of fMRI and temporal resolution of MEG. Understanding this information from both modalities helped delineate the mechanism by which ToM processing unfolds over time in healthy adults. This allows us to determine a benchmark against which clinical populations can be compared.</p

    Corpus callosum injury after neurosurgical intervention for posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation and association with neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years

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    OBJECTIVE Direct injury to the corpus callosum (CC) due to neurosurgical interventions in infants with posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PHVD) has not been reported in the literature. The authors observed a subset of infants who had suffered penetrating CC injury after neurosurgical interventions for PHVD and hypothesized that this pattern of injury may result in suboptimal CC maturation and neurodevelopmental impairment. METHODS In this multicenter, retrospective, observational study, 100 preterm and 17 full-term infants with PHVD were included and compared with 23 preterm controls. Both neonatal and postneonatal brain MRI scans were assessed for injury, and measurements were performed on postneonatal MRI scans at 2 years' corrected age. Neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed at 2 years' corrected age. RESULTS A total of 269 brain MRI scans of 140 infants were included. Of infants with PHVD, 48 (41%) had penetrating CC injury following neurosurgical interventions. The median (IQR) CC midsagittal surface area was smaller in infants with CC injury when compared with infants with PHVD who had intact CC and controls (190 mm 2 [149-262 mm 2] vs 268 mm 2 [206-318 mm 2] vs 289 mm 2 [246-320 mm 2], respectively; p < 0.001). In the univariate analysis, the area of the CC was associated with cognitive Z score (coefficient 0.009 [95% CI 0.005-0.012], p < 0.001) and motor Z score (coefficient 0.009 [95% CI 0.006-0.012], p < 0.001). In the multivariable model, CC injury was not independently associated with cognitive and motor Z score after adjusting for gestational age and presence of periventricular hemorrhagic infarction (coefficient 0.04 [95% CI -0.36 to 0.46] and -0.37 [95% CI -0.83 to 0.09], p = 0.7 and 0.1, respectively). CONCLUSIONS CC injury was not uncommon following neurosurgical interventions for PHVD in both preterm and full-term infants. At the age of 2 years, the CC midsagittal surface area was smaller in infants with injury, but CC injury was not independently associated with cognitive and motor outcomes at 2 years' corrected age

    Datasheet1_Investigating heterogeneity across autism, ADHD, and typical development using measures of cortical thickness, surface area, cortical/subcortical volume, and structural covariance.pdf

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    IntroductionAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are multi-faceted neurodevelopmental conditions with limited biological markers. The clinical diagnoses of autism and ADHD are based on behavioural assessments and may not predict long-term outcomes or response to interventions and supports. To address this gap, data-driven methods can be used to discover groups of individuals with shared biological patterns.MethodsIn this study, we investigated measures derived from cortical/subcortical volume, surface area, cortical thickness, and structural covariance investigated of 565 participants with diagnoses of autism [n = 262, median(IQR) age = 12.2(5.9), 22% female], and ADHD [n = 171, median(IQR) age = 11.1(4.0), 21% female] as well neurotypical children [n = 132, median(IQR) age = 12.1(6.7), 43% female]. We integrated cortical thickness, surface area, and cortical/subcortical volume, with a measure of single-participant structural covariance using a graph neural network approach.ResultsOur findings suggest two large clusters, which differed in measures of adaptive functioning (χ2 = 7.8, P = 0.004), inattention (χ2 = 11.169, P 2 = 18.44, P 2 = 9.24, P = 0.002), age (χ2 = 70.87, P 2 = 105.6, P DiscussionThese clusters did not align with existing diagnostic labels, suggesting that brain structure is more likely to be associated with differences in adaptive functioning, IQ, and ADHD features.</p

    Cortical Gyrification Morphology in ASD and ADHD: Implication for Further Similarities or Disorder-Specific Features?

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    Shared etiological pathways are suggested in ASD and ADHD given high rates of comorbidity, phenotypic overlap and shared genetic susceptibility. Given the peak of cortical gyrification expansion and emergence of ASD and ADHD symptomology in early development, we investigated gyrification morphology in 539 children and adolescents (6-17 years of age) with ASD (n=197) and ADHD (n=96) compared to typically developing controls (n=246) using the local Gyrification Index (lGI) to provide insight into contributing etiopathological factors in these two disorders. We also examined IQ effects and functional implications of gyrification by exploring the relation between lGI and ASD and ADHD symptomatology beyond diagnosis. General Linear Models yielded no group differences in lGI, and across groups, we identified an age-related decrease of lGI and greater lGI in females compared to males. No diagnosis-by-age interactions were found. Accounting for IQ variability in the model (n=484) yielded similar results. No significant associations were found between lGI and social communication deficits, repetitive and restricted behaviours, inattention or adaptive functioning. By examining both disorders and controls using shared methodology, we found no evidence of atypicality in gyrification as measured by the lGI in these conditions