12 research outputs found
Unbiased Rare Event Sampling in Spatial Stochastic Systems Biology Models Using a Weighted Ensemble of Trajectories
<div><p>The long-term goal of connecting scales in biological simulation can be facilitated by scale-agnostic methods. We demonstrate that the weighted ensemble (WE) strategy, initially developed for molecular simulations, applies effectively to spatially resolved cell-scale simulations. The WE approach runs an ensemble of parallel trajectories with assigned weights and uses a statistical resampling strategy of replicating and pruning trajectories to focus computational effort on difficult-to-sample regions. The method can also generate unbiased estimates of non-equilibrium and equilibrium observables, sometimes with significantly less aggregate computing time than would be possible using standard parallelization. Here, we use WE to orchestrate particle-based kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, which include spatial geometry (e.g., of organelles, plasma membrane) and biochemical interactions among mobile molecular species. We study a series of models exhibiting spatial, temporal and biochemical complexity and show that although WE has important limitations, it can achieve performance significantly exceeding standard parallel simulation—by orders of magnitude for some observables.</p></div
Steady-state estimate of time to produce five P2.
<p>The last event in the complex signaling network of <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004611#pcbi.1004611.g006" target="_blank">Fig 6</a> is the production of P2. Using a steady-state approach, weighted ensemble is able to estimate the mean time to producing 5 molecules of P2 as approximately 5,000 seconds. The graph shows the probability flux arriving at the target state (left axis) in each iteration (points), and a running average of that flux computed from the most recent 50% of the data (lines). The mean time to reach the target state (right axis) is obtained via the Hill relation (<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004611#pcbi.1004611.e001" target="_blank">Eq 1</a>), as the inverse of the steady-state flux. Note that during most iterations, zero weight reaches the target state, as evidenced by the nearly continuous band of points at the bottom of the figure. The running average of the flux is dominated by these uneventful iterations, and hence is less than the nonzero instantaneous values.</p
Schematic of the model of an active zone of a frog neuromuscular junction.
<p>On the left is an example snapshot from a simulation, and on the right is a zoomed-in view of the model. Calcium is released into the presynaptic space and is free to diffuse around the geometry and bind to the synaptic vesicles at the bottom of the active zone.</p
Verification of empirical fusion rate law extended to low calcium regime.
<p>The probability for the model to release a synaptic vesicle in the simulation window is plotted vs. the calcium concentration in the simulation. Weighted ensemble is able to efficiently estimate these probabilities in the low calcium regime (0.5 mM and below). WE data points and the power-law fit are shown with 1-<i>σ</i> confidence intervals.</p
Weighted ensemble algorithm.
<p>One initial trajectory is iteratively resampled until its progeny trajectories are distributed equally around the state-space, according to user-defined bins. Excess trajectories are pruned if necessary. This process is statistically exact if the probabilistic weight of each trajectory is properly accounted for in the resampling (splitting/merging) process. In between splitting and merging events, each trajectory follows the natural dynamics of the system, and splitting events occur when a trajectory naturally wanders into an underpopulated region of space. Reprinted with permission from <i>Efficient stochastic simulation of chemical kinetics networks using a weighted ensemble of trajectories, The Journal of Chemical Physics 139: 115105</i>.</p
Distribution of sampling power.
<p>Brute-force sampling, by definition, concentrates sampling power on the most probable events. By contrast, weighted ensemble samples a distribution more evenly, and compared to brute-force it applies more resources to hard-to-sample regions of interest.</p
Signal transduction network.
<p>This rule-based model is translated into a system of chemical kinetics reactions by BioNetGen, and then simulated in a spatially realistic geometry by MCell. Figure adapted from [<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004611#pcbi.1004611.ref061" target="_blank">61</a>]. Rate constants and further details are given in the SI.</p
Sampling rare states of the toy binding model.
<p>Shown is the probability distribution of the number of bound receptors on the target side of the cell after 10 milliseconds of simulation. The weighted ensemble data (blue circles) is plotted with brute-force data (red squares) generated using equal computational effort, i.e. 611 brute-force runs. Brute-force sampling is confined to the peak of the distribution, whereas weighted ensemble sampling captures more of the full probability distribution. To compare both approaches to an authoritative value, an exhaustive set of 64 large weighted ensemble simulations was performed (grey circles), from which a bootstrapped 95% confidence interval for the mean probability distribution was calculated (dark grey bars).</p
Enhanced sampling of the first fusion time distribution in the NMJ Model in low calcium conditions.
<p>Shown are measurements of the first fusion (i.e., first passage) time distribution for calcium concentrations of 0.5 mM (left), and 0.3 mM (right). In both plots, weighted ensemble estimate of the distribution of first fusion times for the NMJ model (blue), are compared to brute-force estimates (red) made using the same computational power as the weighted ensemble estimate. Points at the bottom of the plot indicate no fusion events in that time period. Single points with no error bars indicate only one sample, yielding no ability to estimate uncertainties. Brute-force sampling sees very few events, and gives a poor estimate of the shape of the distribution and yields poor confidence intervals (it is unable to exclude zero from any time point at one standard error). Weighted ensemble is able to capture the shape of the fusion time distribution, as well as providing good estimates in the uncertainty of the measured values.</p
Cellular geometry.
<p>Realistic cell geometry generated from microscopy images by CellOrganizer. The geometry explicitly models the compartmentalization of the cell, by forcing molecules to diffuse through membranes to transition from, for example, the cytoplasm (grey) to the nucleus (blue). Also modeled are endosomes (green), and the extracellular environment (transparent).</p