6 research outputs found

    Enabling oxygen-controlled microfluidic cultures for spatiotemporal microbial single-cell analysis

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    Microfluidic cultivation devices that facilitate O2 control enable unique studies of the complex interplay between environmental O2 availability and microbial physiology at the single-cell level. Therefore, microbial single-cell analysis based on time-lapse microscopy is typically used to resolve microbial behavior at the single-cell level with spatiotemporal resolution. Time-lapse imaging then provides large image-data stacks that can be efficiently analyzed by deep learning analysis techniques, providing new insights into microbiology. This knowledge gain justifies the additional and often laborious microfluidic experiments. Obviously, the integration of on-chip O2 measurement and control during the already complex microfluidic cultivation, and the development of image analysis tools, can be a challenging endeavor. A comprehensive experimental approach to allow spatiotemporal single-cell analysis of living microorganisms under controlled O2 availability is presented here. To this end, a gas-permeable polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic cultivation chip and a low-cost 3D-printed mini-incubator were successfully used to control O2 availability inside microfluidic growth chambers during time-lapse microscopy. Dissolved O2 was monitored by imaging the fluorescence lifetime of the O2-sensitive dye RTDP using FLIM microscopy. The acquired image-data stacks from biological experiments containing phase contrast and fluorescence intensity data were analyzed using in-house developed and open-source image-analysis tools. The resulting oxygen concentration could be dynamically controlled between 0% and 100%. The system was experimentally tested by culturing and analyzing an E. coli strain expressing green fluorescent protein as an indirect intracellular oxygen indicator. The presented system allows for innovative microbiological research on microorganisms and microbial ecology with single-cell resolution

    Analyzing Microbial Population Heterogeneity—Expanding the Toolbox of Microfluidic Single-Cell Cultivations

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    Recent research on population heterogeneity revealed fascinating insights into microbial behavior. In particular emerging single-cell technologies, image-based microfluidics lab-on-chip systems generate insights with spatio-temporal resolution, which are inaccessible with conventional tools. This review reports recent developments and applications of microfluidic single-cell cultivation technology, highlighting fields of broad interest such as growth, gene expression and antibiotic resistance and susceptibility. Combining advanced microfluidic single-cell cultivation technology for environmental control with automated time-lapse imaging as well as smart computational image analysis offers tremendous potential for novel investigation at the single-cell level. We propose on-chip control of parameters like temperature, gas supply, pressure or a change in cultivation mode providing a versatile technology platform to mimic more complex and natural habitats. Digital analysis of the acquired images is a requirement for the extraction of biological knowledge and statistically reliable results demand for robust and automated solutions. Focusing on microbial cultivations, we compare prominent software systems that emerged during the last decade, discussing their applicability, opportunities and limitations. Next-generation microfluidic devices with a high degree of environmental control combined with time-lapse imaging and automated image analysis will be highly inspiring and beneficial for fruitful interdisciplinary cooperation between microbiologists and microfluidic engineers and image analysts in the field of microbial single-cell analysi