273 research outputs found

    Legitimizing global economic governance through transnational parliamentarization: The parliamentary dimensions of the WTO and the World Bank

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    This paper discusses the potential contribution of parliamentary institutions and networks to the democratization of global economic governance. It places the analysis in the context of the larger debate on the democratic deficit of international economic institutions, in particular the WTO. On a theoretical level, the paper distinguishes different notions of legitimacy and democracy in order to identify which aspects of democratic legitimacy of global economic governance can be addressed through transnational parliamentarization. It is argued that national parliaments must react to the emergence of global economic governance in a multi-level system through new forms of transnational parliamentarization. In its empirical part, the paper assesses the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO (PCWTO) and the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank (PNoWB) as two examples of such transnational parliamentarization. Drawing on the theory of deliberative democracy the paper argues that the contribution of these settings to democratic global governance should not be measured on the basis of their formal decision-making power but with regard to their role as fora for transnational discourses and on their potential to empower national parliamentarians. -- Das Arbeitspapier untersucht den potentiellen Beitrag von parlamentarischen Institutionen und Netzwerken zur Demokratisierung des internationalen Wirtschaftssystems. Es stellt die Analyse in den Kontext der allgemeinen Debatte über das Demokratiedefizit der globalen Wirtschaftsinstitutionen, insbesondere der WTO. Auf theoretischer Ebene unterscheidet das Arbeitspapier verschiedene Konzeptionen von Legitimität und Demokratie, um herauszufiltern, welche Anforderungen demokratischer Legitimität durch Prozesse der transnationalen Parlamentarisierung erfüllt werden können. Das Arbeitspapier argumentiert, dass nationale Parlamente auf die Emergenz globaler Wirtschaftsinstitutionen im Mehrebenensystem durch neue Formen der transnationalen Parlamentarisierung reagieren müssen. In seinem empirischen Teil bewertet das Arbeitspapier die Parlamentarische Konferenz zur WTO (Parliamentary Conference on the WTO, PCWTO) und das Parlamentarische Netzwerk zur Weltbank (Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, PNoWB) als zwei Beispiele einer derartigen transnationalen Parlamentarisierung. Unter Rückgriff auf die Theorie der deliberativen Demokratie wird argumentiert, dass der Beitrag dieser Einrichtungen zu demokratischer gobal governance nicht anhand ihrer formalen Entscheidungsbefugnisse gemessen werden sollte, sondern mit Blick auf ihre Rolle als Foren für transnationale Diskurse und ihr Potential nationale Parlamentarier zu stärken.

    Eine Art nachrichtentechnische Entschleunigung

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    Against the Power of Algorithms Closing, Literate Programming, and Source Code Critique

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    Current commentaries on digital change have emphasised the reality of our increasing exposure to the power of algorithms. My intervention examines this assertion with a media-historical approach that traces arguments raised in a legal case to the point of software inception. I show that the power of algorithm is based on the eminent cultural techniques of reading and writing. As an antidote to this power, I propose the concept of source code critique, which draws upon historiography and so-called ‘literate programming’, and which could help to introduce transparency into an algorithm\u27s opaque agency

    The Structure of (Information) Infrastructure: Origins, History, and Theory of the Flow Chart

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    Neither Neutral nor Party to the Conflict?

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    The State Duty to Protect against Human Rights Violations through Transnational Business Activities

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    Transnational corporations are currently not formally bound by international human rights obligations. Instead, states have a duty to protect individuals against human rights abuses by third parties, including corporations. While it is undisputed that this obligation extends to all individuals living on the territory of the respective state, the extraterritorial scope of the duty to protect remains contested. This is especially the case for human rights violations through transnational business activities. The state on whose territory the violation occurs has a duty to protect human rights by adopting and implementing labour and environmental laws applicable in that state. However, it is less clear if and to what extent the state of the main seat of the mother company or the global ordering company — the ‘home state’ — also has a human rights duty to regulate transnational business activity. This article argues that such a duty can be based on existing human rights doctrine and standards of general international law such as the ‘no harm’ rule and the due diligence principle. It argues that states have a duty to regulate transnational business activities of corporations over which they exercise jurisdiction if human rights violations caused by such activities are predictable and preventable. In its final part, the article assesses various approaches in state practice which could be seen as instruments in the fulfilment of the duty to regulate transnational business activities

    Dancing with the Dragon

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    Little Helpers. About Demons, Angels and Other Servants

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    In politics as in history, masters accomplish great things, but often, lowly beings such as servants perform those tasks. At times, they subvert them. In science, servant-beings are frequently described as demons and angels. Who are these effective agents? This essay traces parts of the large historical network of persons and places in which ‘little helpers’ service their master’s will. It looks at instances were masters try to exorcise the servant-demons who instead of helping them, disturb their plans. By uncovering fragments of this often hidden network, we explore the strange relationship between masters and servants, and the role of earthly and heavenly agents in science.History of Scienc

    Der Nomos der Blume. Ãœber den telegraphierten Blumengruss

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