4 research outputs found


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    The essence of monetary policy consists of the introduction of innovative techniques into the system via economic debate. There is a period of incorporation or absorption of ideas, as well as, a period of readjustment. This paper reviews the key economic models that govern modern monetary policy; these constitute the decision making criteria for the Federal Reserve System. This paper reviews the creation of the Federal Reserve System as well as its operating procedures and how it implements monetary policy. We gain factual knowledge of monetary economic models such as the new Keynesian model and we discuss the importance of the Taylor rule. Furthermore, the paper reviewed how the United States economy was affected by variations in monetary policy and how the Federal Reserve adapted to the fluctuation in the economy

    Big Data Analytics. Analyse der prädiktiven Fähigkeit von Twitter-Sentiments auf die Entwicklung des Börsenkurses von Technologieunternehmen

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    Die Datenmengen vervielfachen sich in der heutigen Zeit konstant, was zum Begriff Big Data geführt hat. Durch diese Datenmengen entsteht ein neues Potenzial, Fragen zu beantworten. Eine dieser Fragestellungen, welche mithilfe von Big Data untersucht werden kann, ist, inwiefern die Social-Media-Daten die Veränderung von Börsenkursen voraussagen können. Diese Studie untersucht die prädiktive Fähigkeit von Twitter-Nachrichten im Zusammenhang mit einem Technologieunternehmen und dessen Börsenkurs anhand von zwei Anwendungsfällen. Konkret wird anhand der Twitter-Nachrichten mithilfe einer Sentimentanalyse die Stimmung der Twitter-Nutzer mit den Veränderungen des Börsenkurses verglichen. Diese Analyse wird anhand der Technologieunternehmen Facebook und Amazon vorgenommen. In einem ersten Schritt wird untersucht, ob eine Beziehung zwischen den Twitter-Sentiments und dem Börsenkurs besteht. In einem zweiten Schritt, ob die Twitter-Sentiments eine Voraussagekraft für die Veränderung des Börsenkurses haben. Die Auswertung zeigt bei beiden Unternehmen eine positive Korrelation der Twitter-Sentiments und des Börsenkurses auf. Weiter konnte mithilfe der Granger-Analyse eine signifikante Voraussagekraft der Twitter-Sentiments für die Börsenkurse beider Unternehmen ermittelt werden. Die Twitter-Sentiments können die Börsenkurse 13 h voraussagen

    An Empirical Approach to Social Networks

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    Social networks tend to shape our views about the world. Our study conducts an empirical analysis of social network dynamics using Twitter data. We ask whether social networks influence voting decisions, and determine whether or not people make consistent choices based on their tweets or what they believe. We collect Twitter data on a daily basis, with dynamic social network measurements before, during, and after the 2012 Presidential election. We identify how people should believe based on their ideological profiles. We use lexicographical analysis to check if ideological key words are present in a user\u27s tweets, and if the overall sentiment on this issue is positive or negative. We utilize this data to determine how people should have chosen an outcome which may conflict with an individual\u27s observed declaration of political ideology. We are able to determine what percentage of the population made a consistent choices based on their Tweets during the 2012 presidential election. Additionally, we examine the social network structure in Twitter and how it affects voting. We illustrate that an individual\u27s political ideology is influenced by others in their network.\\ Consumer confidence is an economic indicator which measures the degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy as well as their personal financial situation. We will show that consumer sentiment can be measured via analysis of social networks. Specifically, we perform a lexicographic analysis of Twitter data over a three month period. After careful analysis, we find that not only does talk intensity of economic issues cause shifts in the daily stock market prices but has a significant negative affect.\\ The study of religion has enjoyed distinction and legitimacy within sociology, psychology, anthropology, and political science for many years. This paper concerns the extent to which economic opinion is embedded in structure of religious social relations. We hope to enhance the empirical study of homophily and the economics of behavior by showing how beliefs, norms, and values are affected by religion and, by extension, morals, and culture. We utilize a technique called cluster analysis to determine homophilic ties within a single attribute, religiosity. We see that religion affects economic attitudes and activities of individuals, groups, and societies. Further, religion influences how behavior and institutions are affected by social relations and in our case homophily. This influence is one of the classic questions of social theory