337 research outputs found
Западная геополитическая ориентация и общественное мнение в пост-коммунистических странах: толкование взглядов
The article provides an analysis of different geopolitical and geoeconomic options of postcommunist countries and confronts the character of post-communist regimes with the public opinion on basic geopolitical and geoeconomic orientations of the countries concerned. The post-communist regimes in mid-1990s are assessed in terms of democratisation and economic liberalisation. It is stressed that westward geopolitical and geoeconomic options were much demanding in respect of political and economic reforms and western-style adjustments and adaptations of behaviour of political and economic elites and different groups of citizens. Eastward options were linked up with associations with Russia and Eurasian countries. Statistical analysis concerned with the public opinion in nineteen postcommunist countries indicates the importance of inherited higher economic development level and progress in democratisation for the public support of the westward (i.e. EU) orientation.Autori daju analizu različitih geopolitičkih i geoekonomskih mogućnosti postkomunističkih zemalja te suprotstavljaju karakter postkomunističkih režima javnom mišljenju o osnovnim geopolitičkim i geoekonomskim orijentacijama zemalja o kojima je riječ. Postkomunistički režimi sredinom 1990-ih ocjenjuju se u odnosu na demokratizaciju i liberalizaciju unutarnjih i vanjskih ekonomskih odnosa. Naglašava se da su prozapadne geopolitičke i geoekonomske mogućnosti vrlo zahtjevne što se tiče politički h i gospodarskih reformi te prilagodbe i adaptacije ponašanja političkih i gospodarskih elita i različitih skupina građana na zapadnjački stil. Prozapadne opcije uključuju geopolitičke tranzicije s ciljem potpunog članstva u Europskoj uniji ili manje zahtjevnog oblika integracije kao što su sporazumi o slobodnoj trgovini i političkom partnerstvu. Proistočne geopolitičke opcije povezane su s udruživanjem s Rusijom i istočnoeuropskim zemljama ili s razvojnim strategijama tzv. Azijskih tigrova ili proizvođača nafte. Autori daju statistički model kako bi pokazali mnoge čimbenike koji objašnjavaju razlike u orijentaciji prema integraciji u EU kao što je izraženo 1996. u javnom mišljenju u postkomunističkim zemljama o kojima se govori. Statistička analiza 19 postkomunističkih zemalja pokazuje da je javnost u onim državama, koje su naslijedile višu razinu ekonomskog razvoja, pokazala veći stupanj podrške zapadnoj orijentaciji (tj. prema EU). Napredak demokratizacije osigurao je povoljne uvjete za zapadnu geopolitičku orijentaciju. Intenzivne geoekonomske veze s bivšim trgovačkim blokom kojim je dominirao Sovjetski Savez, znatno je umanjio orijentaciju prema zapadu u javnom mišljenju postkomunističkih zemalja. Analiza pokazuje da se na temeljni razdor (raskol) u zapadnoj i istočnoj orijentaciji sredinom 1990-ih može gledati kao na dugotrajnu geopolitičku i geoekonomsku diferencijaciju kontinenta.В статье дастся анализ различных геополитических и гео-экономических альтернатив будущего развития nост-коммунистических стран; характер пост-коммунистисrеских режимов противопоставлястся общественному мнению относительно геополитической и гео-экономичесoй ориенгпщии соответствующих стран. Пост-коммунистические режимы в середине 1990-х оцениваются с точки зрения демократизации и либерализации внутренних и внешн их экономичeских отношений. Авторы nодчеркивают, что западная геополитическая и гео-экономическая ориентaщия требовательна с точки зрения политических и экономических реформ, присnособления к западному образу жизни и адаптации поведения политических и экономических элит и различных групп граждан. Западная ориентация связанна или с геополитическим переходом, цель которого полноправное членство в Европейском Союзе, или с менее требовательной формой интеграции, как, например, соглашения о свободной торговле и политическое партнерство. Восточная ориентация связывается или с сотрудничеством с Россией и другими евразийскими государствами, или с принятнем стратегий развития так называемых Азиатских тигров или стран-нефтепроизводителей. Авторы вводят статистическую модель, с помощью которой выделяют факторы, объясняющие различия в общественном мнении (1996 г.) в разных пост-коммунистических странах относительно включения в Европейский Союз. Статистический анализ, включивший девятнадцать, пост-коммунистических стран, показал, что в странaх более высокого уровня экономического развития общественное мнение в большей мере пддерживает запдную ориентацию (т. е. ориентацию на включение в ЕС). Лрогресс в демокрaтизации также представляет собой благоприятное условие для западной геополитической ориентaции. Интенсивные гео-экономические связи с бывшим торговым блоком, в котором доминировал Советский Союз, ведут, как свидетельствует общественное мнение, к значительному ослаблению западной ориентации. Анализ показьшает, что основной раскол на западную и восточную ориентацию в середине 1990-х годов можно интерпретировать как долгосрочную геоnолитическую и гео-зкономическую дифференциацию континента
Long-term outcomes of targeted treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis
This thesis addresses various aspects regarding the treatment of patients with early, active rheumatoid arthritis. The main conclusion of this thesis is that patients with RA benefit from combination therapy on the short-term, and the treat-to-target approach determines the success of the long-term outcomes. Following this strategy, high percentages of low disease activity and remission are achieved, and even drug-free remission has shown to be realistic outcome. As a result, functional ability remains stable over time (after improvement during the first year after initiating treatment), radiographic progression is limited in most patients and excess mortality was not observed.Reumafonds, Crescendo Bioscience, Pfizer BV, Chipsoft BV, Abbvie BVUBL - phd migration 201
The Hypotension Prediction Index is equally effective in predicting intraoperative hypotension during non-cardiac surgery compared to a mean arterial pressure threshold: a prospective observational study
BackgroundThe Hypotension Prediction Index is designed to timely predict intraoperative hypotension and is based on arterial waveform analysis using machine learning. It has recently been suggested that this algorithm is highly correlated with the mean arterial pressure (MAP) itself. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the Index with MAP based prediction methods and it is hypothesized that their ability to predict hypotension is comparable.MethodsIn this observational study, the Hypotension Prediction Index was used in addition to routine intraoperative monitoring during moderate- to high-risk elective non-cardiac surgery. The agreement in time between the default Hypotension Prediction Index alarm (>85) and different concurrent MAP thresholds was evaluated. Additionally, the predictive performance of the Index and different MAP based methods were assessed within five, ten and fifteen minutes before hypotension occurred.ResultsA total of 100 patients were included. A MAP threshold of 73 mmHg agreed 97% of the time with the default Index alarm, while a MAP threshold of 72 mmHg had the most comparable predictive performance. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the Hypotension Prediction Index (0.89 (0.88-0.89)) and concurrent MAP (0.88 (0.88-0.89)) were almost identical for predicting hypotension within five minutes, outperforming both linearly extrapolated MAP (0.85 (0.84-0.85)) and delta MAP (0.66 (0.65-0.67)). The positive predictive value was 31.9 (31.3–32.6)% for the default Index alarm and 32.9 (32.2–33.6)% for a MAP threshold of 72 mmHg.ConclusionIn clinical practice, the Hypotension Prediction Index alarms are highly similar to those derived from MAP, which implies that the machine learning algorithm could be substituted by an alarm based on a MAP threshold set at 72 or 73 mmHg. Further research on intraoperative hypotension prediction should therefore include comparison with MAP based alarms and related effects on patient outcome
Two patients with acute thrombocytopenia following gold administration and five-year follow-up
Thrombocytopenia is a well-known side effect following intramuscular gold
therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Thrombocytopenia may occur
at any time and it can be irreversible and sometimes fatal despite
cytotoxic or immunosuppressive therapy. We describe two patients who
presented with haemorrhagic diathesis on the day after the administration
of aurothioglucose. The thrombocytopenia in these patients was caused by
aurothioglucose-induced antibody-mediated platelet destruction. Both
patients made an uneventful recovery and the platelet count returned to
normal within severa
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